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Addiction and Recovery
- 10 Behavioral Health Trends for 2025
- Dutchess County’s Stabilization Center Among New York’s First Licensed Supportive Crisis Stabilization Centers
- The Overlap of Substance Use Disorders and Suicide: Key Insights and Intervention Strategies
- Commentary: Break Down Walls Between Services for Mental Health, Addiction
- Meth is Still Ravaging the LGBTQ+ Community, We Must Address the Crisis
- Breaking Down Barriers to Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment Through Digital Innovation
- Technology is Always Evolving – So Should Our Approach to Youth Mental Health
- Smart and Ethical Recovery: AI in Addiction Treatment
- How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Combat Addiction
- The Importance of Real-Time Data in Tailored Patient Treatment and Integrating Traditional Wellness Practices in Modern Substance Abuse Therapy
- Biden-Harris Administration Announces Historic Investment to Integrate Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment into Primary Care
- Prevention Across the Lifespan: Substance Use Education and Screening Services for Older Adults
- Federal Study Examines Care Following Nonfatal Overdose Among Medicare Beneficiaries; Identifies Effective Interventions and Gaps in Care
- More Than 321,000 US Children Lost a Parent to Drug Overdose From 2011 to 2021
- Stories of Stigma in the Healthcare System
- Can Medical Cannabis Treat Chronic Pain?
- Only 1 in 5 U.S. Adults With Opioid Use Disorder Received Medications to Treat It in 2021
- Marijuana and Hallucinogen Use, Binge Drinking Reached Historic Highs Among Adults 35 to 50
- Higher Buprenorphine Doses Associated With Improved Retention in Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
- Telehealth Supports Retention in Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
- Men Died of Overdose at 2-3 Times Greater a Rate Than Women in the U.S. In 2020-2021
- Only 1 in 4 Adolescent Treatment Facilities Offer Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder
- Prenatal Cannabis Exposure Associated With Mental Disorders in Children That Persist Into Early Adolescence
- Increased Use of Telehealth for OUD Services During COVID-19 Pandemic Associated With Reduced Risk of Overdose
- Buprenorphine Initiation in the ER Found Safe and Effective for Individuals With Opioid Use Disorder Who Use Fentanyl
- Creating Sustainable Homes for Prevention Services
- Overdose Deaths Involving Buprenorphine Did Not Proportionally Increase With New Flexibilities in Prescribing
- School Prevalence of Stimulant Therapy for ADHD Associated With Higher Rates of Prescription Stimulant Misuse Among Teens
- Time to Start Talking About Pre-Addiction
- Research to Address the Real-Life Challenges of Opioid Crisis
- NIH Research Matters – Telehealth Improves Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
- SAMHSA Proposes Update to Federal Rules to Expand Access to Opioid Use Disorder Treatment and Help Close Gap in Care
- Biden-Harris Administration Awards More Than $1.6 Billion in Funds for Communities Addressing Addiction and Overdose Crises
- Game-Changers: Expanding Access to Substance Use Disorder Treatment in 2024
- Peer Support Workforce Shortages Anticipated: What You Can Do
- Working Works: Considerations and Resources for Navigating Employment in the Recovery Journey
- A State Agency’s Role in Supporting Housing and Employment within Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery
- Safe, Stable Housing and Employment Are Key Social Determinants of Health, and Critical for Recovery!
- Expanding Permanent Supportive Housing is Essential to Robust Social Safety Net
- The Impact of Housing on Mental Health Issues and Substance Misuse
- The Integrated Role of Housing and Employment in Recovery
- Spotlight on Janian Medical Care
- Preparing Youth with Behavioral Health Needs to Enter the Workforce: A Pathway to Housing
- Addressing Social Determinants of Health Among Individuals Experiencing Homelessness
- Redefining Supported and Transitional Employment as Key Tools for Recovery
- Consumer Perspectives: The Synergy of Housing and Employment Services in Mental Healthcare
- Assisting Individuals with Employment at WJCS Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics
- Recovery Reimagined: Integrating Housing and Employment Support
- The Road to Recovery Through Housing and Employment
- Lived Experience as a Professional Pathway
- Safe at Last: Safe Options Support (SOS) Offers Options to Support the Homeless
- Supporting Recovery Together: The Impact of Family Involvement on Housing and Employment Outcome
- Expanding Affordable Housing and Jobs Programs as Strategies for Addressing the Mental Health and Overdose Crises
- Supportive Housing Workers are Burnt-Out, Overworked, and in Dire Need of Support
- Critical Questions for the Development of Housing that Supports Recovery
- Recovery: An Ongoing Process, Not a Destination
- Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence: An Interview with Mary Brewster, Associate Commissioner for Harm Reduction at the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS)
- New Tool Deployed to Help Veterans: Supported Recovery Training and Certification
- An Epidemic Rages On: “Treatment” Is Not Enough
- Consequences of Blissful Ignorance: Marijuana’s Health Risks
- When Happy Hour Isn’t Always So Happy: One Clinician’s Point of View
- Addressing Nicotine Dependence in Patients with Mental Health Concerns and/or Substance Use Disorders
- Empowering Recovery: How Technology Supports Those with Substance Use Disorders
- The Critical Role of Peer Support Programs to Sustained Substance Use Disorder Recovery
- Caring for Yourself: Learning to Live with a Substance Use Disorder
- Focus on Addiction Psychiatry: An Interview with Petros Levounis, MD, President of the American Psychiatric Association (APA)
- Substance Use Disorders: Frequency and Treatment for People with Serious Mental Illness
- Reducing Stigma Through Harm Reduction Interventions
- Early Mental Health Screening and Intervention Could Halt Addiction Epidemic
- Using the Partnership to End Addiction’s Online Risk Assessment Tool to Assess and Combat Children’s Risk of Developing Addiction
- A Family’s Recovery Journey, An Interview with Jorge R. Petit, MD
- What Can Families Expect After Drug Rehab?
- NY State Department of Health Warns the Public in Central New York About Alarming Increase In Opioid Overdoses
- Percentage of Overdose Deaths Involving Methadone Declined Between January 2019 and August 2021
- Marijuana and Hallucinogen Use Among Young Adults Reached All-Time High in 2021
- Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence: An Interview with Johana Lizarraga, Program Coordinator with Outreach
- Drug Use Severity in Adolescence Affects Substance Use Disorder Risk in Adulthood
- Mental Health Is Essential to Stability
- Today’s Treatment Models Use All the Tools in the Toolbox
- To End the Drug Crisis, Bring Addiction Out of the Shadows
- NIH Research Matters – Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Jail Reduces Risk of Return
- Offering Buprenorphine Medication to People with Opioid Use Disorder in Jail May Reduce Rearrest and Reconviction
- Navigating the Road to Recovery: An Art and a Science
- Recovery and Inclusion: A Viewpoint in Retrospect
- How Peers Contribute to Treatment and Recovery on CBC’s Pathway Home™ Care Transition Team
- Building Community Resilience: Prevention and Recovery Services Working Together
- NYS Governor Hochul Announces $9.5 Million in Federal Funding to Support the Delivery of Addiction Prevention Services
- Information and Answers for People Who Use Drugs or Have Substance Use Disorder During COVID-19
- Fentanyl Test Strips as a Form of Harm Reduction: Study Outcomes
- The Impacts of Problem Gambling
- Wraparound and Wellness: A Catalyst for Recovery
- Taking Care into the Streets to Reduce Harm and Save Lives: The Vital Role of Needle Exchange and Harm Reduction Services within the Healthcare Delivery System
- Peers as an Effective Strategy for Engaging Individuals with Addictions in Recovery
- CBHS IPA and CBC IPA Joint Initiatives to Increase Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)
- Today’s Opioid Addiction and Overdose Epidemic: How We Can Make a Difference
- Adding Recovery Professionals to the Continuum of Care
- Strengthening the Addiction Workforce and Beyond
- Seniors and Substance Use
- A Geriatric Substance Abuse Recovery Program
- Substance Misuse in Older Adults
- The Changing Landscape of Children’s Behavioral Health in New York: Opportunities for Addiction Services
- System Transformation: What Does the Future Hold?
- Substance Use Disorder Measures and Preparing for Value-Based Purchasing
- A Performance Driven System of Care at NYS’s OASAS
- Why Not Harm Reduction for Problem Gambling?
- Compassionate Care for Substance Users in Traditional Settings
- Striving for Compassionate Recovery-Oriented Substance Use Care
- Let’s Strengthen Sober Housing Resources
- Maintaining Recovery as a Central Focus of Substance Use Disorder Services
- Maintaining a Focus on Recovery for People Within the Supported Housing System
- Coming to Grips with Substance Use Issues Among Employees’ Young Adult Dependents
- 10 Percent of US Adults Have Drug Use Disorder at Some Point
- Getting Help: What Are Your Rights in the Workplace if You Are Battling Addiction
- Creating Innovative Programs for Young Adults in Treatment
- Living with Addiction: The Role of the Family
- Seven Steps to Fix the Opioid Addiction Crisis Now: We Already Have Most of the Tools We Need
- One Runner at a Time: We Are Slowly Eroding the Stigma of Addiction
- Realizing My Purpose
- Bullied by Addiction
- SBIRT: Stopping Addiction Before It Starts
- Addiction 2.0
- Embracing Harm Reduction
- Brief Overview of Treatment and Prevention of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness
- Food Addiction: Chemical Dependency’s Twin
- A Word or Two on Setting Boundaries
- Mental Health and Addiction Recovery: A Comparison
- Building a Recovery Toolbox
- The Role of Intimacy on the Road to Recovery
- Mental Health and Matchmaking: How Stigma Affects South Asian Marriage Prospects
- Black Women and Suicide: The Silent Crisis and Its Aftermath on Families
- Behavioral Health Equity: Responding to the Needs of Our Nation’s Veterans
- Elder Abuse and Mental Health: Victims, Perpetrators, and Potential for Change
- 75 Years: AHRC New York City to Celebrate Milestone Anniversary on May 13th, 2024
- New York Health Equity Reform: A Transformative Shift in New York’s Medicaid Landscape
- Guide to Equity Terminology: Promoting Behavioral Health Equity through the Words We Use
- Peer Support Workforce Shortages Anticipated: What You Can Do
- Safe, Stable Housing and Employment Are Key Social Determinants of Health, and Critical for Recovery!
- Redefining Supported and Transitional Employment as Key Tools for Recovery
- Stand Up for Mental Health: Comedy that Gets Respect!
- Mental Health Parity in New York – How It Started, How It’s Going
- Mental Health Advocacy With and Without Advanced Technology
- Behavioral Health Care: How Far We’ve Come in 15 Years
- Mental Health Parity and Its Impact on the Behavioral Health Workforce
- New Mental Health Parity Laws in New York State
- NYAPRS Regional Forum Held at CoveCare Center
- Helping, Engaging, and Linking to Health Interventions (HEALTHi)
- Project Access: An Investigation of Access to Quality Mental Health and Addictions Care
- A Human Right Still Unmet: Medical Treatment of Mentally Ill Prisoners
- Transforming Behavioral Health Systems of Care to Improve Outcomes and Promote Value
- Driving System Success During Times of Change
- Beacon’s Unique Staffing to Facilitate System Reform in New York State
- Grassroots Advocacy: Addiction Recovery Support in New York State
- Consumer Perspectives on Change: for Better or for Worse
- Fight Against Threats to Behavioral Heath Funding
- The NYSPA Report: Taking Stock and Taking Leave
- The Presidential Election: Time for Behavioral Health Advocates to Speak Out
- Becoming a Millennial Nonprofit
- Adapting to System Reform
- NYSPA Report: Raise the Age of Jurisdiction
- Make a 2016 Resolution to Talk About Mental Illness: Your Story Could Change a Life
- The NYSPA Parity Enforcement Project: New Tools for Patients and Providers in The Fight Against Parity
- Point of View: Improving American Mental Health Policy
- Towards Seamless Integration: Advocating for Reform
- Drinking for Two: Why We Need to Prevent Alcohol Use During Pregnancy
- Suffering from Mental Illness in the Orthodox Jewish Community
- Peer Training and Empowerment at the Howie the Harp Advocacy Center: Keeping Pace with a Bigger, Stronger Peer Movement
- Making Recovery More Than Just a Word
- How Can We Fight the Prejudice and Discrimination of Psychiatric Labels?
- Murders and Mental Health Advocacy: Opportunity or Temptation to Resist?
- Can New York State Healthcare Reforms Advance Recovery?
- From the Publisher: Health Reform Must Not Jeopardize the People We Serve
- OMH’s Mental Health Services Restructuring: A Commentary
- Staying in Balance: Helping Nonprofits Manage Stress in an Uncertain Economy
- Supporting Transformation Towards Recovery-Based Services
- The Economics of Recovery: The Making of a Consumer Advocate
- Mental Illness: Myths and Facts
- Improving Access to Health Care for Mental Health Consumers
- From the Publisher – The Mental Health Repercussions of the Current Economy and the Interrelationship Between Physical and Mental Health
Aging Adults
- Addressing Suicidality in Older Adults: A Community-Based Approach
- Supporting Socially Isolated Seniors
- Enhancing Geriatric Behavioral Health: Best-Practices and Technology-Assisted Care Solutions
- Treatment Services for Older Adults with Substance Use Disorders
- How to Approach Treating Older Adults with Complex Mental and Physical Care Needs
- Caring for Older Adults With Depression
- Addressing Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults
- Behavioral Healthcare for Older Adults: It’s All About Resiliency
- Supporting Seniors: Challenges and Solutions for Tomorrow
- Total Wellness at Urban Pathways: Focusing on the Needs of Older Adults
- Meeting the Behavioral Health Needs of Today’s Older Adults: Considerations for Innovation
- Nursing Home Initiated Discharges of Residents a Critical Issue for Patients with Mental Health Disorders
- Supporting Changing Needs Through the End of Life for Adults with Disabilities in Residential Settings
- Overdose Safety in Older Adults: The Critical Role of Zero Overdose
- Prevention Across the Lifespan: Substance Use Education and Screening Services for Older Adults
- Innovative Delivery of Therapy for Older Adults with Depression
- Addressing the Unique Mental Health Challenges Brought on by Aging
- Addressing the Aging Crisis in New York’s Mental Health Housing
- Financial Insecurity in Geriatric Populations
- Elder Abuse and Mental Health: Victims, Perpetrators, and Potential for Change
- Complexities in Caring for Older Adults: Challenges and Opportunities for Improvement
- Fountain House’s Silver Center for Older Adults: It Takes a Village to “Live Long and Prosper” with Behavioral Health Challenges
- Aging Vision: How Social Workers Can Help Address Vision Loss
- Time to Confront the Challenges of an Aging America
- Community Mental Health Promotion and Support Team Helps Older Adults Thrive
- AI and Home Care: Navigating Challenges and Embracing Innovation to Meet Growing Needs
- Technology Enhanced Care for Geriatric Behavioral Health
- Federal Study Examines Care Following Nonfatal Overdose Among Medicare Beneficiaries; Identifies Effective Interventions and Gaps in Care
- Aging, Pain, and Behavioral Health Challenges – Untangling the Threads
- Working Toward Employment: A Journey of Growth and Support
- Older Adults and Substance Misuse: Hiding in Plain Sight
- When Stigma is the Greatest Barrier: Strategies to Connect Older Adults to Treatment
- Exploring the Use of Virtual Reality in Alleviating Loneliness Among Older Adults
- Healthy Aging: For Older Adults, The Pandemic is Far from Over
- How the Pandemic Turned Behavioral Healthcare for Older Adults on Its Head
- How Senior Centers Combat Isolation
- Flushing Hospital Medical Center: Leveraging the Geriatric Service Demonstration Program to Sustain Integrated Care for Patients
- The NYSPA Report: Mental Health and the Geriatric Population
- Caring for the Caregiver
- Leading the Way in Older Adult Mental Health: Recommendations for New York State
- Approaching the Tipping Point: It’s Time to Re-Think Mental Health Care for Older Americans
- The Mental Health Needs of Older Adults
- AGES (Assessing, Guiding, and Empowering Seniors): Supporting Seniors Aging in Place in Supportive Housing
- Caring for Older Adults
- Impact of Social Isolation Among Older Adults Living with a Mental Health Diagnosis
- Healthy Aging Requires More Than Health
- Reaching Out to Meet the Mental Health Needs of the Aging
- Aging with I/DD as a Paradigm for the Aging Population at Large
- A Comprehensive Look at What’s Needed to Age in Place with Dignity
- What Do Age and Disability Mean in Our Culture
- Collaborations Make Aging in Place a Reality for People Living with Mental Illness
- Aging Through a Strengths-Based Lens: Dreaming Big, Living Longer
- Responding to the Mental Health Needs of the Aging
- Social Isolation: A Solution-Focused Approach
- Deaths of Despair: Social Research Suggests Troubling Trends for the Next Generation of Older Adults
- Mental Illness and Homeless Baby-Boomers: What Can Be Done?
- We Must Advocate for Older Adults with Behavioral Health Conditions
- When the Therapist Comes to You: A Model Home Visiting Program for Seniors
- Elder Abuse: A Challenge to the Mental Health System
- A Behavioral Health Workforce for An Aging America
- The Best We Can Do
- The NYSPA Report: The Mentally Ill Elderly in Prison: A Behavioral Health Crisis
- Behavioral Health of Older Adults: Addressing Cultural Issues and Implementing Integrated Care
- Aging, Mental Illness and the Years Ahead: A Consumer’s Perspective
- ElderCare Services Address “Hidden Epidemic” of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Older Americans
- Elder Abuse: A Commitment to Awareness and Prevention
- Integrating Mental and Physical Health for a Geriatric Population
- iCBT – Easing Integration of Behavioral and Primary Care
- Friendship is Good Medicine at Compeer
- Acquiring Financial Skills for Career Advancement
- Whole Health Peer Support: Improving Health Disparity Among Individuals with Serious Mental Health Challenges and/or Addictions
- For Older Adults the Future is Now: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Issues Among Older Adults
- Promoting Wellness and Preventing Substance Use Disorders in Older Adults
- Older Adults and Psychiatric Rehabilitation
- Psychological Considerations of Injury Management in Older Adults
- Substance Abuse and Misuse in Older Adults
- Not-So-Grand Parenting
- With Older Adults, The Work Continues
- Integrated Treatment for Successful Aging
- Integrating Health and Behavioral Health Services: A Personal Perspective on One Agency’s Experience
- Point of View – Elder Suicide: A Public Health Challenge of the Elder Boom
- Point of View: Address the Mental Health Needs of People with Dementia and Their Caregivers
- Taking Stock: Mental Health in the Workplace
- How Will Health Care Reform Affect Older Adults with Mental Health Problems?
- From the Publisher: Reflections on My Father’s Golden Years
- Barriers to Accessing Mental Health Care for Older Persons with Depression
- Mental Health in The Elderly: Boomers Coming of Age
- I’m Still Here: Engagement as Treatment for Dementia
- Older Adults: The Hidden “Sandwich” Generation
- Older Consumers and the PROS Model: A Growing Challenge
- Point of View – Generational Competence: A Conceptual Framework for Aging in America
- Planning Ahead for Difficult Health Care Decisions
- Aging with Optimism in FEGS Behavioral Health Residential Programs
- Geriatric Mental Health in New York State: A Reflection on Progress and Future Directions
- Senior Peers Provide Companionship to Homebound: New York City Program Addresses Social Isolation in Older Adults
- Study Ties Blood Protein to Alzheimer’s Brain Abnormalities
- The Medical Care and Psychosocial Needs of Older Adults
- The Growing Problem of Drug and Alcohol Use in Older Adults
- The Emotional Needs of Older Adults from the Former Soviet Union
- Support for Older Adult Peers
- Serving the Mental Health Needs of Homebound Older Adults
- Principles for Promoting Inter-Group Relations Among Adolescents Through Group Work
- Point of View – Paranoia Is a Barrier to Aging in the Community
- Preparing Communities for The Elder Boom: Mental Health Matters
- The Holidays Are Coming: How to Handle Disagreements
- Anxiety and Psychosomatic Symptoms in Schools
- What is Imposter Phenomenon and How Can it Result in Anxiety and Depression?
- What OCD is and What it Isn’t: Demystifying Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- 10 Tips to Ease COVID “Re-Entry Anxiety”
- Identifying and Managing Anxiety and Worry In Children and Adolescents
- Addressing the Growing Problem of School Refusal
- Parenting: Diagnosing and Treating Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety
- PTSD, Anxiety, and Disordered Attachment
- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Helps Clients Cope with Anxiety Disorders
- An Interview with Ann Marie Albano, PhD, ABPP, Director of the Columbia University Clinic for Anxiety and Related Disorders
- A Look into the World of Anxiety Disorders
- Panic and Anxiety Disorder: One Person’s Journey
- From the Publisher – A Look into the World of Anxiety Disorders
- Anxiety: The Rust of Life
- An Interview with Helen Blair Simpson, MD, PhD, Director of the Anxiety Disorders Clinic at the NYS Psychiatric Institute
- OCD and Anxiety in Postpartum Mothers
- The Psychological Impact of the Economic Downturn
BHN Spotlight on Excellence Interviews
- Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence: An Interview with Jihoon Kim, CEO of InUnity Alliance
- Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence: An Interview with Mary Brewster, Associate Commissioner for Harm Reduction at the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS)
- Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence: An Interview with Mitchell Netburn, President & CEO of Samaritan Daytop Village
- Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence: An Interview with Johana Lizarraga, Program Coordinator with Outreach
- Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence – An Interview with Joseph Wilson, Peer Specialist with Services for the UnderServed
- Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence – An Interview with Carol Cassell and Nadeem Ramjan from Advanced Health Network & Recovery Health Solutions
- Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence – An Interview with Steve Miccio, CEO of People USA
Bipolar Disorder
- From Harm to Healing: How Family Dynamics Shape Hazing Recovery
- Navigating the Digital Minefield: Cyberbullying, Catfishing, and Vulnerability Among Neurodivergent Populations
- Gender Perspectives on Hazing: Understanding Mental Health Outcomes
- Beyond the Locker Room: Unmasking Hazing in the Military, Workplaces, and Sports Teams
- What Makes a Bully? Can Hazing Culture Temporarily Warp Someone’s Moral Compass?
- Under the Influence – How Hazing Drives Substance Use Among Students
- The Mental Health Impact of Hazing on Bystanders
- The Long-Term Psychological Effects of Hazing and How We Can Prevent Them
- Cyberbullying Studied at Four Winds
- The World of Bullying
- Supporting Changing Needs Through the End of Life for Adults with Disabilities in Residential Settings
- Elder Abuse and Mental Health: Victims, Perpetrators, and Potential for Change
- Giving Care to the Caregiver: Visiting Nurse Services in Westchester
- NAMI Westchester Family to Family Program Helps Caregivers
- Where Do I Fit In? Elderly Caregivers of Children
- Who Cares for the Caregiver? Responding to the Needs of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
- Addressing the Needs of Caregivers
- Parenting the Second Time Around
- Don’t Let Caregiving Make You Sick
- Family Caregivers of Children with Mental Health Needs
- Helping Caregivers Understand the Challenges of End-of-Life Decision Making for Those with Mental Retardation
- Me First? A Personal Account of Self Care
- Caring for The Caregiver: Becoming Fearless During Illness and Loss
- Peer-Led Support Helps Parents and Caregivers Cope with Mental Illness
- The Care Manager as Storyteller and Coach: Giving Voice to the Caregiver’s Reality and Opening Doors
- The Challenge of Caregiving: A Personal Story
- Addressing the Needs of Caregivers
- Being Your Own Caregiver When There Is Nobody Else
- Caregivers Plan for the Future with Federation of Organizations’ Financial Management Program
- Guardianships for Incapacitated Persons and The Limitations on a Guardian’s Ability to Consent to or Refuse Psychiatric Treatment
Child / Adolescent Support
- The Burden of Being the “Good Child”: How South Asian Kids Suppress Mental Health Struggles
- Schools and Suicide Prevention: A 3-Tiered Approach
- The Benefits of Robotics and AI for Children and Behavioral Health
- Understanding Teenage Self-Harm: Strategies for Prevention and Support
- Addressing the Adolescent Behavioral Health Crisis
- Understanding and Addressing Childhood Trauma
- Anxiety and Psychosomatic Symptoms in Schools
- Mental Health: Everyone Has It. Every Day. Breaking the Stigma with ICAN’s Innovative Campaign
- Adolescent Gambling: A Growing Concern
- Governor Hochul Launches Expansion of School-Based Mental Health Clinics to Combat Youth Mental Health Crisis
- Preparing Youth with Behavioral Health Needs to Enter the Workforce: A Pathway to Housing
- Suicide in Adolescents: Warning Signs, Risk Factors, and What Parents Can Do to Support Their Teens
- Using the Partnership to End Addiction’s Online Risk Assessment Tool to Assess and Combat Children’s Risk of Developing Addiction
- The Adolescent Therapeutic Community: An Integrated Model of Care
- Pediatric Behavioral Health Urgent Care: An Innovative Model of Care for Children and Adolescents
- Early Childhood Mental Health Clinic: Unmasking Social-Emotional Needs in Young Children
- The Integration of Treatment and Recovery: Special Considerations for Working with Children
- Context Counts in Caring for Chemically Dependent Kids and Families
- Consumer Perspectives: Advocates, Supporters, Parents
- Building Workforce Capacity to Support the Mental Health Needs of Young Children and Their Families
- System Change and Service Providers: Opportunities and Challenges in Addressing Unmet Needs
- The Children’s Psychiatric Symptom Rating Scale (CPSRS)
- To Improve Adolescent Mental Health, We May Need to Address Adverse World Events
- Collaborating to Improve Children’s Health Care: The Time is Now
- Changes in Our Children’s System of Care
- Essentials for Working with Teenagers in Groups
- The NYSPA Report: Spotlight on OnTrackNY – New York’s First-Episode Psychosis Early Intervention Program
- Transformations at MHA Westchester: Children’s Services
- Meeting the Needs of Youth in Transition: Recommendations for Systems Reform
- Community Capacity: Can We Deliver Better Treatment for Children and Families?
- The Step-Up Intervention Program: A Positive Youth Development Approach to Support Youth Experiencing Housing Instability and Homelessness
- Innovation and Efficacy Modeled at ANDRUS: Meeting a Vulnerable Population Using a Sensory and Body Regulation Approach
- Animal Assisted Therapy for Vulnerable Youth
- Transforming NJ’s System of Care Through Collaborative Efforts
- “Children’s System of Care” in Westchester County, New York
- Circle of Security Parenting Program: A Wise Early Intervention Investment to Promote Healthy Futures
- Early Identification of Childhood Disorders in Primary Care
- Helping Kids Make Real Progress: A Systems Approach
- Improving Children’s Health by Focusing on Value
- It Takes a Village
- Partnerships Provide Effective Alternatives to Unnecessary Inpatient Care for Children and Youth
- SIMHS Early Intervention Program Fills Gaps in Services for Staten Island Youth Battling Trauma-Related Substance Use/Abuse
- Supporting Youths in Their Recovery Journey to Adulthood
- Youth in Transition
- Re-Visioning Residential Treatment Facilities in a Managed Care World
- The NYSPA Report: Transforming Systems of Care for Children
- Integrating Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) into School Based Health Centers (SBHCs)
- The State of Children’s Mental Health and Associated Costs of a Fragmented System
- Hurricane Sandy Kids Need Substance Abuse Services
- Early Childhood Social-Emotional Development: Building Healthy Foundations for A Lifetime of Success
- Treating Youth with Sexual Aggression: Stopping Predators? Or Meeting Needs?
- Texting to Save Lives
- Practice Principles for Group Work with Children and Adolescents in the Aftermath of Disasters and Other Traumatic Events
- Antidepressant Medications for Children and Adolescents: Information for Parents and Caregivers
- Managing Your Fear of Side Effects
- Achieving Services Children Deserve
- Therapeutic Groups for Girls
- The NYSPA Report: Medication for Children and Adolescents
- Designing Integrated Services for Adolescents: One Agency’s Experience
- Shattering the Silence of Selective Mutism
- Kids Do Get Better: Values Driven Inpatient Care
- Engagement in the School Based Clinic Setting: Challenges and Opportunities
- Considering Culture in Child and Adolescent Care
- The Role of the Home Care Mental Health Nurse in Identifying, Accessing, and Treating Children and Adolescents Requiring Mental Health Services
- The Road to Independence: Addressing the Needs of Adolescents and Young Adults with a Serious Mental Illness
- A Clinic’s Initial Experiences Conducting Multiple Family Groups
- Point of View: Mental Health Needs in Kinship
- Risk Assessment and Its Importance for Children and Adolescents
- Residential Treatment Services as a Vital Part of the Continuum of Care for Children, Adolescents and Young Adults – An Interview with Harvey Newman, CEO of Wellspring Residential Treatment Facility
- Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents
- Obtaining Judicial Authorization to Medicate a Minor
- Evidence-Based Practices in a Community-Based Children’s Summer Therapeutic Program: 33 Days to a Better Level of Functioning
- Sustainability for Systems of Care
- Are Psychiatric Disorders Over-diagnosed in Children? Are Medicines Over-prescribed? 13 Myths & Facts
- Activities in Group Work with Children and Adolescents
- Helping Children Come to Terms with Sexual Abuse
- Principles of Group Work with Children and Youth Trauma Survivors
Co-Occurring Disorders
- Complexities in Caring for Older Adults: Challenges and Opportunities for Improvement
- Safe, Stable Housing and Employment Are Key Social Determinants of Health, and Critical for Recovery!
- Moving Toward Recovery After Discharge with the Ongoing Abstinence Recovery Schedule Program™
- Quality Integrated Care is Critical for the Recovery of Individuals with Mental Health and Substance Use Challenges
- Lessons Learned in Effectively Advancing Co-Occurring Competent Care
- The NYSPA Report: Overdose Prevention Centers Keep Our People Alive
- Early Mental Health Screening and Intervention Could Halt Addiction Epidemic
- The Sensory Comfort Cart: A Portable Resource to Assist in the Recovery of Patients with Co-Occurring Diagnoses
- Co-Occurring Conditions in Mild Autism Spectrum Disorder: Integrated Treatment Approaches
- Why Integrated Care for Co-Occurring Disorders Is So Important
- Understanding Co-Occurring Disorders
- The Evolving Health and Social Service Landscape: Promise for Persons with Co-Occurring Disorders
- Managing Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders
- Co-Occurring Disorders Among Social Workers
- Merger Fears
- Barriers to Service for Baby Boomers with Dual Diagnosis
- Integrating Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and Co-Occurring Disorder Treatment at Four Winds Hospital
- No More Flying Solo: Why Integration Works
- Internet Distance Learning Initiative Focuses on How to Treat Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
- The Arc of Eating Disorders: Co-Morbid Diagnoses Contained Within
- The Diabetes Co-Morbidity Initiative – The Institute for Community Living Responds to Health Crisis
- Addressing a Risky Business: The Interplay Between Medical and Psychiatric Disorders
- Suicide is NOT a Symptom
- When Outpatient Psychiatric Care Is Not Enough
- Confronting Seasonal Depression: The Critical Role of the 988 Lifeline, Community, and Support Systems During the Winter Months
- How My Suicide Attempts Made Me a Better Crisis Peer Specialist
- Collaborative Care in Primary Care: Using Data to Prevent Suicide
- Protecting Youth Mental Health: The Role of Families in Addressing Social Media’s Impact on Self-Harm and Suicide
- Black Women and Suicide: The Silent Crisis and Its Aftermath on Families
- The Holidays Are Coming: How to Handle Disagreements
- CDC Report: Why Schools Are Crucial for Youth Suicide Prevention
- No Judgment. Just Help: What You Can Do to Support Suicide Prevention Month Efforts
- Back to School: Mental Health Tips and Resources to Help Youth Thrive in – and out of – the Classroom
- Supporting Socially Isolated Seniors
- Caring for Older Adults With Depression
- Addressing Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults
- Innovative Delivery of Therapy for Older Adults with Depression
- Understanding Teenage Self-Harm: Strategies for Prevention and Support
- Aging Vision: How Social Workers Can Help Address Vision Loss
- Community Mental Health Promotion and Support Team Helps Older Adults Thrive
- Chronic Pain and Its Impacts: An Overview & Possible Management Options
- Analysis of Social Media Language Using AI Models Predicts Depression Severity for White Americans, but Not Black Americans
- What is Imposter Phenomenon and How Can it Result in Anxiety and Depression?
- Consumer Perspectives: Substance Use Treatment and Mental Health
- Depression Detection Has Never Been More Important: PHQ-9 Enables Clinicians and Patients to Track and Address Depression With Combined Physical and Emotion Symptoms Score
- Relief from Decades of Treatment-Resistant Depression Comes with Metabolite Replacement Therapy Trial
- Helping Moms and Kids
- Introducing Collaborative Care in the Workplace
- New, Work-focused Approach Helps Employees with Depression Do Better at Work and Feel Better, Too
- Scan Predicts Whether Therapy or Meds Will Best Lift Depression
- Symptoms of Depression and the Role of Traumatic Brain Injury
- Understanding and Treating Depression
- Many New York City Residents Helped by DOHMH’s Depression and Primary Care Initiatives
- Antidepressants: A Complicated Picture
- Cognitive Behavior Therapy: To Treat Depression in Individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome
- Depression and Primary Care
- Social Security Matters – Major Depression and Disability
- Preventing Depression in Teenagers
- Regarding Divorced People with Mental Illness and the Expression “Being on the Dole” – Two Issues that Warrant Our Attention
- His Battle with Depression Opened a Door to Helping Others – A Mental Health News Interview with Award-Winning Actor Joe “Joey Pants” Pantoliano
- Finding My Voice
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation More Effective for Depression in Those with Less Medication Resistance
- The Effects of Depression on Physical and Mental Health
Eating Disorders
- Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Treatment Options for Eating Disorders
- Understanding Eating Disorders in Gay Males
- Spotlight on Eating Disorders
- The Role of Inpatient Treatment in the Management of Individuals with Eating Disorders
- Eating Disorders: Early Warning Signs and Assessment
- How Do I Prevent My Child from Developing an Eating Disorder?
- Current Trends and Controversies in the Treatment of Eating Disorders
- Understanding and Treating Eating Disorders
- Understanding Eating Disorders: An Overview from the NIMH
- Creating a Team of Professionals to Manage the Patient with an Eating Disorder
- The Arc of Eating Disorders: Co-Morbid Diagnoses Contained Within
Education / School
- Schools and Suicide Prevention: A 3-Tiered Approach
- CDC Report: Why Schools Are Crucial for Youth Suicide Prevention
- The Long-Term Psychological Effects of Hazing and How We Can Prevent Them
- Anxiety and Psychosomatic Symptoms in Schools
- Guide to Equity Terminology: Promoting Behavioral Health Equity through the Words We Use
- NY State Governor Hochul Expands Access to Mental Health Care for 200,000 SUNY Students
- Addressing Stigma Among High School Students Using NAMI’s Ending the Silence
- Mental Health in Schools: Moving Stigma Out in the Open
- Resources to Address Mental Health and Resiliency in School Settings
- As Students Grapple with Leave of Absence Challenges, Manuals Aim to Offer a Better Way Forward
- From Our Recent Children’s Issue: An Innovative Solution for Family and Home Day Care
- To Help Transition Age Youth and Young Adults Succeed: Focus on Their Education
- Health Education Class in the Workplace
- Upgrading Skills in a Changing Mental Health Care Environment
- Health Care Reform: Empowering the Workforce Through Outcome Focused Education
- The Tradition of Excellence Continues at Wurzweiler School of Social Work
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
- Lee’s Traumatic Journey: A Therapeutic Story to Address Life-Threatening Behaviors with Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
- A Handshake that Inspired a Recovery: The History and Future of Mental Health News
- The ECT Controversy
- ECT For Depression: An ‘Old’ Treatment Gets Better
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation More Effective for Depression in Those with Less Medication Resistance
- Saving Lives At Work: How Employers Can Lead in Suicide Postvention As Prevention
- Biden-Harris Administration Launches National Behavioral Health Workforce Career Navigator
- Peer Support Workforce Shortages Anticipated: What You Can Do
- What is Old is New Again: Recognizing the Value of Housing and Employment in Recovery
- Working Works: Considerations and Resources for Navigating Employment in the Recovery Journey
- A State Agency’s Role in Supporting Housing and Employment within Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery
- Safe, Stable Housing and Employment Are Key Social Determinants of Health, and Critical for Recovery!
- Expanding Permanent Supportive Housing is Essential to Robust Social Safety Net
- The Impact of Housing on Mental Health Issues and Substance Misuse
- The Integrated Role of Housing and Employment in Recovery
- Preparing Youth with Behavioral Health Needs to Enter the Workforce: A Pathway to Housing
- Addressing Social Determinants of Health Among Individuals Experiencing Homelessness
- Finding the Perfect Fit with Peer Support: Navigating Employment with Mental Illness
- Redefining Supported and Transitional Employment as Key Tools for Recovery
- Consumer Perspectives: The Synergy of Housing and Employment Services in Mental Healthcare
- Assisting Individuals with Employment at WJCS Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics
- Working Toward Employment: A Journey of Growth and Support
- Recovery Reimagined: Integrating Housing and Employment Support
- The Road to Recovery Through Housing and Employment
- Lived Experience as a Professional Pathway
- Expanding Affordable Housing and Jobs Programs as Strategies for Addressing the Mental Health and Overdose Crises
- Supportive Housing Workers are Burnt-Out, Overworked, and in Dire Need of Support
- Organizational Strategies for Anti-Stigma Work Within Our Four Walls
- Addressing Clinician Burnout in a Community Mental Health Setting During the COVID Pandemic
- From the Desk of Dr. Max: The Impact of Employee Depression in the Workplace
- Employee Mental Health Benefits in the Private Sector: Workplace Programs and Hiring Policies
- The Detrimental Health Impact of Unemployment
- Peers in the Workforce: Reversing Misconceptions and Succeeding
- Employee Wellness: Meeting the Challenge of the Workplace
- Improving the American Mental Health System: The Importance of the Workplace
- Making Primary Health Issues a Part of Your Wellness Program
- Merging Missions: Building a Staff Wellness Program
- Psychological Flexibility in the Workplace: A Value-Driven Journey
- Tips for a Successful Employee Wellness Program
- Wellness in the Workplace
- Workplace Success for Individuals with Autism and Sensory Issues: The Critical Role of Wellness and Strategies for Success
- Workplace Wellness: Taking Care of Our Most Precious Resource – Our Employees
- A Bridge to Employment for Veterans
- Housing and Employment: Cornerstones of Self-Directed Recovery
- Housing and Employment: Key Components of Behavioral Health Reform
- Supportive Housing and Job Development Anchors Individual, Family, and Community Health
- Employment, Quality of Life and Recovery
- From A Home to A Career
- Housing and Employment, The Foundation for Recovery: Keeping the Focus in a Changing Environment
- Creating Culture Change: NYC Tackles Housing and Employment
- CPI’s Employment Resource Book – Designed to Help Consumers Achieve their Employment Goals
- Identifying Gaps in Employment and Vocational Supports
- The Keys to My Recovery: Stable Supportive Housing and Meaningful Employment
- Seven Tips for Teaching More Effective Job Skills
- A Rainbow of Opportunities
- Recovery and Employment Go Hand in Hand at Federation of Organizations
- The Economics of Recovery: Finding Your Voice
- What to Say When Your Friend is Fired
- A Journey to Employment
- New York City Program Helps Individuals Suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder Prepare for Employment
- The Burden of Being the “Good Child”: How South Asian Kids Suppress Mental Health Struggles
- Therapy is for “Other People”: Why Many South Asian Parents Dismiss Mental Health Support
- Assisting Grieving Families to Find Closure While Maintaining Compliance with HIPAA
- The Ripple Effect: Impact of Suicide on Family and Friends
- A Unique and Insidious Grief: Losing a Loved One to Suicide
- Addressing the Adolescent Behavioral Health Crisis
- Supporting Recovery Together: The Impact of Family Involvement on Housing and Employment Outcome
- Nurturing Healing Within Our Homes: Pathways to Treatment Within the Family
- An Overview of Family-Based Substance Use Therapy
- Helping Families Cope with Serious Mental Illness: Maternal vs Social Work Instincts
- The Impact of Stigmatizing Language from Family and Clinical Perspectives
- Ask Dr. Max: Family Life Cycle and Mental Illness Challenges
- Federation of Organizations: A Family Affair
- The Integral Role of Families in Promoting Mental Health and Managing Mental Illness
- Mental Health and Families: Working Together to Strengthen and Support Loved Ones
- The Lens of Loss: Perspectives of Family Members Following Suicide Loss
- From Blame to Burden and Beyond: Changing Perspectives on the Family and Behavioral Health
- Centering the Family: What It Means to Implement Family-Focused Practice (FFP) in Adult Mental Health Care
- Families and Suicide: How to Engage Your Child in Conversation
- Supporting Families in the Recovery Process
- The Behavioral Healthcare System’s Response to Families: A Legacy of Unfulfilled Promises
- You Don’t Have to Do this Alone: 988 Lifeline Offers Support for Loved Ones Concerned About Suicide
- A Family’s Recovery Journey, An Interview with Jorge R. Petit, MD
- The Behavioral Health Workforce Crisis and its Impact on Families
- What Can Families Expect After Drug Rehab?
- Family Matters: Designing for Empathy & Inclusion
- Supporting Families in Integrated Behavioral Health Care
- Family Mental Health: How Your Organization Programs and Services Are Helping
- The Challenges of Family Caregiving
- The Transformative Power of Families Helping Families
Girls and Women
- Black Women and Suicide: The Silent Crisis and Its Aftermath on Families
- Overdose Deaths Increased in Pregnant and Postpartum Women From Early 2018 to Late 2021
- Inequality in the Effects of Disaster Trauma in Women
- Trauma Assessment for Women Receiving Mental Health Services
- What Gets in the Way: Latinas Who Don’t Access or Stay in Treatment
- Women and Depression: Discovering Hope
- A Mother’s Challenge: Planning for the Transition of Decision-Making
- The Mom of a Mentally Ill Child Needs Understanding
- Our Patients Are Mothers Too
- Point of View – The Vulnerability of Women with Serious Mental Illness: Time for Action
- Maternal Depression and Children’s Behavior in School
- OCD and Anxiety in Postpartum Mothers
Harm Reduction
- Beyond the Locker Room: Unmasking Hazing in the Military, Workplaces, and Sports Teams
- The Long-Term Psychological Effects of Hazing and How We Can Prevent Them
- Expand Harm Reduction Services to Address Impact of Overdose Crisis on Older Adults
- Overdose Deaths Increased in Pregnant and Postpartum Women From Early 2018 to Late 2021
- Still Reaching: The Syndemics that Complicate and Characterize How Drugs and HIV Intersect in People’s Lives
- Prenatal Cannabis Exposure Associated With Mental Disorders in Children That Persist Into Early Adolescence
- Research to Address the Real-Life Challenges of Opioid Crisis
- Five Areas Where “More Research” Isn’t Needed to Curb the Overdose Crisis
- Preparing Youth with Behavioral Health Needs to Enter the Workforce: A Pathway to Housing
- Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence: An Interview with Mary Brewster, Associate Commissioner for Harm Reduction at the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS)
- Harm Reduction in Treatment: A Simplified Overview
- The Long History and Bright Future of Harm Reduction in New York State
- Harm Reduction: A Bridge Back to Life
- Reducing Stigma Through Harm Reduction Interventions
- NIH Launches Harm Reduction Research Network to Prevent Overdose Fatalities
- Fentanyl Test Strips as a Form of Harm Reduction: Study Outcomes
- Taking Care into the Streets to Reduce Harm and Save Lives: The Vital Role of Needle Exchange and Harm Reduction Services within the Healthcare Delivery System
- Legalization of Drugs: The Ultimate Harm Reduction Measure
- Why Not Harm Reduction for Problem Gambling?
- Self-Reflections on Self-Determination in Harm Reduction
- Our Realizations and Truths About Harm Reduction
- Harm Reduction: Theory and Practice
- NYS OMH ACT Teams Utilize Harm Reduction Techniques
- Supervised Injection Facilities: A Logical Progression in Harm Reduction or a Bridge Too Far?
- Embracing Harm Reduction
- The Use of Harm Reduction in Housing Improves Critical Outcome Indicators in the SMI/CD Population
Health and Wellness
- Integrating Behavioral Health into Primary Care: A Step Towards Holistic and Equitable Patient Care
- Supporting Seniors: Challenges and Solutions for Tomorrow
- Total Wellness at Urban Pathways: Focusing on the Needs of Older Adults
- Nursing Home Initiated Discharges of Residents a Critical Issue for Patients with Mental Health Disorders
- Aging Vision: How Social Workers Can Help Address Vision Loss
- Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Future of Integrated Care for All
- Prenatal Cannabis Exposure Associated With Mental Disorders in Children That Persist Into Early Adolescence
- The Impact of Housing on Mental Health Issues and Substance Misuse
- Consequences of Blissful Ignorance: Marijuana’s Health Risks
- 360 is More Than Just an Address, It’s a Model of Care for The Mental Health Association of Westchester
- To Address Our National Mental Health Crisis, Primary Care Practices Should Embrace Value-Based Care
- Simple Self-Care Methods to Reduce Anxiety, Stress, and Depression
- Consumer Perspectives: Food Security is a Social Justice Issue
- Office of Mental Health Receives Grant to Expand Access to Fresh Healthy Produce to People with Mental Illness
- As Students Grapple with Leave of Absence Challenges, Manuals Aim to Offer a Better Way Forward
- The Loneliness Epidemic and its Consequences
- Wraparound and Wellness: A Catalyst for Recovery
- Excellence in Wellness: Whole Self Care Program at S:US
- Put Mental Health into “Healthy Aging”
- Investing in the Integrated Care Workforce
- Self-Care is Essential to Well-being at Work
- An Effective Work Force Embraces and Drives Integrated Care
- Licensed Practical Nurses: Furthering the Goal of Integrated Health
- Organizational Needs-Based Toolkit for Peer Workforce Integration Introduced at NYC Peer Workforce Consortium
- Caregiver Support Group
- When and Where They Need It: Providing Community-Based Services to Families and Youth for Foundational Wellbeing
- The East New York Health Hub: Realizing the Promise of Whole Health
- Supporting Vulnerable Populations: A Model That Can Make a Difference
- Systems Transformation in Progress: Promise and Pitfalls
- CCBHC as a Roadmap for Behavioral Health Leadership and Participation within Accountable Delivery Systems
- Promoting Cultural Competence to Address Health Disparities and Improve Health Outcomes
- NYC Mayor and First Lady Release Mental Health Roadmap
- Integrating Staff Wellness into Agency Culture: A Win, Win, Win
- Making Primary Health Issues a Part of Your Wellness Program
- Preparing the Workforce to Improve Health and Wellness
- Beacon Partners with NAMI-NYC to Educate Plan Members
- The Importance of Self-Care and Staff Care for Mental Health Professionals
- A Person-Centered Spiritual Recovery Tool for Hospitalization and Beyond
- Building a Wellness Culture for Staff to Promote a Recovery Culture for Consumers
- Northern Westchester Recovery Network in Action
- Healthy Living: A Self-Management Toolkit Promoting Full Recovery
- Complete Care Integration: You Can Lead a Patient to the Doctor…
- Integrating Peer Wellness Services into Housing First
- Staff Wellness and Self-Care: One Agency’s Model
- Wellness Self-Management
- Cultural Competence and Recovery
- Fountain House Members Improve Mind and Body
- Health Integration Activities in the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
- Healing from Within
- Improving Cultural and Linguistic Competence: The Case of Integrated Physical and Mental Health Care
- Integrative Healing: Linking Emotional and Physical Wellness to Recovery
- Exploring Creative Approaches to Improve Health and Wellness
- Wellness Initiatives for People Living with Mental Illness
- Physical Health Should Be a Priority of the Mental Health System and Mental Health Should Be a Priority of the Health System
Health Services
- Dutchess County’s Stabilization Center Among New York’s First Licensed Supportive Crisis Stabilization Centers
- Empowering Care: Leveraging AI in Helplines and Telehealth
- Colorado Reforms Seek to Expand, Strengthen the Behavioral Health Safety Net
- Biden-Harris Administration Announces Historic Investment to Integrate Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment into Primary Care
- Enhancing Geriatric Behavioral Health: Best-Practices and Technology-Assisted Care Solutions
- How to Approach Treating Older Adults with Complex Mental and Physical Care Needs
- Meeting the Behavioral Health Needs of Today’s Older Adults: Considerations for Innovation
- We Can Break the Cycle of Preventable Emergency Room Visits and Improve Patients’ Lives
- AI and Home Care: Navigating Challenges and Embracing Innovation to Meet Growing Needs
- Technology Enhanced Care for Geriatric Behavioral Health
- Improving Staff and Patient Satisfaction with Compliance Technology
- Telehealth Supports Retention in Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
- Increased Use of Telehealth for OUD Services During COVID-19 Pandemic Associated With Reduced Risk of Overdose
- Buprenorphine Initiation in the ER Found Safe and Effective for Individuals With Opioid Use Disorder Who Use Fentanyl
- 360 is More Than Just an Address, It’s a Model of Care for The Mental Health Association of Westchester
- More Than an Acronym: How LGBTQ+ Health is Transforming Industry
- The NYSPA Report: The Launch of 988 and Crisis Stabilization Centers Are Among New Efforts in NYS to Help Loved Ones and Family Members
- The Behavioral Healthcare System’s Response to Families: A Legacy of Unfulfilled Promises
- Using the Seven Principles of Afrocentricity to Frame a Community-Based Organization’s Programs and Services for Individuals, Families, and Communities
- Family Matters: Designing for Empathy & Inclusion
- Recognizing the Root Cause of What Ails Us
- The Evolution of the Behavioral Health Model: 24/7, Walk-Ins, and Crisis and Stabilization Centers
- Innovative Programs are Transforming New York State’s Behavioral Healthcare System
- Better Together: Addressing Challenges by Working Together
- 50-Year-Old Organization Reflects on Its Achievements and Hopes for the Future
- Updating Mental or Behavioral Health Language and Design to a Modern Healthcare Approach
- Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence – An Interview with Carol Cassell and Nadeem Ramjan from Advanced Health Network & Recovery Health Solutions
- Systems Transformation in Progress: Promise and Pitfalls
- The New Normal: How We Learned to Love and Understand Data
- WellLife Network – A New Name and Strategy Reflects New Priorities and Directions for Leading Health & Human Services Agency
- Progress and Challenges in Accessing Treatment for People with Autism
- The Promise and Peril of Value Based Behavioral Health Care
- From Neighboring Institutions to Collaborators: A Joint Effort to Improve Integrated Care
- A New Face on Familiar Trends
- More Than Just a Change in Title: New Statewide Effort Supports the Move from Case Management to Care Management
- Building a Quality Behavioral Health Workforce: Employing Service-User Perspectives Throughout Your Organization
- Effective Supervision: An Essential Component to Enhancing Consumer Outcomes
- Looking Ahead: The Future of Behavioral Health
- The Emerging Role of Nursing in the Delivery of Psychiatric Care
- Integrated Care Supports a Whole-Person Approach to Improved Health Outcomes
- Super Storm Sandy is Over but the Problems Are Not: A Creative Community-Based Integrated Health Care Initiative
- A New Model for Integration of Care: The Ambulatory ICU
- Building an Integrated Healthcare System: Blending Public Health and Prevention Models
- Care Management Model for Integrated Settings
- Changing Physician Roles and Relationships in Integrated Care
- Integrated Care at Last?
- Integrated Care Models in Managed Behavioral Healthcare Organizations
- Integration on a Continuum: Models for Integrating Behavioral Health and Primary Health Care
- Substance Use and Mental Health Services at a Crossroads
- Building the Amazon Prime Experience in Health Care
- A New Approach to Service Integration and Variation on a Proven Theme
- Opportunities for Improved Services with Integrated Care
- One Mental Health Clinic’s Journey into Integrated Care
- Sleep Issues: An Opportunity for Integrated Care
- The Pathway to Integrating the Healthcare System: Integrated Licensure and Health Homes
- Population Health: Transforming Health Care to Improve Our Health
- Mental Health Integration in Pediatric Primary Care Practices in NYC
- Integrated Health Care: A Life Saving Concept in Search of a Functional Reality
- Integrated Care Models to Improve Health Outcomes and Reduce Poverty
- Behavioral Health Medical Homes: An Approach to Integrated Care
- The Vital Role of Behavioral Health: Driving Better Health Outcomes by Integrating Services
- The Challenges of Integrated Health Care
- Integrating Physical and Behavioral Health Care Systems: Lessons Learned in New York City
- From Transition to Transformation
- Crucial Time for Change: NYS’s Behavioral Health Care Transformation
- How Managed Care Influences Treatment Plans
- Will Managed Care Advance the Goals of Community Mental Health?
- Perspectives on the Transition to Managed Care
- Practical Tips to Working with Managed Care
- Positioning for the New York State Managed Care Transition
- Preparing for Managed Care: Staff Credentialing, Evidence-Based Practices, and Fiscal Systems
- Enhancing Behavioral Care Services Via Managed Care
- Coordinated Behavioral Health Services, Inc. (CBHS) – One Group’s Pathway Toward Preparing for Managed Care
- Collaborative Care: An Integral Part of Psychiatry’s Future
- Integrating Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment
- It’s About Time
- From Isolation and Despair to Engagement and Activation: The Peer Support Specialist’s Role in the Behavioral Health Care System
- Focus on Integrated Treatment (FIT)
- Behavioral Health Transformation: ASAP Provides Vision and Leadership
- “Behavioral” Health: What a Difference a Word Makes!
- The NYSPA Report: A Salute to Behavioral Health News
- Total Wellness: The Key to Behavioral Health
- A New Era in New York’s Behavioral Health System
- The Future of Behavioral Healthcare in New York State
- Promoting Integrative Behavioral Healthcare: Gradualism and the Mechanisms of Change
- The Three A’s of a Successful Agency
- The Structure of a Revolution in Obesity Treatment
- Parachute NYC: A New Approach for Individuals Experiencing Psychiatric Crises
- Peer Counseling Effectiveness in Acute Care at Kings County Hospital
- Finding the Right Tools for the Job
- Meeting the Medical Needs of People with Serious Mental Illness: Will New Initiatives Work?
- The Family Clinical Nurse Specialist: Promoting Health in People with Mental Health Conditions
- Will We Need a Separate Mental Health System in the Future?
- Medicating Mindfully: How Your Doctor Thinks
- Developmental Disabilities Nurses: Consultants in Mental Health Settings
- The NYSPA Report – DSM-5: The Future Face of Psychiatry
- VNSW Mental Health Home Care Program: In Harmony with the Consumer Movement
- Successful Consumers Make Successful Providers
- How Our Programs Are Making a Difference
- New York State Agencies and Vet Centers Team Up to Provide Mental Health Screening To New York’s National Guard Soldiers
- Integrating Behavioral Health into Primary Care: A Step Towards Holistic and Equitable Patient Care
- Using Technology to Personalize Behavioral Health Treatments
- Revolutionizing Behavioral Health Through Technology and AI: The Promise of Personalized Care
- Smart and Ethical Recovery: AI in Addiction Treatment
- How New York Psychotherapy and Counseling Center Uses Data Analytics to Expand Access and Improve Behavioral Healthcare for Underserved Communities
- BI Before AI: CBC’s Journey to Develop a Comprehensive In-House Business Intelligence Platform From Which to Launch AI Projects
- Digital Technologies Hold Promise for Behavioral Health Service Providers and Recipients
- Empowering Patients through Accessible Electronic Health Records: Benefits and Challenges
- AI’s Next Target: Clinician Burnout
- Nursing Home Initiated Discharges of Residents a Critical Issue for Patients with Mental Health Disorders
- Federal Study Examines Care Following Nonfatal Overdose Among Medicare Beneficiaries; Identifies Effective Interventions and Gaps in Care
- The Road to the Value-Based Care Promised Land
- Enhancing Recovery and Pioneering Hope: Integrating Outpatient and Residential Treatment Amid the Opioid Crisis
- Quality Integrated Care is Critical for the Recovery of Individuals with Mental Health and Substance Use Challenges
- Mental Healthcare in America: An Industry on the Mend
- Access for All: Achieving Behavioral Health Equity in Healthcare
- Recovery: Realizing Hopes and Dreams
- The Behavioral Healthcare System’s Response to Families: A Legacy of Unfulfilled Promises
- How the Pandemic Turned Behavioral Healthcare for Older Adults on Its Head
- Innovative Programs are Transforming New York State’s Behavioral Healthcare System
- Updating Mental or Behavioral Health Language and Design to a Modern Healthcare Approach
- AsOne LEADS: Lessons Learned in Building a Behavioral Health and Family-Centered Healthcare IT and Data Solution
- Technology Helps OMH Increase Access and Continuity of Healthcare
- HealthCare Choices Partners with PurpleSun to Combat COVID-19 Infections in Brooklyn
- Beyond Data: Strategies to Reduce Racial Missteps for Behavioral Healthcare Providers
- Why Healthcare Systems Should Address Housing Insecurity
- Does Our Healthcare System Perpetuate an Epidemic?
- Taking Care into the Streets to Reduce Harm and Save Lives: The Vital Role of Needle Exchange and Harm Reduction Services within the Healthcare Delivery System
- Four Considerations for Behavioral Healthcare Design
- Peer Workforce Integration in Integrated Healthcare
- Total Wellness at Urban Pathways: Focusing on the Needs of Older Adults
- Addressing the Aging Crisis in New York’s Mental Health Housing
- Creating Sustainable Homes for Prevention Services
- What is Old is New Again: Recognizing the Value of Housing and Employment in Recovery
- A State Agency’s Role in Supporting Housing and Employment within Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery
- Safe, Stable Housing and Employment Are Key Social Determinants of Health, and Critical for Recovery!
- Expanding Permanent Supportive Housing is Essential to Robust Social Safety Net
- The Impact of Housing on Mental Health Issues and Substance Misuse
- The Integrated Role of Housing and Employment in Recovery
- Spotlight on Janian Medical Care
- Preparing Youth with Behavioral Health Needs to Enter the Workforce: A Pathway to Housing
- Addressing Social Determinants of Health Among Individuals Experiencing Homelessness
- Consumer Perspectives: The Synergy of Housing and Employment Services in Mental Healthcare
- Recovery Reimagined: Integrating Housing and Employment Support
- The Road to Recovery Through Housing and Employment
- Lived Experience as a Professional Pathway
- Safe at Last: Safe Options Support (SOS) Offers Options to Support the Homeless
- Supporting Recovery Together: The Impact of Family Involvement on Housing and Employment Outcome
- Expanding Affordable Housing and Jobs Programs as Strategies for Addressing the Mental Health and Overdose Crises
- Supportive Housing Workers are Burnt-Out, Overworked, and in Dire Need of Support
- Consumer Perspectives: Substance Use Treatment and Mental Health
- Safe Options Support: Charting a Path to Stability for Homeless Individuals through Coordinated Care
- Addressing the Intersection between Severe Mental Illness and Homelessness
- WellLife Network’s Mental Health Residential Services: Creating Exceptional Living Experiences for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness
- Consumer Perspectives: Housing is Essential for Recovery
- Why Healthcare Systems Should Address Housing Insecurity
- Stable Housing: A Determinant of Our Behavioral Health
- Housing Is Healthcare: But Only If Our Housing Infrastructure Remains Healthy
- Housing Heals: How MHA of Westchester is Making a Difference
- Permanent Supportive Housing: A Foundation for Wellness and Recovery from Chronic Mental Health and Substance Use Conditions
- Deinstitutionalization Did Not Cause Homelessness: Loss of Low-income Housing and Disability Benefits Did
- Using the Fair Housing Act to Obtain Housing for People with Disabilities
- Investing in Whole Person Care in Supported Housing: Improving Health, Enhancing Recovery
- Working with High Risk, High Need, High Utilizers in a Mixed Use Setting: One Agency’s Experience
- Housing as an Innovative Solution in Medicaid Redesign
- Supported Housing Saved My Life
- Aging in Supportive Housing: One Fall Away from Institutionalization
- The Importance of Housing for People on the Road to Recovery
- Stability, Wisdom, and Strength: Older Adults in Supported Housing
- Addressing the Urgent Treatment and Housing Needs of Older Adults
- Permanent Supportive Housing: The State of the Research
- Unique People Services Opens Lynn’s Place: Agency’s First Mixed Income Affordable Housing Development
- The NYSPA Report: Recovery and the Federal Fair Housing Act
- ICL Housing: Like a Nice Piece of CAKE
- For Those on the Threshold of Adulthood: No Thresholds Beckon
- Supportive Housing Development: Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities
- The Critical Solution for Homeless Older Adults: Tools for Aging in Place
- The Current State of OMH Housing
- Recovery Begins with Housing
- More Than a Roof
- Housing as Healthcare
- Improving Health: Better Targeting of Supportive Housing
- Mobile Teams: A Catalyst for Success
- The Housing Prescription
- WellLife Network: Offering a Continuum of Residential Services Vital to the Recovery Process
- Housing and Support Services Create Greater Stability for Adults with Behavioral Health Issues
- Consumer Perspectives: Supported Housing is Key to Our Recovery
- A Healthy Place to Rest Your Head
- HUD’s Role in Supporting the Goals of Olmstead
- The Keys to My Recovery: Stable Supportive Housing and Meaningful Employment
- From A Home to A Career
- Housing and Employment, The Foundation for Recovery: Keeping the Focus in a Changing Environment
- Creating Culture Change: NYC Tackles Housing and Employment
- Bringing Housing to Scale: A Study on the Housing Needs of Bronx Frequent Users
- Court-Approved Settlement Gives New York Adult Home Residents Their Lives Back
- Housing for Older Adults with Psychiatric Disabilities: A Continuing Critical Need
- Innovative Housing Initiatives Support Recovery-Based Care
- Integrating Vocational Rehabilitation with Housing Support
- Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Health in Housing
- Safe, Affordable & Supportive Housing: Will it Remain an Elusive Dream?
- Treatment and Housing: A Seamless Service Model for High Need Populations
- Supportive Housing and Job Development Anchors Individual, Family, and Community Health
- Housing and Employment: Key Components of Behavioral Health Reform
- Housing and Employment: Cornerstones of Self-Directed Recovery
- New Housing Venture in Suffolk County
- The Correlation Between Housing and Recovery – How Independent Living Can Pave the Road to Recovery
- The Redesign of Housing
- Stable Housing: Key to Closing the Mortality Gap
- Providing Supportive Housing Options for Young Adults
- Residential Support for Individuals with Mental Illness: Its History and Hopes for the Future
- Social Security Matters – The Impact of Special Housing on Social Security Disability Claims
- Suffolk Agency Expands into Brooklyn
- Supportive Housing: A Cornerstone to Recovery in a Changing World
- On the Shoulders of Giants: The Path to Building Supportive Housing
- The Padavan Law and Group Home Placement
- The Use of Harm Reduction in Housing Improves Critical Outcome Indicators in the SMI/CD Population
- Integrating Peer Wellness Services into Housing First
- Housing…Then and Now
- Bringing It All Back Home: Housing Innovations and the NYS Medicaid Redesign Teams
- At EDCSPIN People Live In “Houses Like Mine”
- A Perspective on Mental Health Housing in New York State
- When Government Looks for Healthcare Savings, Supportive Housing Has the Answer
- The Spectrum of Healing: Housing, Recovery, Learning, Working
- Sheridan Hill House: An Alternative Residential Model for Older Persons with Serious Mental Illness and Medical Conditions
- Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence: An Interview with Jihoon Kim, CEO of InUnity Alliance
- Research to Address the Real-Life Challenges of Opioid Crisis
- Spotlight on Janian Medical Care
- Lived Experience as a Professional Pathway
- Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence: An Interview with Mary Brewster, Associate Commissioner for Harm Reduction at the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS)
- Focus on Addiction Psychiatry: An Interview with Petros Levounis, MD, President of the American Psychiatric Association (APA)
- Interview with Arthur Y. Webb for His New Book “Honorable Profession: My Years of Public Service”
- A Family’s Recovery Journey, An Interview with Jorge R. Petit, MD
- Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence: An Interview with Mitchell Netburn, President & CEO of Samaritan Daytop Village
- Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence: An Interview with Johana Lizarraga, Program Coordinator with Outreach
- Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence – An Interview with Joseph Wilson, Peer Specialist with Services for the UnderServed
- Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence – An Interview with Carol Cassell and Nadeem Ramjan from Advanced Health Network & Recovery Health Solutions
- Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence – An Interview with Steve Miccio, CEO of People USA
- Dr. Richard Juman Interviews Dr. John Draper on Suicidality
- Mental Health News Interview with Jason A. Helgerson
- An Interview with Linda Rosenberg, MSW, President and CEO of The National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare
LGBTQ Community
- Meth is Still Ravaging the LGBTQ+ Community, We Must Address the Crisis
- Addressing the Adolescent Behavioral Health Crisis
- Aging, Pain, and Behavioral Health Challenges – Untangling the Threads
- Inclusivity in Recovery: How Federation Adapts Addiction Services to Diverse Communities
- More Than an Acronym: How LGBTQ+ Health is Transforming Industry
- Virtual Care Platform Supports Text-Based Mental-Health Research Program for Transgender and Nonbinary Participants
- Substance Use and Treatment Services for the LGBTQ Community
- Behavioral Health, the LGBTQ Community, and Managed Care
- Clinical Work with Transgender Individuals
- LGBTQ Parenting Issues
- LGBTQ: A Community in Need of Effective Care
- Substance Use Disorder and the LGBTQ Youth Community
- Transgender and HIV: Stigma and Discrimination Can No Longer Have a Place in Healthcare
- Understanding Eating Disorders in Gay Males
- Uniquely LGBTQ
- What This Parent of a Transgender Child Wants You to Know
- The Right Support
- The NYSPA Report: Conversion Therapy
- Caring for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Clients and the Providers Who Serve Them
Medicare / Medicaid
- Nursing Home Initiated Discharges of Residents a Critical Issue for Patients with Mental Health Disorders
- New York Health Equity Reform: A Transformative Shift in New York’s Medicaid Landscape
- New Medicaid Option Promotes Enhanced Mental Health, Substance Use Crisis Care
- CEO to CEO: Navigating the 2021 Medicare and Medicaid Services Changes
- Creating a Family Peer Support and Services Workforce
- Telephonic Care Management Program for Patients with Medicare
- Medicaid Redesign Will Help Children and Families Get the Right Services at the Right Time
- Turn and Face the Change: Children’s Medicaid Redesign
- Are We There Yet? Reflections on the 5 Years of Children’s Medicaid Transformation
- The NYSPA Report: DSRIP Made Easy
- Insurance Models to Achieve the Triple Aim
- Does Medicaid Redesign Pay Enough Attention to Older Adults with Behavioral Health Needs?
- The NYSPA Report: New Medicaid Restrictions on the Prescription of Benzodiazepines
- Behavioral Health Services Critical to Success of Managed Care in NYS
- Perspective on Recent Developments in New York State Behavioral Health Reform
- If Only HOPSTOP Could Map Our Route to the Triple Aim
- NYSPA Report: How Will New York State’s Transition to Medicaid Managed Care Impact Those with Serious Mental Illness?
- The NYSPA Report: Medicaid’s Fragmented Formularies
- The NYSPA Report – Medicaid Redesign and the Public Mental Health System in NYS
- Mental Health Care Monitoring Teams
- Editorial: New York’s Medicaid Reform Portends Major Changes in Behavioral Health Service Delivery
Mental Health Stigma Roundtable Series
- Mental Health Stigma Roundtable Discussion 4 of 4: Paths to Reduce Stigma and Promote Positive Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behavior
- Mental Health Stigma Roundtable Discussion 3 of 4: The Role of the Media in Reducing Stigma
- Mental Health Stigma Roundtable Discussion 2 of 4: The Experience of Mental Health Stigma Among Diverse Groups
- Mental Health Stigma Roundtable Discussion 1 of 4: Understanding the Experience of Mental Health Stigma
- Carmen Collado: Championing Community Care and Strategic Growth in Mental Health Services
- Biden-Harris Administration Launches National Behavioral Health Workforce Career Navigator
- Implantable Device Reverses Opioid Overdose in Animals
- Back to School: Mental Health Tips and Resources to Help Youth Thrive in – and out of – the Classroom
- Celebrating the 34th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act: A Journey of Progress
- The Mental Health Association of Westchester and The Mental Health Association of Rockland Merge and Rebrand as Greater Mental Health of New York
- Biden-Harris Administration Awards $45.1 Million to Expand Mental Health and Substance Use Services Across the Lifespan
- Biden-Harris Administration Announces $46.8 Million in Behavioral Health Funding Opportunities to Advance President Biden’s Unity Agenda as Part of May Mental Health Awareness Month
- More Than 321,000 US Children Lost a Parent to Drug Overdose From 2011 to 2021
- 2024 Funding Available! New York State’s Mental Illness Anti-Stigma Fund Tax Check-off Program – Deadline May 31, 2024
- Fifty Years Forward: NYPCC’s Journey of Hope and Healing
- Analysis of Social Media Language Using AI Models Predicts Depression Severity for White Americans, but Not Black Americans
- Governor Hochul Launches $102 Million Effort to Expand Care and Treatment for New Yorkers with Serious Mental Illness
- Governor Hochul Launches Expansion of School-Based Mental Health Clinics to Combat Youth Mental Health Crisis
- Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Future of Integrated Care for All
- Only 1 in 5 U.S. Adults With Opioid Use Disorder Received Medications to Treat It in 2021
- Marijuana and Hallucinogen Use, Binge Drinking Reached Historic Highs Among Adults 35 to 50
- Higher Buprenorphine Doses Associated With Improved Retention in Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
- Telehealth Supports Retention in Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
- Reported Drug Use Among Adolescents Continued to Hold Below Pre-Pandemic Levels in 2023
- Guide to Equity Terminology: Promoting Behavioral Health Equity through the Words We Use
- Overdose Deaths Increased in Pregnant and Postpartum Women From Early 2018 to Late 2021
- Men Died of Overdose at 2-3 Times Greater a Rate Than Women in the U.S. In 2020-2021
- Only 1 in 4 Adolescent Treatment Facilities Offer Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder
- Still Reaching: The Syndemics that Complicate and Characterize How Drugs and HIV Intersect in People’s Lives
- Prenatal Cannabis Exposure Associated With Mental Disorders in Children That Persist Into Early Adolescence
- Increased Use of Telehealth for OUD Services During COVID-19 Pandemic Associated With Reduced Risk of Overdose
- Buprenorphine Initiation in the ER Found Safe and Effective for Individuals With Opioid Use Disorder Who Use Fentanyl
- Creating Sustainable Homes for Prevention Services
- Overdose Deaths Involving Buprenorphine Did Not Proportionally Increase With New Flexibilities in Prescribing
- School Prevalence of Stimulant Therapy for ADHD Associated With Higher Rates of Prescription Stimulant Misuse Among Teens
- Time to Start Talking About Pre-Addiction
- Young Men at Highest Risk of Schizophrenia Linked with Cannabis Use Disorder
- Research to Address the Real-Life Challenges of Opioid Crisis
- NIH Research Matters – Telehealth Improves Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
- How Many Is Too Many? When Drinking Becomes a Problem
- SAMHSA Proposes Update to Federal Rules to Expand Access to Opioid Use Disorder Treatment and Help Close Gap in Care
- Biden-Harris Administration Awards More Than $1.6 Billion in Funds for Communities Addressing Addiction and Overdose Crises
- Five Areas Where “More Research” Isn’t Needed to Curb the Overdose Crisis
- Biden-Harris Administration Announces $36.9 Million in Behavioral Health Funding Opportunities
- NY State Governor Hochul Expands Access to Mental Health Care for 200,000 SUNY Students
- Governor Hochul Announces Groundbreaking Medicaid 1115 Waiver Amendment to Enhance New York State’s Health Care System
- Jorge R. Petit, MD, Appointed to SAMHSA Center for Substance Abuse Treatment National Advisory Council
- Governor Hochul Announces Details of $1 Billion Plan to Overhaul New York State’s Continuum of Mental Health Care
- Most Reported Substance Use Among Adolescents Held Steady in 2022
- An Overview of Seasonal Affective Disorder
- NIH Launches Harm Reduction Research Network to Prevent Overdose Fatalities
- Biden-Harris Administration Announces Millions of Dollars in New Funds for States to Tackle Mental Health Crisis
- NY State Department of Health Warns the Public in Central New York About Alarming Increase In Opioid Overdoses
- Percentage of Overdose Deaths Involving Methadone Declined Between January 2019 and August 2021
- Marijuana and Hallucinogen Use Among Young Adults Reached All-Time High in 2021
- On International Overdose Awareness Day, HHS Announces Awarding of $79.1 Million in Overdose Prevention Grants
- The Mental Health Association of Rockland and The Mental Health Association of Westchester Announce Intent to Merge
- NY State Governor Hochul Launches Health Care Worker Bonus Program
- Jarod Stern, Senior Managing Director at Savills, Joins Mental Health News Education Board of Directors
- U.S. Law Enforcement Seizures of Pills Containing Fentanyl Increased Dramatically Between 2018-2021
- NY State Governor Hochul Announces $4.5 Million to Support Addiction Prevention Services in High-Need Communities Across New York State
- HHS Announces Nearly $44 Million to Strengthen Mental Health and Substance Use Services for Populations at Risk for or Living with HIV/AIDS
- The Department of Health and Human Services Announces Funding for Substance Use Treatment and Prevention Programs
- NYS Office of Mental Health Announces Funding to Strengthen Suicide Prevention Efforts for Veterans and Uniformed Personnel
- NY State Governor Hochul Appoints Debbie Pantin, MHNE Chair, and Anne Constantino to NYS Opioid Settlement Board
- Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra Kicks Off National Tour to Strengthen Mental Health
- Making Prevention a Priority During National Drugs and Alcohol Facts Week
- NYS Governor Hochul Announces $9.5 Million in Federal Funding to Support the Delivery of Addiction Prevention Services
- Buprenorphine Misuse Decreased Among U.S. Adults with Opioid Use Disorder From 2015-2019
- NYS Governor Hochul Appoints Dr. Mary T. Bassett as Commissioner of the Department of Health
- SAMHSA Announces Unprecedented $30 Million Harm Reduction Grant Funding Opportunity to Help Address the Nation’s Substance Use and Overdose Epidemic
- Announcing Services for the Underserved’s New CEO
- Honoring Donna Colonna’s Contribution to the Field of Human Services
- Socializing Safely This Season: National Impaired Driving Prevention Month
- National Council for Mental Wellbeing Selects CBC President and CEO Dr. Jorge Petit for Medical Director Institute
- Jody Rudin Named CEO of the Institute for Community Living (ICL)
- Honoring David Woodlock’s Service to the Mental Health Community
- Grand Opening of Liberty Station – A New Housing Development in Port Jefferson Station
- NYC Community-based Behavioral Health Organizations and NYC Health + Hospitals Receive $10.49 million from NYS OASAS to Tackle the Opioid and Stimulant Use Epidemic in the Bronx, Manhattan and Queens
- An Interview with the New York State OASAS, OMH, and OPWDD Commissioners to Address Critical Healthcare Issues
- New York State OMH Awards $30 Million for Support Teams to Assist Long-Term Homeless People and Individuals Transitioning From Inpatient Care
- 988 Suicide Lifeline Expected in July 2022 Thanks to SAMHSA Grant
- MHNE Board Member and Psychiatrist Dr. Barry Perlman Publishes Memoirs in New Book “Rearview”
- Leaders of the Autism and Behavioral Health Community to Be Honored at May 12, 2021 Virtual Leadership Awards Reception
- Mental Health News Education, Publisher of Behavioral Health News, Welcomes David Minot as New Executive Director
- HealthCare Choices Partners with PurpleSun to Combat COVID-19 Infections in Brooklyn
- Smith Named COO at Innovative Management Solutions of NY
- Jonathan Edwards Receives PhD in Social Welfare
- Mental Health News Education (MHNE) – Your Trusted Source
- Dr. John Ngai Named Director of NIH BRAIN Initiative
- Samaritan Daytop Village and Manatus Development Group Break Ground on “The Richard Pruss Wellness Center” in The Bronx
- Innovative Management Solutions New York Partners with to Improve Health Care with Behavioral Health Data
- Leaders to Be Honored at MHNE June 30th, 2020 Reception in New York City
- CEO Barbara Faron Celebrates 40th Anniversary with Federation of Organizations
- Constance Brown-Bellamy Appointed to New Position at Inperium
- CBHS IPA Secures Funding for Lower Hudson Valley Adults
- New Management Services Organization Established to Support NY Community Behavioral Health Providers
- Behavioral Health Care Agencies Join Together to Provide Access to Care Across Diverse Populations in New York City
- Building an Integrated Delivery System Through Community Collaborations
- Building Partnerships to Transform Autism Services
- Two New York Behavioral Health IPAs Merge
- Coordinated Behavioral Care Wins Prestigious Heritage Healthcare Organizational Leadership Award
- Governor Announces New Text Messaging Feature on NYS HOPEline
- FAST-PS: A New Initiative for Developing Novel Treatments for Psychosis and Other Mental Disorders
Opioid Epidemic
- Expand Harm Reduction Services to Address Impact of Overdose Crisis on Older Adults
- Overdose Safety in Older Adults: The Critical Role of Zero Overdose
- Federal Study Examines Care Following Nonfatal Overdose Among Medicare Beneficiaries; Identifies Effective Interventions and Gaps in Care
- Higher Buprenorphine Doses Associated With Improved Retention in Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
- Buprenorphine Initiation in the ER Found Safe and Effective for Individuals With Opioid Use Disorder Who Use Fentanyl
- Research to Address the Real-Life Challenges of Opioid Crisis
- Five Areas Where “More Research” Isn’t Needed to Curb the Overdose Crisis
- Game-Changers: Expanding Access to Substance Use Disorder Treatment in 2024
- Opioid Settlement Funds an Opportunity to Strengthen Services
- Inclusivity in Recovery: How Federation Adapts Addiction Services to Diverse Communities
- The Opioid Epidemic: Helping Communities in Crisis
- The NYSPA Report: Overdose Prevention Centers Keep Our People Alive
- U.S. Law Enforcement Seizures of Pills Containing Fentanyl Increased Dramatically Between 2018-2021
- The Department of Health and Human Services Announces Funding for Substance Use Treatment and Prevention Programs
- Opioid Addiction Wears Many Different Faces
- Taking a Holistic Approach to Treating Opioid Addiction
- Pain and Its Impact on the Opioid Epidemic
- New York State Expands Services to Combat Addiction and Address the Opioid Epidemic
- Medication-Assisted Treatment: An Effective Yet Underused Intervention for Treating Opioid Use Disorder
- Leveraging Technology in Enhancing Opioid Care: How NYC Well is Providing Vital Connections and Support
- Finding a Public Health Vision to Combat the Opioid Epidemic
- Confronting the Opioid Epidemic: A Comprehensive Treatment Approach at Odyssey House
- Reducing Opioid Overdose Deaths: NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Responses
- The Opioid Epidemic: Expanding Access to Medicated Assisted Treatment
- The NYSPA Report: Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) for Opioid Use Disorder – Effective but Still Underutilized
- The Epidemic of Opiate Abuse: Its Causes and (Potential) Solutions
- Addressing Behavioral Health and Opioid Use Disorder in Primary Care Settings
- Collaborative Impact Needed for the Opioid Epidemic
- Treating Individuals with Both Opioid Addiction and Mental Illness
- The Opioid Epidemic: A Consumer’s Point of View
- What’s Hidden in the Hallways: A Look Inside Teenage Opioid Use
- What Do We Know About Social Workers’ Use of Heroin?
- WellLife Network Provides Vital Services to Stem the Tide of Opioid Addiction
- Veterans Heroic Battle with the Opioid Epidemic
- Mental Health Services and Opioid Use and Dependence: A Non-Sequitur?
- Opioid Epidemic and Partnerships: Working Together to Solve Problems
- A Root Cause of the Opiate Drug Abuse Epidemic
- Pain and The Nation’s Opioid Epidemic: An Interview with Luana Colloca, MD, PhD, MS
- Transformations at MHA Westchester: Integrated Services to Address the Opioid Epidemic
- Early Findings from a Tri-County Collaborative Approach to Addressing the Opioid Crisis
- Today’s Opioid Addiction and Overdose Epidemic: How We Can Make a Difference
- Opioids and Homelessness in America
- Lessons Learned: Tools to Treat Opioid Misuse
- New York State Office of Mental Health Using Medication-Assisted Treatment and Other Resources to Fight the Opioid Epidemic
- Joint Senate Task Force on Opioids, Addiction and Overdose Prevention Testimony
- The Case for Community Recovery Centers
- Taking Care of Our Recovery Professionals
- Integration of Naloxone Distribution in a Federally Qualified Health Center
- Peers and Recovery: Models for Success
- Pharmacogenomic Testing in Pain Management and Behavioral Health: A Pharmacist Perspective
- Funding for NYS Opioid Epidemic
- Understanding Co-Occurring Disorders: A Mother’s Journey To Turn The Tide On An Epidemic
- Ensuring Evidence-Based Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
- Will the Effort to Prevent Overdose Deaths from Prescription Painkillers Work?
- From Collaboration to Collective Impact: A Community Approach to Tackle Youth Opioid Abuse on Staten Island
- Unintended Consequences: Are We Inadvertently Increasing Heroin Overdose Deaths?
- The Opioid Addiction Epidemic: An Interview with Andrew Kolodny, MD, National Expert on the Current Opioid Addiction Epidemic in the United States
- The NYSPA Report: A Multifaceted Approach to the Opioid Epidemic
- Seven Steps to Fix the Opioid Addiction Crisis Now: We Already Have Most of the Tools We Need
- Resources Are Needed to Address the Epidemic of Addiction and Overdose
- Prescription Drug and Heroin Epidemic A Central New York Perspective
- Integrated Treatment Model for Medication Assisted Treatment of Opioid Use Disorders
- Implementing a Buprenorphine Program in an Opioid Treatment Program
- HHS Leaders Call for Expanded Use of Medications to Combat Opioid Overdose Epidemic
- #CombatHeroin: New York State’s Campaign to Address Heroin and Prescription Opioid Abuse
- Addressing the Opioid Crisis in New York City
- Barriers to Medication Assisted Treatment for Opiate Use Disorders
- Better Pain Management is Essential for Reducing Addiction to Prescription Painkillers
Peer Support
- Peer Support Workforce Shortages Anticipated: What You Can Do
- Finding the Perfect Fit with Peer Support: Navigating Employment with Mental Illness
- The Critical Role of Peer Support Programs to Sustained Substance Use Disorder Recovery
- The Mental Health Association of Westchester’s Intensive and Sustained Engagement Team (INSET)
- From Crisis to Recovery: The Role of Peer Support Specialists at NYC Well
- Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence – An Interview with Joseph Wilson, Peer Specialist with Services for the UnderServed
- Creating a Family Peer Support and Services Workforce
- Supporting Peer Specialists
- MHA Vet2Vet Program: Leading the Way in Peer Support
- Whole Health Peer Support: Improving Health Disparity Among Individuals with Serious Mental Health Challenges and/or Addictions
- Intentional Peer Support: Using a Crisis as an Opportunity for Growth and Change
- From Isolation and Despair to Engagement and Activation: The Peer Support Specialist’s Role in the Behavioral Health Care System
- Support for Older Adult Peers
- Peer-Led Support Helps Parents and Caregivers Cope with Mental Illness
Personal Stories / Lived Experience
- How My Suicide Attempts Made Me a Better Crisis Peer Specialist
- Coping With Chronic Pain: Good Advice Is Easy to Give but Hard to Take
- Beyond the Pain: Insights From Individuals Living With Chronic Pain
- Peer Support Workforce Shortages Anticipated: What You Can Do
- Working Works: Considerations and Resources for Navigating Employment in the Recovery Journey
- Consumer Perspectives: The Synergy of Housing and Employment Services in Mental Healthcare
- Working Toward Employment: A Journey of Growth and Support
- Lived Experience as a Professional Pathway
- Just Another Day
- Helping Families Cope with Serious Mental Illness: Maternal vs Social Work Instincts
- Consumer Perspectives: Overcoming Mental Health Challenges
- Shame and Hunger: Breaking the Stigma Through Lived Experiences
- Personalized Recovery Oriented Services (PROS) Clients Share Their Lived Experiences of Stigma
- A Clinic’s Initial Experiences Conducting Multiple Family Groups
- Supporting Veterans and Families in Conquering PTSD
- The NYSPA Report: PTSD and It’s Co-Morbidities
- Healing PTSD Through Relationship and Touch
- PTSD Among Veterans: A Signature Wound that Desperately Needs Healing
- Online Toolkit Aims to Support Mental Health Providers Serving Veterans in the Community
- Looking Beyond PTSD: Are We Ready for Our Returning Heroes?
- Integrative Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders in Service Members, Veterans, and Military Families in a Civilian Inpatient Setting
- Virtually Endless Possibilities in Trauma-Related Mental Health Care: A New NYC-DOHMH Training Initiative
- Accessing the Untouchables: The Touch Points to Change
- The Many Aspects of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- Who We Are and How We Arrived at Today: Thirty Years of Treating People Who are Trauma Survivors
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: The Person Within
- Survivors of Sexual Abuse: A Personal Journey
- Using Virtual Reality for Treatment and Prevention of Post-Traumatic Stress and Other Anxiety Disorders
- Addressing Gun Violence to Combat PTSD in Children
- PTSD, Anxiety, and Disordered Attachment
- Find Your Center: PTSD and Yoga
- NIMH, Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs Join Forces on PTSD Research
- Responding to PTSD in Our Communities
- The PTSD Patient: Visiting Nurse Services in Westchester Treats the “Whole Person”
- Helping Children Come to Terms with Sexual Abuse
- How Will They Tell Their Story? PTSD and Substance Use Disorder
- New York to Develop Strategies to Assist Returning Veterans and Their Families
- Posttraumatic Growth: Positive Psychological Changes After Trauma
- From Da Nang to Baghdad: Treating Combat PTSD
- Columbia Trauma and PTSD Program: Vital Research and Treatment for Veterans
- Bridging Clinical and Research Frontiers in the Treatment of PTSD
- Understanding and Treating Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- The NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Responds to Post 9/11 Public Need
- The Legal Case in Support of Veterans Suffering with PTSD
- The Aftermath of Trauma: How a Mental Health Community Responds
- Recent Innovations in the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- Principles of Group Work with Children and Youth Trauma Survivors
Public Policy
- NYSPA Report: New Federal Policy in Support of Suicide Prevention
- AI in Health Insurance: Ensuring Accountability and Oversight in an Evolving Landscape
- Colorado Reforms Seek to Expand, Strengthen the Behavioral Health Safety Net
- Biden-Harris Administration Announces Historic Investment to Integrate Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment into Primary Care
- Nursing Home Initiated Discharges of Residents a Critical Issue for Patients with Mental Health Disorders
- Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence: An Interview with Jihoon Kim, CEO of InUnity Alliance
- NYSPA Report – Chronic Pain and Behavioral Health: Underlying Data and Regulatory Responses
- New York Health Equity Reform: A Transformative Shift in New York’s Medicaid Landscape
- Governor Hochul Launches $102 Million Effort to Expand Care and Treatment for New Yorkers with Serious Mental Illness
- Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Future of Integrated Care for All
- Biden-Harris Administration Announces $36.9 Million in Behavioral Health Funding Opportunities
- Game-Changers: Expanding Access to Substance Use Disorder Treatment in 2024
- Expanding Permanent Supportive Housing is Essential to Robust Social Safety Net
- When the Unexpected Happens: The Importance of Policies and Procedures
- “Decriminalization” is Misconceived: Towards Improved Drug Policy
- New York Vulnerable: A Look at the Governor’s New Mental Health Plan
- For One Mind, Too Many Silos
- A Real and Present Danger in the Fight Against Stigma
- An Interview with the New York State OASAS, OMH, and OPWDD Commissioners to Address Critical Healthcare Issues
- The NYSPA Report: New York’s Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Parity Reporting Bill
- We Need to Do More Than Just Talk About Mental Illness
- Legalization of Drugs: The Ultimate Harm Reduction Measure
- A Good Place to Live Is Critical for Older Adults with Psychiatric Disabilities: Needed Public Policy Changes
- Policy and Practice: A Discouraging Disconnect
- The NYSPA Report: Repeal and Replace Should Not Harm Our Most Vulnerable
- Congressional Mental Health Policy Reform: Hope or Hype?
- The NYSPA Report: Momentum Building for Comprehensive Mental Health Reform in Congress
- The NYSPA Report: Community Based Extended Inpatient Care
- The NYSPA Report: The Final Parity Rule – What NYS Should Do About It
- Healthcare Reform: The New School Lunchroom
- The NYSPA Report – The Safe Act: A New Reporting Requirement for Mental Health Professionals
- The Importance of Public Policy Advocacy for People in Recovery
- Recovery-Oriented Practice and Health Care Reform
- Supreme Court Decision Benefits People with Mental Illness
- Riding the Wave of Health Care Reform
- The NYSPA Report: The Need for an “Essential Health Benefits” Federal Floor
- How Health Care Reform Affects Providers and Consumers
- The NYSPA Report – Medicaid, Behavioral Healthcare, and the 2011 NYS Budget: Taking Stock
- Mental Health in Health Care Reform: High Hopes but Big Battles Ahead
- An Overview of Timothy’s Law: Past, Present, and Future
- Parity for Consumers: What We Learned, and Where We Go from Here
- The NYSPA Report: Achieving the Promise of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act
- The Economics of Recovery: System Reform
- The NYSPA Report: New York State Psychiatric Association’s 2011 Legislative Agenda
- The Economics of Recovery: System Reform
- The Economics of Recovery: Who’s Driving the Bus?
- Point of View – Looking Back with Pride: Mental Health Policy in the 2nd Half of the 20th Century
- Assessing Racial Equity Impact in Mental Health Policymaking: Reflections and Recommendations
- The Economics of Recovery: When Worlds Collide
- The Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act
- The Economics of Recovery: Threading the Needle
- NYSPA Report – Mental Health and Addiction Parity: Law and Regulations
- Social Security: Dispelling the Myths
- The NYSPA Report – Outpatient Mental Health Clinic Reimbursement Reform
- NYS OMH Engaged in Mental Health Services Restructuring
- Our Economy’s Effect on New York State’s Mental Health Budget
- From the Publisher – The Economy’s Impact on People and Community Services
- The Economics of Recovery: Demystifying Government Work Incentives
- An Overview of Timothy’s Law: Its Past, Present, and Future
- The NYSPA Report: New Federal Parity Law May Expand Coverage for Mental Illness in New York
- Mental Health Policy in a Time of Economic Crisis
- The Economics of Recovery – What Recipients Want: A Look at Aligning Agendas
- The NYSPA Report – NYS Governor’s Executive Budget Proposal: Issues for the Mental Health System
Race and Racism
- Therapy is for “Other People”: Why Many South Asian Parents Dismiss Mental Health Support
- Black Women and Suicide: The Silent Crisis and Its Aftermath on Families
- Analysis of Social Media Language Using AI Models Predicts Depression Severity for White Americans, but Not Black Americans
- Guide to Equity Terminology: Promoting Behavioral Health Equity through the Words We Use
- Expanding Permanent Supportive Housing is Essential to Robust Social Safety Net
- Bridging the Leadership Gap
- Developing a Culture of Accountability and Belonging
- Black Men and Mental Health: Practical Solutions
- Mental Health in BIPOC Communities: How to Reduce Stigma and Barriers
- PSA Addresses Mental Health Stigma in the Latino Community
- Tips on Becoming an Antiracist Leader
- Using the Seven Principles of Afrocentricity to Frame a Community-Based Organization’s Programs and Services for Individuals, Families, and Communities
- Critical Themes in Mental Health Treatment of African Americans: Past, Present, and Recommendations for the Future
- Responding to the COVID Pandemic and Racial Injustice
- Beyond Data: Strategies to Reduce Racial Missteps for Behavioral Healthcare Providers
- Anti-Racist Organizational Transformation: Questions and Answers with Mary Pender Greene, LCSW- R, CGP and Alan Siskind, PhD
- The Culturally and Racially Safe Practice
- Vulnerable Populations: People of Color in Leadership Roles
- Vulnerable Populations: People of Color in Leadership Roles
- Seeking Health Care Services While Undocumented
- Ensuring Humanity in Human Services Work
- The Impact of Race and Racism on Mental Health Clients, Practitioners, Organizations, and Delivery Systems – Crossing the Racial Rubicon
- Noted Panelists Discuss the Impact of Race and Racism on the Mental Health Professions and on the Therapeutic Alliance
- Challenges of Black Males with Mental Illness
- Clinical Reflections on the Impact of Race and Racism on the Counselor/Client Relationship
- The Impact of Race and Racism on Mental Health Outcomes
- Building a Race Conscious Research Agenda
- Assessing Racial Equity Impact in Mental Health Policymaking: Reflections and Recommendations
- Transforming Service Delivery Systems, Organizational and Administrative Structures
- Through a Glass Darkly: Poverty and Mental Health in The Bronx
Recovery from Mental Illness
- Up, Up, and Aware: What Superman Can Teach Us About Mental Health
- How to Approach Treating Older Adults with Complex Mental and Physical Care Needs
- Innovative Delivery of Therapy for Older Adults with Depression
- Working Works: Considerations and Resources for Navigating Employment in the Recovery Journey
- Safe, Stable Housing and Employment Are Key Social Determinants of Health, and Critical for Recovery!
- Expanding Permanent Supportive Housing is Essential to Robust Social Safety Net
- The Impact of Housing on Mental Health Issues and Substance Misuse
- The Integrated Role of Housing and Employment in Recovery
- Finding the Perfect Fit with Peer Support: Navigating Employment with Mental Illness
- Consumer Perspectives: The Synergy of Housing and Employment Services in Mental Healthcare
- Assisting Individuals with Employment at WJCS Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics
- Working Toward Employment: A Journey of Growth and Support
- Safe at Last: Safe Options Support (SOS) Offers Options to Support the Homeless
- Stand Up for Mental Health: Comedy that Gets Respect!
- What OCD is and What it Isn’t: Demystifying Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Expanding Affordable Housing and Jobs Programs as Strategies for Addressing the Mental Health and Overdose Crises
- Critical Questions for the Development of Housing that Supports Recovery
- Recovery: An Ongoing Process, Not a Destination
- New Tool Deployed to Help Veterans: Supported Recovery Training and Certification
- Why Personalized Recovery-Oriented Services (PROS) Works: Achieving Independence and Fulfillment
- Supporting Families in the Recovery Process
- Mental Health Is Essential to Stability
- Peer Professionals and the Important Role They Play in the Recovery Process
- Utilizing Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy When Treatment-Oriented Care is Not Leading to Recovery
- Recovery, Hope and Resilience During the Pandemic
- Navigating the Road to Recovery: An Art and a Science
- Limits of Self-Management in Mental Health
- The Triumph of “Recovery”
- Serious Mental Illness Recovery: The Basics
- A System in Transformation
- Ongoing Transformations at The MHA of Westchester
- “I’m Not Strong – I’m Steel” Life and Recovery with Co-Occurring Disorders
- Housing People with Serious Mental Illness in Jails and Prisons: Why Are We Still Criminalizing Mental Illness?
- From the Publisher’s Desk “The Handshake of Hope”
- How ABA Improved Executive Functioning Deficits
- When Mental Illness Enters a Family
- Second Chances
- Services for the UnderServed Addresses Mental Illness Among Young Adults Under New Citywide Initiative
- The Recovery Movement in New York State
- Recovery from Mental Illness: Consumer Readiness as a Driving Force
- The Evolution of Recovery-Oriented Services in NYC and at MHA-NYC
- SAMHSA’s Working Definition of Recovery
- Recovery 101: For Those Who Thought They Couldn’t Recover
- Embracing Agency-Wide Change: Delivering Person-Centered Services at MHA Westchester
- Recovering the Person in Treatment
- The Family Role in Recovery: Understanding the Illness and Embracing the Process
- It’s on My Plate
- From the Publisher – Declining Physical Health: The Other Side of the Recovery Process
- In My Own Voice: The Disability of Mental Health
- New Directions in Healthcare and the Promise of Recovery
- A Family Member’s Journey into the Depths of Bipolar Disorder
- Quality Life Promotes Recovery
- Peer Run Services Playing Pivotal Roles in Promoting Health, Recovery and Full Citizenship
- Stigma and Recovery: New Approaches to Old Challenges
- How About Recovery for People with Psychiatric Disabilities in Long-term Care?
- Helping My Fellow Consumers in Their Recovery
- Eight Links to Recovery
- Baltic Street in NYC Shows the Power of Peer Support
- Clothes Make the Man
- Recovery: A Participant in Life
- Providing Essential Care & Services Following Psychiatric Hospitalization
- VNSW Mental Health Home Care Program: Transitioning Back Home Following Hospitalization
- Where Do We Go from Here? Follow-Up Care from Psychiatric Hospitalization
- After the Hospital the Real Treatment Begins
- Recovery Can Begin on The Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital Unit
- Building a Responsive, Accountable, Recovery-Focused System of Care
- Mental Illness Presents Challenges to Individuals, Families and Communities
- From the Publisher – Some Essentials on Surviving a Mental Illness During and Following Hospitalization
- Family Support is Key When a Member is Hospitalized
- Care Coordination Takes an Innovative Approach to Case Management at the Mental Health Association of Westchester
- It Takes A Village
- Telephonic Follow Up to a Psychiatric Emergency Room Visit: A Call Center Service Model
- Assisted Outpatient Treatment: A Helping Hand in the Community
- The Economics of Recovery: How Consumers Can Help Close the Budget Gap
- Implantable Device Reverses Opioid Overdose in Animals
- Federal Study Examines Care Following Nonfatal Overdose Among Medicare Beneficiaries; Identifies Effective Interventions and Gaps in Care
- Basic Research Has Had a Major Impact on Developing New Treatments for Serious Mental Illnesses
- Ketamine for Mental Health Treatment: How Promising Is It?
- Depression Detection Has Never Been More Important: PHQ-9 Enables Clinicians and Patients to Track and Address Depression With Combined Physical and Emotion Symptoms Score
- Unique Perspectives: Harnessing Multimodal Assessment to Understand How Children with Autism Decode the Social World
- Spotlight on Research: An Interview with Jeffrey Borenstein, MD President and CEO of the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation
- Consumer Perspectives: The Right Research
- What’s New and Promising from the New York State Office of Mental Health Psychiatric Research Institutes
- The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation: A Personal Perspective
- The NYSPA Report: DSM 5 – A New Diagnostic Perspective
- Considerations for Mental Health Data Collection Using Online Methods
- Subjects or Saviors: The Rules and Regulations Surrounding Human Clinical Trials of Experimental Psychiatric Medication
- The Future of Mental Health Care: Better Services and More Research
- Can You Trust the Research Findings You Read on The Internet?
- Comparative Effectiveness Research: An Introduction
- The Long-Term Psychological Effects of Hazing and How We Can Prevent Them
- Safe at Last: Safe Options Support (SOS) Offers Options to Support the Homeless
- Suicide Risk and Safety Planning
- Working with Newly Arrived Asylum Seekers: A Firsthand Look
- Making Prevention a Priority During National Drugs and Alcohol Facts Week
- Socializing Safely This Season: National Impaired Driving Prevention Month
- We’re in a Mental Health Crisis. Why Do We Refuse to Help People with Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia?
- Young Men at Highest Risk of Schizophrenia Linked with Cannabis Use Disorder
- Outcome of Schizophrenia in Later Life: Conceptual Changes and Implications for Treatment and Policy
- OnTrackNY: An Early Intervention Program to Interrupt Psychosis
- Testing a Simple Strategy to Prevent Schizophrenia via Dietary Supplements
- Ascent into Love: Surviving Schizophrenia
- Mental Illness Education Does Make a Difference: “Breaking the Silence” Found to be Effective
- An Update on the RAISE Schizophrenia Research Project – An Interview with Jeffrey A. Lieberman, MD
- The Economics of Recovery – The Day the Patients Ran the Asylum
- Serge and Pierre: Coping with Schizophrenia on Two Continents
- An Update on the National RAISE Schizophrenia Project – An Interview with John Kane, MD
- My Return from the Darkness of Schizophrenia – An Interview with Susan Weinreich
- Schizophrenia: Current Research and Treatment
- Point of View – Schizophrenia, The Mortality Gap, and Suicide
- Understanding and Treating Schizophrenia – A Comprehensive Review from the National Institute of Mental Health
- Schizophrenia Management as Part of Home Health Care
- From the Publisher – There are “No Old Topics” When it Comes to Mental Health Education
- Living with Schizophrenia: A Sister’s Perspective
- Schizophrenia Linked to Over-expression of Gene in Fetal Brain
- Research Project to Test Approaches to Altering the Course of Schizophrenia
- Providing a Second Chance for People with Schizophrenia
- One Agency’s (and the System’s) Pathway to Recovery
- Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder Share Genetic Roots
Serious Mental Illness (SMI)
- How to Approach Treating Older Adults with Complex Mental and Physical Care Needs
- Complexities in Caring for Older Adults: Challenges and Opportunities for Improvement
- Consumer Perspectives: The Synergy of Housing and Employment Services in Mental Healthcare
- Assisting Individuals with Employment at WJCS Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics
- What OCD is and What it Isn’t: Demystifying Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Recovery: An Ongoing Process, Not a Destination
- The NYSPA Report: Overdose Prevention Centers Keep Our People Alive
- Basic Research Has Had a Major Impact on Developing New Treatments for Serious Mental Illnesses
- Outcome of Schizophrenia in Later Life: Conceptual Changes and Implications for Treatment and Policy
- Severe, Long-Term Mental Illness: What Does it Take to Live Well?
- Improving Medication Adherence in People with Serious Mental Illness
- What Do We Know About the Relationship Between Cannabis and Psychosis?
- Preventing Suicide: Addressing Trauma-Related Symptoms in Individuals with Serious Mental Illness
- Understanding and Detecting the Signs of Serious Mental Illness and Suicidal Ideation
- Helping Families Cope with Serious Mental Illness: Maternal vs Social Work Instincts
- St. Francis Friends of the Poor’s Serious Mental Illness Programs in the Community
- Addressing the Intersection between Severe Mental Illness and Homelessness
- WellLife Network’s Mental Health Residential Services: Creating Exceptional Living Experiences for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness
- Substance Use Disorders: Frequency and Treatment for People with Serious Mental Illness
Social Determinants of Health
- The Holidays Are Coming: How to Handle Disagreements
- Addressing Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults
- Supporting Seniors: Challenges and Solutions for Tomorrow
- Meeting the Behavioral Health Needs of Today’s Older Adults: Considerations for Innovation
- Financial Insecurity in Geriatric Populations
- Complexities in Caring for Older Adults: Challenges and Opportunities for Improvement
- Fountain House’s Silver Center for Older Adults: It Takes a Village to “Live Long and Prosper” with Behavioral Health Challenges
- Chronic Pain and Its Impacts: An Overview & Possible Management Options
- A “Prescription” for Integrated Care for Chronic Pain and Associated Conditions
- Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Future of Integrated Care for All
- Game-Changers: Expanding Access to Substance Use Disorder Treatment in 2024
- What is Old is New Again: Recognizing the Value of Housing and Employment in Recovery
- Safe, Stable Housing and Employment Are Key Social Determinants of Health, and Critical for Recovery!
- Expanding Permanent Supportive Housing is Essential to Robust Social Safety Net
- The Impact of Housing on Mental Health Issues and Substance Misuse
- The Integrated Role of Housing and Employment in Recovery
- Addressing Social Determinants of Health Among Individuals Experiencing Homelessness
- Finding the Perfect Fit with Peer Support: Navigating Employment with Mental Illness
- Consumer Perspectives: The Synergy of Housing and Employment Services in Mental Healthcare
- Lived Experience as a Professional Pathway
- Safe at Last: Safe Options Support (SOS) Offers Options to Support the Homeless
- Expanding Affordable Housing and Jobs Programs as Strategies for Addressing the Mental Health and Overdose Crises
- Creating a Social Justice Action Framework for a NYC Social Service Provider
- Breaking Down Barriers to Using Social Determinants of Health Data
- Social Determinants of Rural Zip Codes
- Social Determinants of Health and COVID-19: A Peer Perspective
- The Great Accelerant: COVID-19 and the Social Determinants of Behavioral Health
- A Network Approach for Social Determinants of Health
- The East New York Health Hub: A Model for Addressing Social Determinants of Health
- Beyond Data: Strategies to Reduce Racial Missteps for Behavioral Healthcare Providers
- Social Determinants and Adolescents’ Mental Health: First, Focus on Education and Graduation
- How Social Determinants Affect Young Adults with Autism and Learning Differences: Creating a Plan for Future Success
- COVID-19 Crisis Exposes Missing Social Determinant of Health Domain
- Is Technology a Social Determinant of Health?
- A Social Determinants Perspective of the Intersection of Ageism, Racism and Social Isolation During COVID-19
- Social Determinants of Behavioral Health: Time to Augment Advocacy Strategy?
- NYS Office of Mental Health Seeks to Address the Social Determinants That Affect Mental Health in Our Communities
- The NYSPA Report: American Psychiatric Association Approaches to Social Determinants of Mental Health
- The Social Determinants of Help-Seeking for Young Men of Color
- Community-Based Mental Health Agencies Must Be a Part of the Social Determinant Solution
- Stable Housing: A Determinant of Our Behavioral Health
- Using Social Determinants of Health for the Field of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- Integrating the Social and Cultural Determinants of Health into Peer Advocates Training
- New Partnership Between Coordinated Behavioral Care and Technology Innovator, Karuna Health
- Innovation into Practice: The Future is Now
- Addressing the Social Determinants of Health in Program, Payment, and Policy: Extrapolating the Triple Aim for Population Health
- Addressing the Social Determinants of Health: Steps to Achieving Service Integration
- The Mental Health Needs of Special Populations
- Spirituality Versus Psychiatry: Why Many South Asians Turn to Religion Before Therapy or Psychiatric Medication
- Mental Health and Matchmaking: How Stigma Affects South Asian Marriage Prospects
- Therapy is for “Other People”: Why Many South Asian Parents Dismiss Mental Health Support
- The Holidays Are Coming: How to Handle Disagreements
- Expand Harm Reduction Services to Address Impact of Overdose Crisis on Older Adults
- Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence: An Interview with Jihoon Kim, CEO of InUnity Alliance
- Blockbuster Movies and Mental Health: Exploring New Narratives in Summer Films
- Addressing the Adolescent Behavioral Health Crisis
- Your Options for Responding to Mental Illness Stigma (Protectively, Collaboratively, or Assertively)
- Combating Mental Health Stigma in a Rural Community
- WeSpeakNYC: A Toolkit for Overcoming Mental Health Stigma in BIPOC Communities
- Empowering Communities through Inclusion and Mental Health Anti-Stigma Efforts
- Stories of Stigma in the Healthcare System
- Breaking Down Barriers: The STAR Program’s “Stop Mental Health Stigma” Campaign
- Mental Health: Everyone Has It. Every Day. Breaking the Stigma with ICAN’s Innovative Campaign
- Breaking Mental Health Stigma in the NYC Hispanic/Latino Community
- Beyond the Pain: Insights From Individuals Living With Chronic Pain
- Only 1 in 4 Adolescent Treatment Facilities Offer Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder
- When Stigma is the Greatest Barrier: Strategies to Connect Older Adults to Treatment
- Organizational Strategies for Anti-Stigma Work Within Our Four Walls
- The Impact of Stigmatizing Language from Family and Clinical Perspectives
- Reducing Stigma Through Harm Reduction Interventions
- Stigma: How Vocabulary and Language Can Make a Difference
- Addressing Stigma Among High School Students Using NAMI’s Ending the Silence
- The Importance of Equity for All: Accessing Preventative Affordable Behavioral Health Care
- Simple Tools to Overcome Everyday Mental Illness Discrimination
- Disasters: The Importance of Fighting Mental Health Stigma
- Shame and Hunger: Breaking the Stigma Through Lived Experiences
- Overcoming Self-Stigma in Bipolar Disorder: A Targeted Intervention for an Urgent Problem
- Countering Stigma – Speaking as if Our Words Matter
- The Ways That Stigma Hurts People Who Use Substances and How to Help
- Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Illness: Changing Minds and Creating Opportunities
- Overcoming Stigma Through Education and Capacity Building in Communities
- Art: A Tool for Breaking Stigma
- Modeling Compassion to Reduce Mental Health Stigma
- How Faith Communities Can Help Reduce Mental Health Stigma
- How Modeling Compassion Can Help Reduce Stigma in Mental Health
- Black Men and Mental Health: Practical Solutions
- Insights From Four Stigma-Reducing Roundtables Organized by the New York State Office of Mental Health and Behavioral Health News
- An Antidote to Stigma
- Addressing Stigma: The Importance of Cultural Relevance and Early Intervention
- Destigmatizing Mental Illness: Music Therapy in the Clinical Outpatient Realm
- Mental Health in BIPOC Communities: How to Reduce Stigma and Barriers
- Overcoming Stigma to Create More Inclusive Communities
- Mental Health Stigmas in the Black Community
- The NYSPA Report – Insurance Circular Letter No. 1 (2023): A New Tool in the Fight Against Stigma
- PSA Addresses Mental Health Stigma in the Latino Community
- Countering Stigma Through Education and Outreach
- Co-Creating an Equitable Crisis Care Continuum to Reduce Stigma
- Mental Health Stigma Roundtable Discussion 4 of 4: Paths to Reduce Stigma and Promote Positive Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behavior
- Mental Health Stigma Roundtable Discussion 3 of 4: The Role of the Media in Reducing Stigma
- Mental Health Stigma Roundtable Discussion 2 of 4: The Experience of Mental Health Stigma Among Diverse Groups
- Mental Health Stigma Roundtable Discussion 1 of 4: Understanding the Experience of Mental Health Stigma
- They Are Us
- Understanding the Impact of Stigma: The Balance Between Choice and Accountability
- Acknowledging the Effects of Intersectional Stigmatization
- Some Thoughts Regarding Stigma: The Often Silent Obstacle to Mental Health and Substance Care Among African Americans
- Coordinated Behavioral Care’s Mission to Destigmatize Workplace Mental Health
- From the Desk of Dr. Max, WellLife Network: Stigma and Mental Illness
- Stigma Is Being Used as a Political Weapon: Reject It
- Intersectionality in Behavioral Health: Serving Those with Membership in Multiple Stigmatized Groups
- Consumer Perspectives: Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Health, Chronic Illness, and Homelessness
- Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Illness: Peers Play a Critical Role
- Improving Help-Seeking and Reducing Stigma Through Public Messaging
- On Self-Stigma and Employment
- The Impact of Stigma on Mental Health Treatment for Children
- How Mental Health Stigma Drives Suicide Risk
- A Paradigm Shift: Addressing Two Misrecognitions About the Stigma of Mental Illness
- Mental Health in Schools: Moving Stigma Out in the Open
- How the NYS Office of Mental Health is Addressing and Reducing Stigma
- Increased Access to Telehealth as a Means of Reducing Stigma
- There Is Hope
- A Real and Present Danger in the Fight Against Stigma
- Personalized Recovery Oriented Services (PROS) Clients Share Their Lived Experiences of Stigma
- How We as Practitioners Can Foster Stigma
- Internalized Stigma
- A Cruel Irony: Less Mental Health Stigma but Fewer Behavioral Health Clinicians
- Associative Stigma: An Unseen Force Impacting Mental Health Professionals and Service Users
- The Transformative Power of Families Helping Families
- When Internalized Ableism and Stigma Intersect
Substance Use Disorders
- Dutchess County’s Stabilization Center Among New York’s First Licensed Supportive Crisis Stabilization Centers
- Brain Structure Differences Are Associated With Early Use of Substances Among Adolescents
- Reported Use of Most Drugs Among Adolescents Remained Low in 2024
- Implantable Device Reverses Opioid Overdose in Animals
- How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Combat Addiction
- The Importance of Real-Time Data in Tailored Patient Treatment and Integrating Traditional Wellness Practices in Modern Substance Abuse Therapy
- Treatment Services for Older Adults with Substance Use Disorders
- Expand Harm Reduction Services to Address Impact of Overdose Crisis on Older Adults
- Overdose Safety in Older Adults: The Critical Role of Zero Overdose
- Prevention Across the Lifespan: Substance Use Education and Screening Services for Older Adults
- Addressing the Unique Mental Health Challenges Brought on by Aging
- Federal Study Examines Care Following Nonfatal Overdose Among Medicare Beneficiaries; Identifies Effective Interventions and Gaps in Care
- Can Medical Cannabis Treat Chronic Pain?
- Only 1 in 5 U.S. Adults With Opioid Use Disorder Received Medications to Treat It in 2021
- Marijuana and Hallucinogen Use, Binge Drinking Reached Historic Highs Among Adults 35 to 50
- Higher Buprenorphine Doses Associated With Improved Retention in Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
- Reported Drug Use Among Adolescents Continued to Hold Below Pre-Pandemic Levels in 2023
- Men Died of Overdose at 2-3 Times Greater a Rate Than Women in the U.S. In 2020-2021
- Only 1 in 4 Adolescent Treatment Facilities Offer Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder
- Still Reaching: The Syndemics that Complicate and Characterize How Drugs and HIV Intersect in People’s Lives
- Increased Use of Telehealth for OUD Services During COVID-19 Pandemic Associated With Reduced Risk of Overdose
- Young Men at Highest Risk of Schizophrenia Linked with Cannabis Use Disorder
- SAMHSA Proposes Update to Federal Rules to Expand Access to Opioid Use Disorder Treatment and Help Close Gap in Care
- Five Areas Where “More Research” Isn’t Needed to Curb the Overdose Crisis
- Game-Changers: Expanding Access to Substance Use Disorder Treatment in 2024
- Safe, Stable Housing and Employment Are Key Social Determinants of Health, and Critical for Recovery!
- Consumer Perspectives: The Synergy of Housing and Employment Services in Mental Healthcare
- Assisting Individuals with Employment at WJCS Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics
- Safe at Last: Safe Options Support (SOS) Offers Options to Support the Homeless
- Recovery: An Ongoing Process, Not a Destination
- Harm Reduction in Treatment: A Simplified Overview
- Opioid Settlement Funds an Opportunity to Strengthen Services
- An Epidemic Rages On: “Treatment” Is Not Enough
- Inclusivity in Recovery: How Federation Adapts Addiction Services to Diverse Communities
- When Happy Hour Isn’t Always So Happy: One Clinician’s Point of View
- Substance Use Disorder Prevention and Treatment Services: A Social Justice and Health Equity Perspective
- The Hidden Impacts of Overdose: Four More Reasons We Must Stop the Epidemic
- Moving Toward Recovery After Discharge with the Ongoing Abstinence Recovery Schedule Program™
- “Decriminalization” is Misconceived: Towards Improved Drug Policy
- Unlocking Success: 6 Ways Technology Enhances Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Access to Addiction Recovery Care
- The Long History and Bright Future of Harm Reduction in New York State
- Empowering Recovery: How Technology Supports Those with Substance Use Disorders
- The Opioid Epidemic: Helping Communities in Crisis
- An Overview of Family-Based Substance Use Therapy
- Older Adults and Substance Misuse: Hiding in Plain Sight
- Harm Reduction: A Bridge Back to Life
- Consumer Perspectives: Substance Use Treatment and Mental Health
- The Critical Role of Peer Support Programs to Sustained Substance Use Disorder Recovery
- Caring for Yourself: Learning to Live with a Substance Use Disorder
- Focus on Addiction Psychiatry: An Interview with Petros Levounis, MD, President of the American Psychiatric Association (APA)
- Assisting Grieving Families to Find Closure While Maintaining Compliance with HIPAA
- Saving Lives: New York State’s Comprehensive Approach to Suicide Prevention
- Suicide is NOT a Symptom
- Saving Lives At Work: How Employers Can Lead in Suicide Postvention As Prevention
- The Ripple Effect: Impact of Suicide on Family and Friends
- When Outpatient Psychiatric Care Is Not Enough
- Confronting Seasonal Depression: The Critical Role of the 988 Lifeline, Community, and Support Systems During the Winter Months
- How My Suicide Attempts Made Me a Better Crisis Peer Specialist
- Collaborative Care in Primary Care: Using Data to Prevent Suicide
- Addressing Suicidality in Older Adults: A Community-Based Approach
- Protecting Youth Mental Health: The Role of Families in Addressing Social Media’s Impact on Self-Harm and Suicide
- Addressing Suicide in Marginalized Communities: Unique Challenges and Culturally Responsive Approaches
- Suicide Prevention and Response: Fostering Trust and Safety in Vulnerable Communities
- Schools and Suicide Prevention: A 3-Tiered Approach
- Advancing Suicide Prevention: The Role of Technology and AI in Mental Health Care
- Leadership’s Responsibility for Postvention Following a Death by Suicide
- NYSPA Report: New Federal Policy in Support of Suicide Prevention
- Leveraging Digital Tools: Innovative Technology for Suicide Prevention and Support in Healthcare
- A Unique and Insidious Grief: Losing a Loved One to Suicide
- Black Women and Suicide: The Silent Crisis and Its Aftermath on Families
- The Heavy Burden of Suicide Survivor’s Guilt: Understanding, Coping and Moving Forward
- Using Big Data Analytics to Predict and Prevent Mental Health Crises
- CDC Report: Why Schools Are Crucial for Youth Suicide Prevention
- No Judgment. Just Help: What You Can Do to Support Suicide Prevention Month Efforts
- Chronic Pain, Quality of Life, and Suicidal Behavior
- Suicide in Adolescents: Warning Signs, Risk Factors, and What Parents Can Do to Support Their Teens
- Preventing Suicide: Addressing Trauma-Related Symptoms in Individuals with Serious Mental Illness
- Understanding and Detecting the Signs of Serious Mental Illness and Suicidal Ideation
- The Evolution of the 988 Lifeline: A Year After the Transition
- Suicide Risk and Safety Planning
- Black Men and Mental Health: Practical Solutions
- The Lens of Loss: Perspectives of Family Members Following Suicide Loss
- Families and Suicide: How to Engage Your Child in Conversation
- You Don’t Have to Do this Alone: 988 Lifeline Offers Support for Loved Ones Concerned About Suicide
- The Silent Battlefront of Veteran Suicide and the Measures Being Taken to Help Them
- The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: Playing a Vital Role in Building a Crisis Care Continuum
- How Mental Health Stigma Drives Suicide Risk
- NYS Office of Mental Health Announces Funding to Strengthen Suicide Prevention Efforts for Veterans and Uniformed Personnel
- Suicide Prevention is Everyone’s Business
- 988 Suicide Lifeline Expected in July 2022 Thanks to SAMHSA Grant
- Suicide Prevention Survey: WellLife Network Needs Your Help
- A Safe Space: Digital Tools Supporting Mental Health
- Computerized Screening May Help Identify Youth at Risk for Suicide
- WellLife Network Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention Survey
- Circle of Grief: Inspired Survivor Speaks Openly About Suicide
- The Importance of Building Community and Family Support with Latina Teens at Risk of Suicide
- Suicide Prevention in Institutional and Geographical Context: Perspectives from a University Student and Professor
- Preventing Suicide Among Suicide Attempt Survivors Using an Innovative Support Group Intervention
- Using Local Data to Reduce Suicide Death
- Care Transitions: A Critical Time to Prevent Suicides
- The NYSPA Report: Veteran Suicide – The Challenging Epidemic
- In the Shadow of the Pandemic: The Suicide Crisis in America
- Suicide Prevention in New York State Schools: Hope and Resilience Among Urban, Suburban, and Rural Districts
- Suicide Prevention in New York State: We Can Make a Difference But We Need All Hands on Deck!
- Suicide and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in LGBTQ Youth
- Preventing Suicide During the Pandemic
- Empowering Adults to Recognize and Respond to Youth in Suicidal Distress
- Socially Connected, Physically Distanced: How to Be There for Someone Experiencing Suicidal or Emotional Crisis During COVID-19
- Clergy and Faith Communities Perspective and Role in Suicide Prevention
- Zero Suicide in the United States
- Strengthening Protective Factors to Prevent Bullying and Suicide on Staten Island
- From the Publisher: A Personal Journey From a Survivor of Suicide: “From the Depths of Despair to a Mission of Advocacy”
- Know the Signs: Help Prevent a Loved One’s Suicide
- Does Our Healthcare System Perpetuate an Epidemic?
- Dr. Richard Juman Interviews Dr. John Draper on Suicidality
- Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention in the Time of COVID-19
- Physical Illness, Depression, and Late-Life Suicide: Considerations and Opportunities for Enhancing Suicide Prevention
- Implementing Universal Suicide Risk Screening in Healthcare Settings: Model Could Help Hospitals Better Identify and Aid Youth at Risk for Suicide
- Depression, Suicide, Discrimination and Parity
- Impulsivity as a Predictor of Suicidality
- Suicide and Substance Use
- Suicide Prevention as a Core Responsibility
- Suicide Prevention in the Aging
- Shift in How We Think About Suicide Prevention Needed
- NYS Office of Mental Health Announces “1,700 Too Many” Statewide Suicide Prevention Plan
- Zero Suicide: Working Together to Save Lives
- Integrated Settings: An Opportunity for Advancing the Care of Patients at Risk for Suicide
- NIMH Director’s Blog: A New Research Agenda for Suicide Prevention
- Suicide in the Military: Army NIH-Funded Study Points to Risk and Protective Factors
- Suicide Prevention: Creating an Agency-Wide Response
- National Action Alliance on Suicide Prevention Receives Suicide Care Report from Clinical Care and Intervention Task Force
- Teen Suicide in Nassau County New York: Lifesaving Resources
- Saving Real Lives in Virtual Space: Innovative Suicide Prevention Solutions
- Suicide Attempts and the Family
- Suicide: More Common Than You Think, More Preventable Than You Know
- Predicting Suicide: Difficulties for Treatment Professionals
- River Angel: Therapy and Loss in the Early Days of AIDS
- Understanding Suicide in New York City: The Scope of the Problem and Opportunities for Prevention
- Recognizing Suicide Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Working with Adolescents and Their Families in the Immediate Aftermath of a Suicide Attempt
- Are Bridges Suicide Magnets? They Don’t Have to Be!
- From the Publisher – Surviving Suicide: All Things Must Pass
- The NYSPA Report: Families of Suicided Soldiers to Get Letter of Condolence from President
- The NYSPA Report: A Response to the NYS OMH Report on Inpatient Suicide
- Clinicians and Suicide Loss
- Black Teens, Especially Girls, at High Risk for Suicide Attempts
- AAS Guidelines Help Identify Risk of Suicide for Inpatient and Residential Patients
- Beyond Moral Panic: The Untold Stories of Harm Reduction and Care on Social Media
- 10 Behavioral Health Trends for 2025
- Advancing Suicide Prevention: The Role of Technology and AI in Mental Health Care
- Leveraging Digital Tools: Innovative Technology for Suicide Prevention and Support in Healthcare
- Navigating the Digital Minefield: Cyberbullying, Catfishing, and Vulnerability Among Neurodivergent Populations
- Breaking Down Barriers to Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment Through Digital Innovation
- Using Technology to Personalize Behavioral Health Treatments
- The Benefits of Robotics and AI for Children and Behavioral Health
- Empowering Care: Leveraging AI in Helplines and Telehealth
- Enhancing Therapeutic Conversations with Sentiment Analysis in Natural Language Processing
- Revolutionizing Behavioral Health Through Technology and AI: The Promise of Personalized Care
- Future-Ready Social Work: Preparing the Workforce for Tomorrow’s Challenges
- Technology is Always Evolving – So Should Our Approach to Youth Mental Health
- Smart and Ethical Recovery: AI in Addiction Treatment
- How New York Psychotherapy and Counseling Center Uses Data Analytics to Expand Access and Improve Behavioral Healthcare for Underserved Communities
- BI Before AI: CBC’s Journey to Develop a Comprehensive In-House Business Intelligence Platform From Which to Launch AI Projects
- AI in Health Insurance: Ensuring Accountability and Oversight in an Evolving Landscape
- How to Allow Your Kids to Stay Connected and Protected: Strategies for Healthy Social Media Use in Schools and Homes
- Using Big Data Analytics to Predict and Prevent Mental Health Crises
- Digital Technologies Hold Promise for Behavioral Health Service Providers and Recipients
- Empowering Patients through Accessible Electronic Health Records: Benefits and Challenges
- How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Combat Addiction
- AI’s Next Target: Clinician Burnout
- A Decade of Advancements in Behavioral Health Technology for Pennsylvania Students
- How to Counter TikTok’s Mental Health Misinformation
- Enhancing Geriatric Behavioral Health: Best-Practices and Technology-Assisted Care Solutions
- We Can Break the Cycle of Preventable Emergency Room Visits and Improve Patients’ Lives
- AI and Home Care: Navigating Challenges and Embracing Innovation to Meet Growing Needs
- Technology Enhanced Care for Geriatric Behavioral Health
- Improving Staff and Patient Satisfaction with Compliance Technology
- Unlocking Success: 6 Ways Technology Enhances Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Access to Addiction Recovery Care
- Empowering Recovery: How Technology Supports Those with Substance Use Disorders
- Exploring the Use of Virtual Reality in Alleviating Loneliness Among Older Adults
- Virtual Care and Mobile Response: A Must for Certified Community Behavioral Health Centers
- At Behavioral Health Clinics, Supervisors are the New Technology Advocates
- How Technology of the Future is Solving Treatment Centers’ Challenges of the Past
- Hudson Valley Care on Managing Change and the Intersection of Health Homes and Technology
- AsOne LEADS: Lessons Learned in Building a Behavioral Health and Family-Centered Healthcare IT and Data Solution
- Telehealth Is Critical for Our Behavioral Health During the Pandemic
- The Emergence of Telehealth and a Deepening Digital Divide
- The NYSPA Report: The Future of Telehealth in New York State
- Intelligent Automation in Mental Health Care: Improving Patient Outcomes and Reducing Clinician Burnout
- Bringing Together Data to Improve Health Outcomes
- Analyzing Behavioral and Health Data Together Holds the Potential for Improved Behavioral Treatment
- Innovative Disrupters in Behavioral Health
- How EHR’s Are Responding to the Need for Virtual Client Care
- Telehealth: Short and Long-Term Implications for Behavioral Health
- Technology Revives the Forgotten “Secret Weapon” Addiction Treatment Needs Now
- Technology Helps OMH Increase Access and Continuity of Healthcare
- Concert Health: Using Technology to Support Safer Suicide Care
- Putting Tech to Work: Adapting and Enhancing Our Services
- Clinicians’ Perceptions of Telephone-Delivered Mental Health Services
- A Virtual Pathway to Technology-Assisted Care Models: Keeping Up with New Technology in Behavioral Health Care
- Address Comorbidities with Tech-Supported Approaches to Integrated Care
- Is Mental Health Keeping Pace with Applications of Technology?
- The Economy’s Effect on People: A Peer Perspective
Trauma-Informed Care
- From Harm to Healing: How Family Dynamics Shape Hazing Recovery
- Understanding and Addressing Childhood Trauma
- When Happy Hour Isn’t Always So Happy: One Clinician’s Point of View
- Applied Behavior Analysis as a Treatment for Survivors of Trauma
- A Trauma-Informed Approach to the 1115 Waiver: A Critical Ingredient for Success
- The Respite and Recovery Peer-Run Crisis Service Model
- Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence – An Interview with Steve Miccio, CEO of People USA
- Want to Help Underserved Communities Succeed? Adopt a Trauma-Informed Model at Your CEO Table
- Promoting Post-Pandemic Growth
- Addressing the Needs of Frontline Workers
- 24 Organizations Team Up in Westchester’s First Trauma-Informed Systems Change Collaborative
- Implementing Trauma-Informed Care is a Journey, Not a Project
- Utilizing Trauma-Informed Care to Address Trauma Reactions in Staff: Potential Impacts on Retention
- Post-COVID Strategies to Achieve the Trauma-Informed Behavioral Health System We’ve Needed All Along
- Trauma-Informed Care: Children in Crisis
- A Trauma-Informed Community Approach to Bullying
- Integrating Trauma-Informed Care Into Organizations Serving Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
- Trauma-Responsive Care: Beyond Mental Health
- Facilitating Trauma-Informed Organizational Change: OASAS Trauma-Informed Care Champions
- How the COVID-19 Pandemic Underscores the Need for Trauma-Informed Care
- Five Lessons Learned in National Trauma-Informed Care Training
- On Becoming Trauma-Informed: It Takes a Village
- Secondary Traumatic Stress: A Key Piece of the Conversation
- Housing and Mental Health Services Are Key to Recovering from Trauma
- Trauma-Informed Care in Community Mental Health Settings
- Championing a Hidden Health Crisis: Childhood Sexual Trauma
- ACES Are High: Transforming Systems of Care from Within
- Promoting Recovery for Individuals with Unidentified Trauma and Co-Occurring Disorders
- Trauma and “Whole Person” Healthcare
- Why Trauma Informed Care with Vulnerable Populations?
- The System-of-Care Movement Through a Trauma-Informed Lens: Implications for Systems Transformation
- Trauma-Informed Care Leads to More Integrated Care
- Integrating Trauma and Addiction Treatment
- Responding to First Responders: Even Superheroes Need Help Sometimes
- Addressing Trauma and Substance Abuse with Peer-Led Programs
- Partners in Integration: Addressing Need by Supporting NYC Workers
- An Experienced Social Worker’s First Natural Disaster
- Meeting Families as Far as They Can Go: A Values-Centered Approach to Treating Sexually Abused Children and Their Families
- Treating Trauma Survivors in a Family Mental Health Clinic
- Challenges in the Assessment of Trauma Among Individuals with Disabilities
- Trauma, Stress and the Financial Crisis: Impact and Intervention
Treatments and Interventions
- Dutchess County’s Stabilization Center Among New York’s First Licensed Supportive Crisis Stabilization Centers
- Saving Lives At Work: How Employers Can Lead in Suicide Postvention As Prevention
- Prolonged Grief and Suicide Survivors: Understanding Risks and Treatment
- Commentary: Break Down Walls Between Services for Mental Health, Addiction
- Supporting Socially Isolated Seniors
- Enhancing Geriatric Behavioral Health: Best-Practices and Technology-Assisted Care Solutions
- Supporting Seniors: Challenges and Solutions for Tomorrow
- Supporting Changing Needs Through the End of Life for Adults with Disabilities in Residential Settings
- Innovative Delivery of Therapy for Older Adults with Depression
- We Can Break the Cycle of Preventable Emergency Room Visits and Improve Patients’ Lives
- The Road to the Value-Based Care Promised Land
- Five Areas Where “More Research” Isn’t Needed to Curb the Overdose Crisis
- Harm Reduction in Treatment: A Simplified Overview
- Enhancing Recovery and Pioneering Hope: Integrating Outpatient and Residential Treatment Amid the Opioid Crisis
- When the Unexpected Happens: The Importance of Policies and Procedures
- Substance Use Disorder Prevention and Treatment Services: A Social Justice and Health Equity Perspective
- Unlocking Success: 6 Ways Technology Enhances Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Access to Addiction Recovery Care
- Addressing Nicotine Dependence in Patients with Mental Health Concerns and/or Substance Use Disorders
- An Overview of Family-Based Substance Use Therapy
- Lessons Learned in Effectively Advancing Co-Occurring Competent Care
- Basic Research Has Had a Major Impact on Developing New Treatments for Serious Mental Illnesses
- Improving Medication Adherence in People with Serious Mental Illness
- Overcoming Self-Stigma in Bipolar Disorder: A Targeted Intervention for an Urgent Problem
- Destigmatizing Mental Illness: Music Therapy in the Clinical Outpatient Realm
- Overcoming Stigma to Create More Inclusive Communities
- Finding Peace: A Journey to Positive Mental Mindset
- Applied Behavior Analysis as a Treatment for Survivors of Trauma
- From the Shadow of COVID, a Bright Emergent Resource: Crisis Stabilization Center
- Ketamine for Mental Health Treatment: How Promising Is It?
- Increased Access to Telehealth as a Means of Reducing Stigma
- A Case for the Discerning Application of Treatment Models: Proceed with Caution
- Overcoming Silos to Create Better Service Delivery
- Today’s Treatment Models Use All the Tools in the Toolbox
- Pediatric Behavioral Health Urgent Care: An Innovative Model of Care for Children and Adolescents
- Connection as Treatment: The Healing Power of the Community Center
- Evolution and Innovation in Care
- The Integration of Treatment and Recovery: Special Considerations for Working with Children
- How Peers Contribute to Treatment and Recovery on CBC’s Pathway Home™ Care Transition Team
- OnTrackNY: An Early Intervention Program to Interrupt Psychosis
- Making Addiction Treatment More Realistic and Pragmatic: The Perfect Should Not Be the Enemy of the Good
- Buprenorphine Misuse Decreased Among U.S. Adults with Opioid Use Disorder From 2015-2019
- A Virtual Peer DBT Consultation Group
- Psychiatric Consultation: A Method to Expand the Workforce
- Providing Care Afterhours: The BestSelf Way
- Improving Behavioral Health Outcomes Through Collaborative Efforts and Strategies
- The Doctor Will Actually See You Now
- A Person-Centered Approach to Substance Use: Lessons from the Barbershop
- Hoarding Disorder Condition: There Is Hope
- Four Considerations for Behavioral Healthcare Design
- Managing Burnout and Compassion Fatigue Through Self-Care Strategies
- The Need for Community-Based Early Intervention for Youth and Young Adults at Early Stages of Substance Use/Abuse
- “Wrapping Around” Integrated Care
- Reducing Access Barriers through Collaborative Care
- Engaging Patients at Critical Moments is Key to Improving Behavioral Health Outcomes
- Project TEACH Integrates Behavioral Health Care into Primary Care for Children and New Mothers
- Integrating Pharmacy Services to Improve Clinical Outcomes
- Helping Transition Age Youth and Young Adults Achieve their Goals
- Integration: A History of Promise
- Behavioral Health Providers Moving the Needle on Diabetes
- An Introduction to Reimbursement and Coding for Psychiatric Collaborative Care Management Services
- Co-Occurring System of Care Committees (COSOCCs): An Innovative Regional Approach to Integrated Care
- The Physician Assistant Bridges the Gap in Integrated Care
- Peer Workforce Integration in Integrated Healthcare
- Integrated Care: A Model of Service in Behavioral Health
- Integration: Some Progress and a Need for More
- Integrating Primary Care into Assertive Community Treatment
- Evaluation of a Continuum-Based Framework for Behavioral Health Integration in Small Primary Care Practices
- The Critical Role of Relationships in Integrated Health Care Delivery
- Integrating Health and Behavioral Health: Consider All the Dimensions
- The Behavioral Health Sector and Physical Health Services Models
- Reimagining Integrated Care: Why Social Interventions are Vital in Providing Support for People with Serious Mental Illness
- Integrated Psychiatry for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
- Integrated Health Care for Older Adults: A Model Partnership
- Integrating Peers within Behavioral Health Programs
- The Case for Integrated Care
- The Impact of Youth Peer Advocates: An Early Look at Findings
- Peers: An Essential Component to the Behavioral Health Workforce
- Partnerships and Collaborations: A Model for Enhancing Access and Enrollment of Children and Families into Health Home Care Management
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) – Now Approved for OCD
- Treatment Works! The Recipe to Recovery and Storytelling as Medicine
- Treating Psychosis Patients Early and Comprehensively Has Resulted in Improved Outcomes
- Treatment Recommendations for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Lessons from Neuroimaging
- Our Realizations and Truths About Harm Reduction
- Self-Reflections on Self-Determination in Harm Reduction
- Drug and Alcohol Prevention Education for Specialized Populations
- CoveCare and MHA Putnam Team up to Provide Continuity and Services
- Harm Reduction: Theory and Practice
- Through Health Care System Integration
- Boulevard Outpatient Stabilization Program
- Finding the Right Recovery Path: Welcoming Everyone into Treatment
- NYS OMH ACT Teams Utilize Harm Reduction Techniques
- Supervised Injection Facilities: A Logical Progression in Harm Reduction or a Bridge Too Far?
- Crisis Respite: An Effective Intervention in the Continuum of Recovery
- Meeting the Needs of Vulnerable Populations
- Helping the Most Vulnerable Among Vulnerable Populations
- Have Some CLAS: What Leading Organizations Are Doing to Address Population Health
- Commentary on Treating Vulnerable, Mentally Ill Patients
- Collaboration for People with MI/IDD: System Failures and Promising Practices
- Care Coordination Enhances the Medical Model for Individuals with Substance Abuse Disorder
- Stopping the Hospital Revolving Door: A Pathway Home to Stable Community Life
- Treating Vulnerable, Mentally Ill Patients Who Are Navigating the U.S. Criminal Justice System
- System Transformation in Substance Use Disorder Care: New York State Progress and Priorities
- Supervision: Paying Attention to the Soul, Not the Technique
- An Integrated Model of Care and Education: Wellspring and the Arch Bridge School
- Implementing Best Practices – Seven Core Processes
- Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery in Substance Use and Mental Illness
- We Don’t Treat Brains, We Treat People
- Intensive Outpatient Programs: When More is Better
- Merging Legal, Clinical and Medical Issues for the Most Effective Treatment Outcomes
- Outdated Perspective, Says Who? Therapeutic Work Programs with Land and Animals
- Preventing Mental Illnesses and Substance Use Disorders
- Intentional Peer Support: Using a Crisis as an Opportunity for Growth and Change
- Web-Based Virtual Humans for Supporting Healthcare and Medical Needs
- Challenges for the Treatment of Chemical Abusers with Mental Illness
- From Psychoanalysis to CBT: One Psychiatrist’s Journey
- A Comprehensive Overview of Psychotherapy
- Community Mental Health Promotion and Support Team Helps Older Adults Thrive
- New Tool Deployed to Help Veterans: Supported Recovery Training and Certification
- Supporting Veterans and Families in Conquering PTSD
- The Hidden Effects of Combat-Related PTSD on Spouses
- The Silent Battlefront of Veteran Suicide and the Measures Being Taken to Help Them
- Returning Veterans and Readjustment
- Fighting for Our Nation’s Veterans
- Innovative Treatment Choices for the Military Family
- Integrating Mental Health Services in a Primary Care Setting for Veterans
- MHA Vet2Vet Program: Leading the Way in Peer Support
- Saying Thanks to Those Who Have Served
- From Hopeless and Homeless to Hopeful and HomeBound
- Creating Home in a Community-Based Art Therapy Program
- Accepting Recovery and Coming Home: Integrated Practices for Addiction Treatment with Veterans
- A Bridge to Employment for Veterans
- What to Expect When Your Service Member Returns Home
- War Impacts Us All: Minding the Gap Among Veterans and Civilians
- The Veterans Mental Health Primary Care Training Initiative: Training a Healthcare Workforce to Meet the Mental Health Needs of Returning Veterans
- Soldiers at Increased Suicide Risk After Leaving Hospital
- New York State Tailors Treatment Services for Veterans with Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders
- Ending Veteran Homelessness on Long Island
- Employment Opportunities Off the Battlefield Help Veterans Combat Mental Health Challenges
- Substance Abuse Among Veterans: Challenges and Hope
- Let’s Not Forget Older Veterans
- The NYSPA Report: The Changing Face of the VA
- The NYSPA Report – Report on the Veterans Mental Health Training Initiative
- Promoting the Health and Well-Being of Veterans and Their Families
- The NYSPA Report: Taking Care of the Mental Health Needs of Active Duty Military, Veterans and Their Families
- Columbia Trauma and PTSD Program: Vital Research and Treatment for Veterans
- From Da Nang to Baghdad: Treating Combat PTSD
- New York to Develop Strategies to Assist Returning Veterans and Their Families
- From Fitness to Book Clubs, Virtual Volunteers Provide New Programs at AHRC NYC
- Volunteer Engagement: Considerations for Organizational Success
- Help Stand for Science Within the Autism Community: Showcasing the Externship of the Association for Science in Autism Treatment
- Behavioral Health Volunteering in Times of Crisis
- The Many Benefits of Volunteer Programming
- How Volunteering Benefits the Mental Health of 124 “Foster Grandparents”
- From Seeding to Eating: A Program Grows With Volunteerism
- Burnout and Why You Should Volunteer Your Time
- Elevate Your Agency’s Work with an Associate Board
- Volunteers: A Critical Support for Families Involved in the Child Welfare System
- Adapting the Compeer Volunteer Program During COVID-19
- The Important Role Volunteers Play in OMH’s Mission to Help Vulnerable New Yorkers
- Consumer Perspectives: Volunteering Makes a Difference in Our Lives
- Devereux Florida Student Volunteers Donate Time and Talents to Support Youth in Need
- Volunteering Makes Old Age Meaningful
- Volunteers of CBC’s Consumer Advisory Board Contribute to Better Health Outcomes
- Senior Volunteer Programs Provide More than Service
- WeSpeakNYC: A Toolkit for Overcoming Mental Health Stigma in BIPOC Communities
- Stories of Stigma in the Healthcare System
- Breaking Down Barriers: The STAR Program’s “Stop Mental Health Stigma” Campaign
- Mental Health: Everyone Has It. Every Day. Breaking the Stigma with ICAN’s Innovative Campaign
- Breaking Mental Health Stigma in the NYC Hispanic/Latino Community
- Mental Health Stigma Roundtable Discussion 4 of 4: Paths to Reduce Stigma and Promote Positive Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behavior
- Mental Health Stigma Roundtable Discussion 3 of 4: The Role of the Media in Reducing Stigma
- Mental Health Stigma Roundtable Discussion 2 of 4: The Experience of Mental Health Stigma Among Diverse Groups
- Mental Health Stigma Roundtable Discussion 1 of 4: Understanding the Experience of Mental Health Stigma
- Webinar: This Will Only Hurt a Little – Stoicism in the Face of EHR Implementations
- Webinar: LAMB Insurance Services – Actions for Organizations to Take in the COVID-19 Environment
Workforce Crisis
- The Behavioral Health Workforce Crisis and its Impact on Families
- Telehealth, Burnout, and the New Normal
- When Staff Burnout Prevents Progress
- Staffing Shortages Halt Progress
- Weathering the Workforce Storm
- New York State Office of Mental Health Enhances Recruitment Efforts to Address Workforce Shortages
- Federal and State Vaccine Mandates and The Behavioral Health Workforce
- Let’s Celebrate Our Workforce
- From Crisis to Connection: Meeting the Workforce Shortage Head On
- Help Wanted! Now More Than Ever
- Primary Care Integration: Alternative Workforce Strategies for Community-Based Behavioral Health Service Organizations in the Era of Physician Shortages
- Rural Workforce Development: Critical Challenges
- The Behavioral Health Workforce Crisis: Past, Present, and Future
- A Dedicated but Neglected Workforce: A Clarion Call for Change
- Meeting the Workforce Challenge at Outreach
- Addressing the Human Services Workforce Crisis Through Training and Professional Development
- The Experience of Workplace Stress and Compassion Satisfaction of Licensed Social Workers
- The Challenges of Hiring and Retaining Top Talent
- An Organization’s Multidimensional Response to the Economy
Workforce Training
- Commentary: Break Down Walls Between Services for Mental Health, Addiction
- Digital Transformation, Virtual Learning, and the Resilient Organization
- Attracting and Retaining Employees During the Workforce Crisis of 2021
- Training the Workforce in Non-Traditional Modalities of Self-Care: A COVID-19 Silver-Lining
- Workforce Training in the Age of COVID-19 and Zoom
- The Center for Practice Innovations: A Resource for the Behavioral Healthcare Workforce
- Addressing the Human Services Workforce Crisis Through Training and Professional Development
- Enhanced CRPA and CHW Training and Workforce Transformation
- Staff Development at the Mental Health Association of Westchester
- Millennials in the Workplace: Investing in a Generation
- The Integrated Mental Health and Addictions Treatment Training Certificate (IMHATT)
- Training Increases Substance Abuse and Mental Health Interventions
- The Foundations of a New “Wellness” Workforce
- Workforce Development Needs of Addiction Professionals in New Jersey
- Addressing Workforce Challenges in Serving Individuals with Co-Occurring MI/IDD
- Supporting Peer Specialists
- Preparing the New Behavioral Health Workforce
- Meeting the Challenges of Healthcare Reform: Preparing the Workforce for Transformational Practice Change
- Investing in a Professional, Caring, and Mission-driven Workforce
- Increasing the Addiction Workforce: Fellowship Training in Addiction Medicine
- Dual Career Path Development: A Critical Component of Staff Retention and Development
- Brief Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment: Designing Social Work Education to Enhance Clinical Practice
- Developing Workforce Knowledge Through Technical Assistance
- Peer Leadership and Workforce Development
- AHRC New York City Launches New Initiative to Better Serve the Community
- The Economy’s Impact on Vocational Services