GoMo Health

Lived Experience as a Professional Pathway

The philosophy of The Mental Health Association of Westchester’s (MHA) housing and employment services and peer support is rooted in the principles of person-centered practice and the belief that individuals with behavioral health conditions – even those with histories of instability or little...

360 is More Than Just an Address, It’s a Model of Care for The Mental Health Association of Westchester

In 2022, preliminary data released by the CDC indicated that more than 100,000 people had died from drug overdoses (CDC). This total marks a new annual record in nationwide drug overdose deaths and is twice the size of 2015’s record, underscoring the alarming escalation of this crisis (NPR, Times...

The Mental Health Association of Westchester’s Intensive and Sustained Engagement Team (INSET)

Anyone involved in the mental health system, whether an individual diagnosed with a behavioral health condition, family member, or practitioner of services, knows that there is pervasive stigma in our country concerning mental health. Although the COVID pandemic has brought increased attention to...

The Importance of Equity for All: Accessing Preventative Affordable Behavioral Health Care

The Office of Behavioral Health Equity (OBHE) coordinates with SAMHSA’s efforts to reduce disparities in mental and/or substance use disorders across populations. These efforts are focused on the promotion of behavioral health equity for underserved racial and ethnic minority, as well as lesbian,...

The Lens of Loss: Perspectives of Family Members Following Suicide Loss

When we think about the suicide of a loved one, we think of profound loss, of grief, of finding a way to endure amid unyielding pain. But we gain something in the aftermath, one nearly as burdensome. It is a new perspective: Loss becomes a lens through which life is lived. And it can be difficult...

Better Together: Addressing Challenges by Working Together

Positive growth as a result of navigating challenges and building resilience is a basic tenet of the behavioral health care world. It’s the journey through which we support clients; it’s how clinicians and other staff flourish in their professions; and it’s how we, as organizations,...

On Self-Stigma and Employment

When we talk about stigmatization of people with behavioral health conditions in employment, many of us think of Equal Employment Opportunity disclaimers many companies place at the end of their job descriptions. Others would mention the Americans with Disabilities Act and name drop reasonable...

Volunteers: A Critical Support for Families Involved in the Child Welfare System

Volunteers at The Mental Health Association of Westchester play a critical role in improving the lives of children and families served by the child welfare system. Through two unique programs that rely on trained, supervised community volunteers, we advocate for the well-being of youth in family...

From Crisis to Connection: Meeting the Workforce Shortage Head On

The workforce shortage has been felt keenly in the behavioral health field (BHECON, 2018). To effectively address this shortage, we must identify its root causes, understand dynamics that result in staff resignation decisions and connect the perceived impact on business sustainability while...

Promoting Post-Pandemic Growth

Post-pandemic life is at the forefront of most people’s minds right now. How could it not be when it reaches into every corner of our lives? Post-pandemic socialization, employment, childcare, recreation; the list goes on and on. It is not uncommon to hear people talking about a return to normal,...