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Posts Tagged ‘behavioral health’

Leaders of the Autism and Behavioral Health Community to Be Honored at May 12, 2021 Virtual Leadership Awards Reception

Mental Health News Education, Inc. (MHNE), the nonprofit organization that publishes Autism Spectrum News and Behavioral Health News, will be honoring five outstanding champions of the autism and behavioral health communities at its Virtual Leadership Awards Reception on May 12, 2021 from 5:00 pm...

Concert Health: Using Technology to Support Safer Suicide Care

Since 2018, Concert Health has been using technology to make high-quality behavioral health services available at the primary care level using the Collaborative Care Management (CoCm) model. CoCm has been proven to significantly improve depression and anxiety outcomes compared with traditional...

Workforce Training in the Age of COVID-19 and Zoom

Since its launch in 2018, Coordinated Behavioral Care’s (CBC) Training Institute (TI) has embodied a versatility befitting the evolving behavioral health landscape in which it operates. This ability to reflect both the training content and format necessary to resonate with its broad audience of...

Social Determinants of Behavioral Health: Time to Augment Advocacy Strategy?

The hope implicit in the concept of social determinants is that broad changes in the social, economic, and political structures of our communities, nations, and world can result in improved behavioral health of large populations, such as regions, age-groups, social classes, genders, disabilities,...

Providing Care Afterhours: The BestSelf Way

Maintaining behavioral health is a key factor in an individual’s well-being. An individual’s social health is molded by conditions like academic and occupational achievement, economic stability, public safety, and social welfare expenditures (M. Alegria, Social Determinants of Mental Health,...

Rising to the COVID-19 Challenge

When Governor Cuomo ordered the closure of non-essential businesses across New York State in response to rising coronavirus infection rates, Odyssey House stayed open. Our essential residential treatment centers, outpatient services, supportive housing apartments, and primary health clinics in...

Behavioral Health News and Autism Spectrum News: Supporting the Community During the COVID-19 Crisis

The current pandemic shows us how difficult social distancing and sheltering in place have been for the general public. It has been especially hard for people with mental illness, substance use disorders, and people on the autism spectrum. During my own 10-year battle with depression I...

Anticipating Emotional Reactions During the Covid-19 Pandemic: What We Can Learn from Past Disasters

The national Disaster Distress Helpline (DDH) was launched by Vibrant Emotional Health and the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) in 2012 to guarantee that everyone in the United States has access to immediate crisis counseling and support throughout any phase...

Key Elements for Providers to Address During COVID-19

With the urgency in care for vulnerable populations during this current pandemic, SAE & Associates (SAE) understands providers are looking for answers and solutions to continue and possibly grow services to meet the needs of overall population outcome during COVID-19. It is clear that, as...

The Unheralded Heroes of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Residential Addiction Treatment Workers

COVID-19 has impacted our world unlike any health crisis during our lifetime. As this ravaging disease continues to spike in many regions, there are of course negative impacts on many other systems throughout society-including how we as individuals cope with the added stressors around us. The crash...