Archive for the ‘Employment’ Category

Organizational Strategies for Anti-Stigma Work Within Our Four Walls

Mental health stigma affects all of us. It is so ingrained in our society, that we have to consciously choose to share or not to share our experiences or connections to mental health challenges. This conscious level decision-making brings a processing we engage in asking ourselves either, “Am I...

Addressing Clinician Burnout in a Community Mental Health Setting During the COVID Pandemic

More than two years into the COVID pandemic, we are probably all familiar with the term “burnout.” According to the literature, burnout is defined as a syndrome resulting from one’s profession that is comprised of three dimensions of symptoms: fatigue and emotional exhaustion, a low sense of...

From the Desk of Dr. Max: The Impact of Employee Depression in the Workplace

Although the impact of emotional health challenges is well documented in the literature, its impact and consequences for the workforce and the work environment is ever increasing and prevalent during the COVID-19 pandemic. Four out of ten adults reported symptoms of anxiety and depression during...

Employee Mental Health Benefits in the Private Sector: Workplace Programs and Hiring Policies

According to a recent study by Mental Health America, about fifty million Americans are experiencing some kind of mental illness. Each year, major depression affects more than 8% of about twenty-one million American adults. No matter a person's origin, age, status, line of work, or other personal...

The Detrimental Health Impact of Unemployment

Employment has the potential to contribute to positive health outcomes for people with serious mental illnesses; however, its analog, long-term unemployment, is a social determinant that has not been consistently recognized for its extremely negative effects on the individual’s recovery and other...

Peers in the Workforce: Reversing Misconceptions and Succeeding

This article is part of a quarterly series giving voice to the perspectives of individuals with lived experiences as they share their opinions on a particular topic. The authors of this column facilitated a focus group of their peers to inform this writing. The authors are served by Services for...

Workplace Success for Individuals with Autism and Sensory Issues: The Critical Role of Wellness and Strategies for Success

What factors are most important to an individual’s success in the workplace? If this question was posed to a group of people, one might expect a range of answers including experience, education, work ethic, people skills, and the ability to problem solve. However, in working with young adults...

Employee Wellness: Meeting the Challenge of the Workplace

Today’s behavioral health agencies are under more pressure than ever to measure and improve outcomes, reduce costs, adapt to changing market and regulatory conditions. As a result of these sometimes competing pressures, burnout and compassion fatigue are ever present concerns in today’s...

Improving the American Mental Health System: The Importance of the Workplace

Bill lived in an almost constant sense of dread. At work he was distracted by his worries about his children, who were having problems in school and about his deteriorating relationship with his wife. He worried about having enough money to pay the bills. At night he lay awake ruminating about...

Making Primary Health Issues a Part of Your Wellness Program

When we were children, annual trips to the doctor were made by our parents or guardians, but as we grow into adult life, making routine appointments may fall to the wayside. Instead of scheduling visits just for wellness maintenance, we may only get around to going when we have the flu or want a...