Archive for the ‘Technology’ Category

Putting Tech to Work: Adapting and Enhancing Our Services

Putting advanced technology to work at Odyssey House was underway before COVID-19 disrupted our work and personal lives forcing us to change how we interact with each other. We have consistently invested in ways to make our administrative and program management tasks more efficient with remote...

Clinicians’ Perceptions of Telephone-Delivered Mental Health Services

There is a significant need for professional programs to provide training in the provision of telephone-delivered mental health services. Telephonic mental health services is an emerging practice approach that may meet the needs and the field’s commitment to addressing access to mental health...

A Virtual Pathway to Technology-Assisted Care Models: Keeping Up with New Technology in Behavioral Health Care

Community-based behavioral health organizations and the individuals they serve would benefit from embracing new media and digital technologies. Technology-assisted care allows providers an additional set of tools to supplement engagement and establish more meaningful lines of communication. With...

Address Comorbidities with Tech-Supported Approaches to Integrated Care

Consider this common scenario: Trying to assess a high-need patient with diabetes, a care coordinator with access only to the patient’s physical health record is unaware of her history of depression. Conversely, a behavioral care coordinator reviewing her depression charts, may be unable to...

Is Mental Health Keeping Pace with Applications of Technology?

Henry Ford was once quoted as saying, “If I had asked them what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” The world has seen advances in communications that few could have imagined only fifty years ago. Since the invention of the worldwide web in 1973, there has been a virtual...

The Economy’s Effect on People: A Peer Perspective

With the current economic recession our society has developed more fears about day to day life and what the future may hold than in recent memory. This translates into volumes for people who may require mental health treatment as well as community support services. Mental health services are...