Archive for the ‘Depression’ Category

Community Mental Health Promotion and Support Team Helps Older Adults Thrive

CEC Health Care operates a Community Mental Health Promotion and Support (COMHPS) team that provides emotional support, wellness activities, screenings, and referrals to treatment in Western Nassau County. A multi-disciplinary team of licensed mental health professionals and paraprofessionals seeks...

Chronic Pain and Its Impacts: An Overview & Possible Management Options

When a person goes through depression, the impact of that weight can manifest in the form of physical pain and other bodily discomfort. On the other hand, chronic pain has a significant effect on behavioral health. Recurring physical pain can lead to mood swings, lack of appetite, lack of...

Analysis of Social Media Language Using AI Models Predicts Depression Severity for White Americans, but Not Black Americans

Researchers were able to predict depression severity for white people, but not for Black people using standard language-based computer models to analyze Facebook posts. Words and phrases associated with depression, such as first-person pronouns and negative emotion words, were around three times...

What is Imposter Phenomenon and How Can it Result in Anxiety and Depression?

Have you ever felt like an imposter in your own life? People who experience this phenomenon express the feeling that they might not be as talented or intelligent as others might believe them to be. They hesitate to credit their experience or problem-solving skills when responding to compliments or...

Consumer Perspectives: Substance Use Treatment and Mental Health

This article is part of a quarterly series giving voice to the perspectives of individuals with lived experiences as they share their opinions on a particular topic. The authors are served by Services for the UnderServed (S:US), a New York City-based nonprofit that is committed to giving every New...

Depression Detection Has Never Been More Important: PHQ-9 Enables Clinicians and Patients to Track and Address Depression With Combined Physical and Emotion Symptoms Score

The COVID-19 pandemic, armed conflicts, economic dislocations, and other concerns have affected mental health around the globe. Clinical depression, which affects 300 million individuals worldwide, is projected to increase. With findings that are significant for both clinicians and patients,...

Relief from Decades of Treatment-Resistant Depression Comes with Metabolite Replacement Therapy Trial

Bruce had tried everything. And yet, for three decades, he could not find any relief from his debilitating depression and suicidal thoughts. Twenty medications. Electroconvulsive therapy. Countless hours of counseling and cognitive behavioral therapy. Nothing had worked. Of the 15 million...

Helping Moms and Kids

Health care delivery is generally complicated, but it doesn’t always have to be. Change can occur through a simple step. Take the case of maternal depression. It is undisputed that depression is a highly treatable medical condition, especially if identified and treated early. It is also...

Introducing Collaborative Care in the Workplace

Depression in the workplace affects 10 million people each year (Value Options, How Depression Affects the Workplace) with 6-8% of the population having a major depressive episode each year (Kessler RC et al., The Prevalence and Correlates of Workplace Depression in the National Comorbidity Survey...

New, Work-focused Approach Helps Employees with Depression Do Better at Work and Feel Better, Too

When employees injure their spine, they often receive physical therapy for this common condition. They learn how to strengthen weak muscles, lift properly and sit ergonomically. Essentially, they are taught proven strategies to get them back on their feet and back on the job. But it’s been a...