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Posts Tagged ‘workforce’

Commentary: Break Down Walls Between Services for Mental Health, Addiction

One in four. That’s how many adults in the U.S. living with severe mental illness are also living with substance use disorders. In New York, 1.4 million people are living with both mental health and substance use challenges. Yet these issues are too often addressed as distinct and separate,...

Biden-Harris Administration Launches National Behavioral Health Workforce Career Navigator

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), announced on November 13 the launch of the Behavioral Health Workforce Career Navigator, designed to help current and aspiring behavioral health...

New Tool Deployed to Help Veterans: Supported Recovery Training and Certification

The prevalence of suicide, addiction to alcohol and other drugs, homelessness, unemployment, incarceration, physical and mental health challenges, and the need for health and social services is disproportionate among Veterans compared to the general population. Among Veterans, one in six who served...

How the COVID-19 Pandemic Affects the Future of Behavioral Health Care

“Out of all human events, it is tragedy alone that brings people out of their own petty desires and into awareness of other humans’ suffering. Tragedy occurs in human lives so that we will learn to reach out and comfort others.” - C. S. Lewis Throughout history, we have learned many of...

A Lesson in Resiliency

The Pandemic has and continues to challenge everyone in many similar and different ways. The profound loss of lives and continuing vigilance and preparation/adjustment on part of everyone has tested the limits of many individuals, families, businesses and organizations. Increased stress and...

New York State Office of Mental Health Enhances Recruitment Efforts to Address Workforce Shortages

As New York State faces another wave of COVID-19, the need for access to mental health care in our communities has never been more urgent. Unfortunately, healthcare delivery systems across the nation are overwhelmed and understaffed. And while this workforce shortage presents many challenges, it...

Federal and State Vaccine Mandates and The Behavioral Health Workforce

The COVID-19 public health emergency has contributed to workforce crises across almost all industries, fields and professions. The behavioral health field has not been immune. Even worse, behavioral health has historically been impacted by workforce challenges, stemming from “chronic underfunding...

Let’s Celebrate Our Workforce

Every day when he left home to serve as the attending psychiatrist at an inpatient unit at a general hospital, he wondered whether he would contract COVID at work that day and bring it home to his wife and two small children. Maybe he had already brought it home. Had stripping in the garage and...

From Crisis to Connection: Meeting the Workforce Shortage Head On

The workforce shortage has been felt keenly in the behavioral health field (BHECON, 2018). To effectively address this shortage, we must identify its root causes, understand dynamics that result in staff resignation decisions and connect the perceived impact on business sustainability while...

Lessons of COVID-19: Staff Dedication and Skill Key to Success

The Institute for Community Living (ICL) compass shines brightly on our North Star: “People get better with us.” This simple yet profound message has given us meaning and purpose during unprecedented social upheaval. We know, empirically, that what matters most and keeps people in their job is...