Posts Tagged ‘trauma’

Ask Dr. Max: Family Life Cycle and Mental Illness Challenges

It is important to start with the understanding that everyone thinking about and desiring to have a family is not only with great expectations but with many hopes and aspirations. Unexpected events result in shocks and traumas impacting everyone and each family system based on many factors...

A Trauma-Informed Approach to the 1115 Waiver: A Critical Ingredient for Success

Despite an increasing recognition and surge of evidence that trauma is pervasive and has significant negative health consequences, the traditional healthcare system has not yet been configured in a way that is adequately responsive to this knowledge. Conversely, the system creates barriers to...

A Case for the Discerning Application of Treatment Models: Proceed with Caution

In recent decades we have witnessed a proliferation of models for the treatment of behavioral health conditions, many of which enjoy robust evidence bases that support their application in accordance with overarching principles and intended outcomes. In many respects, we inhabit a “Golden Age”...

Navigating the Road to Recovery: An Art and a Science

Defining recovery is all-encompassing. It may be recovery from mental illness, substance use, trauma, losses and, as we’ve recently learned, from the effects of a pandemic. Most often it is thought about as a journey toward regaining something that was lost or returning to a former state. In...

Early Childhood Mental Health Clinic: Unmasking Social-Emotional Needs in Young Children

Think about this: a child who turned 5 years old in March 2022 will have spent 60% of their young life in the age of COVID. Most, if not all, of the child's active memories will be a time when traveling outside the home means wearing a mask. They were told that masks keep them safe; masks protect...

Behavioral Health Volunteering in Times of Crisis

When a call for support goes out at the onset of a disaster, we commonly recognize the basic needs: shelter, food, water, clothing. Behavioral health needs – mental, emotional, and spiritual care – have been an afterthought, if included in the response plan at all. This is beginning to shift....

Resources to Address Mental Health and Resiliency in School Settings

Going to school during a pandemic can be challenging for families and schools. The following resources are designed to address mental health and resiliency in school settings. Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Resources SAMHSA funds the MHTTC Network, which is a collaborative...

Want to Help Underserved Communities Succeed? Adopt a Trauma-Informed Model at Your CEO Table

2020 was a year to remember. Not only did the United States –and the world– grapple with a pandemic of epic proportions, but our country was also forced to take a deeper, harder look at the pervasive and deadly impact of racial inequality and systemic discrimination, as the continued violence...

Promoting Post-Pandemic Growth

Post-pandemic life is at the forefront of most people’s minds right now. How could it not be when it reaches into every corner of our lives? Post-pandemic socialization, employment, childcare, recreation; the list goes on and on. It is not uncommon to hear people talking about a return to normal,...

Addressing the Needs of Frontline Workers

Throughout the past year, I have been struck by the degree to which attention to mental health and wellness, specifically of the impact of trauma on mental health, has entered mainstream discussion. “Frontline Workers” (FLW) who continued to show up for work despite personal risks have been...