GoMo Health

Posts Tagged ‘Spring 2021 Issue’

Technology Revives the Forgotten “Secret Weapon” Addiction Treatment Needs Now

What if I told you that one of the most powerful and evidence-based clinical interventions for substance use disorder was nearly abandoned and forgotten? It’s true. With the opioid epidemic raging, the stimulant epidemic on the rise, and the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbating behavioral health...

Technology Helps OMH Increase Access and Continuity of Healthcare

As the COVID-19 pandemic spread and intensified last year, the NYS Office of Mental Health and behavioral healthcare workers across the nation faced two great challenges: First, ensuring our patients could access the treatment and services they needed without increasing the risk of exposure; and...

Concert Health: Using Technology to Support Safer Suicide Care

Since 2018, Concert Health has been using technology to make high-quality behavioral health services available at the primary care level using the Collaborative Care Management (CoCm) model. CoCm has been proven to significantly improve depression and anxiety outcomes compared with traditional...

Putting Tech to Work: Adapting and Enhancing Our Services

Putting advanced technology to work at Odyssey House was underway before COVID-19 disrupted our work and personal lives forcing us to change how we interact with each other. We have consistently invested in ways to make our administrative and program management tasks more efficient with remote...

Workforce Training in the Age of COVID-19 and Zoom

Since its launch in 2018, Coordinated Behavioral Care’s (CBC) Training Institute (TI) has embodied a versatility befitting the evolving behavioral health landscape in which it operates. This ability to reflect both the training content and format necessary to resonate with its broad audience of...