Posts Tagged ‘grief’

The Lens of Loss: Perspectives of Family Members Following Suicide Loss

When we think about the suicide of a loved one, we think of profound loss, of grief, of finding a way to endure amid unyielding pain. But we gain something in the aftermath, one nearly as burdensome. It is a new perspective: Loss becomes a lens through which life is lived. And it can be difficult...

Healthy Aging: For Older Adults, The Pandemic is Far from Over

As we move into Year Three of the Covid-19 pandemic, older adults remain at high risk. Those over age 65 now account for 90% of COVID deaths – and many of those becoming ill are fully vaccinated and boosted. While many Americans feel confident to resume social activities and travel, our older...

Resources to Address Mental Health and Resiliency in School Settings

Going to school during a pandemic can be challenging for families and schools. The following resources are designed to address mental health and resiliency in school settings. Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Resources SAMHSA funds the MHTTC Network, which is a collaborative...

A Lesson in Resiliency

The Pandemic has and continues to challenge everyone in many similar and different ways. The profound loss of lives and continuing vigilance and preparation/adjustment on part of everyone has tested the limits of many individuals, families, businesses and organizations. Increased stress and...

In the Shadow of the Pandemic: The Suicide Crisis in America

The pandemic, overdue confrontations of racism, and fears about the outcome of the 2020 election have diminished America’s alarm about rising drug overdose and suicide rates. But these epidemics continue, albeit in the shadow of COVID-19. This fall 2020 issue of Behavioral Health News is...

Helping People Cope with Grief During COVID-19

In these uncertain times of physical distancing, grievers are feeling more alone and isolated than ever. Many are craving physical closeness that is an integral part of the grieving process – a hug from a family member, lunch with a friend, someone dropping by to check on them. The...