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Posts Tagged ‘anxiety’

Mental Health and Families: Working Together to Strengthen and Support Loved Ones

Having a family member diagnosed with a mental illness can cause great stress and a deep sense of isolation. Mental health challenges are difficult to open up about because of the fear of judgment, believing that no one will understand. Relationships with family and friends can be difficult to...

Families and Suicide: How to Engage Your Child in Conversation

As parents, we must balance our feelings of anxiety and uncertainty, on top of our own emotions with those of our children. There are many aspects to the relationship between suicide and families, especially having conversations to find out if children are thinking about suicide. Many parents are...

The Hidden Effects of Combat-Related PTSD on Spouses

The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (2014) reported that approximately 20% of service members who served in Iraq or Afghanistan developed combat-related PTSD. Mental health issues following combat tours are not exclusive to service members. de Burgh et al. (2011) stated that spouses of service...

Virtual Care Platform Supports Text-Based Mental-Health Research Program for Transgender and Nonbinary Participants

Reaching individuals with information designed to help with anxiety and depression can be difficult, especially when they’re in rural areas. Consistent, fast internet is still not available in many of these areas, so text-messaging outreach is highly preferred (about 95% of US residents have a...

Early Childhood Mental Health Clinic: Unmasking Social-Emotional Needs in Young Children

Think about this: a child who turned 5 years old in March 2022 will have spent 60% of their young life in the age of COVID. Most, if not all, of the child's active memories will be a time when traveling outside the home means wearing a mask. They were told that masks keep them safe; masks protect...

Volunteer Engagement: Considerations for Organizational Success

Health and social service agencies, and the nonprofit sector generally, rely on volunteers to advance their missions and to ensure their continuing viability. As nonprofit organizations (NPOs) must compete for resources necessary to sustain their operations, the availability of an engaged workforce...

The Important Role Volunteers Play in OMH’s Mission to Help Vulnerable New Yorkers

Volunteers are extraordinary people who play a critical role in behavioral healthcare. This was never more evident than during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic when the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) reached out to mental health care professionals and asked that they...

10 Tips to Ease COVID “Re-Entry Anxiety”​

As our communities move forward with re-openings and opportunities to return to the workplace, send kids back to school or socialize with friends and family, you may find yourself experiencing fear and anxiety - especially if you’ve been self-isolating or in quarantine for a long period of time....

WellLife Network Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention Survey

Suicide rates in America were continuing to increase at alarming rates even before COVID-19. However, the economic and sociopolitical landscape as well as the increased turmoil, stress due to uncertainty, and disruption in people’s lives since COVID-19 has caused tragic changes in the lives of...

Preparing College Students for the Spring Semester: Strategies to Manage Negative Feelings During the COVID-19 Pandemic

As we close in on a year of quarantine due to COVID-19, college students across the country continue to adjust to the social distance mandates at their respective campuses. The majority of colleges and universities restructured the fall semester to allow students to participate in virtual classes...