Suicide Prevention as a Core Responsibility
Every year more than 40,000 Americans die from suicide and suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States (CDC, 2016). Over eighty percent of people who die from suicide have contact with health and behavioral health care providers in the year prior to their death and almost half...
Suicide Prevention in the Aging
By 2040, it is estimated that 82 million Americans will be over the age of 65. Approximately 16 million of them will have mental health issues and/or substance use disorders (SAMHSA, 2017). It is also known that the highest rate of suicide is among those 65 years and older. 90% of those who die by...
Shift in How We Think About Suicide Prevention Needed
Beacon Health Options 2017 White Paper Promotes Zero Suicide Model as Best-In-Class Approach for Suicide Prevention Beacon Health Options’ (Beacon) latest white paper, “We Need to Talk About Suicide,” (http://beaconlens.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Beacon-Zero-Suicide-White-Paper.pdf)...
NYS Office of Mental Health Announces “1,700 Too Many” Statewide Suicide Prevention Plan
The New York State Office of Mental Health today announced the release of an extensive, multifaceted plan for suicide prevention, aimed at reducing New York State’s suicide rate. To guide suicide prevention statewide, 1,700 Too Many: New York State’s Suicide Prevention Plan will empower...
Zero Suicide: Working Together to Save Lives
The death of Robin Williams in 2014 was an event that stunned the nation. He was a beloved man who brought laughter to so many people’s lives. His suicide stirred emotions in people as they pondered a myriad of questions. How could someone who had such a full life want to kill himself?” ...
Integrated Settings: An Opportunity for Advancing the Care of Patients at Risk for Suicide
The integration of primary care and behavioral health affords settings the ability to better identify and manage patients at risk for suicide. Each year in the United States 35,000 people die by suicide, a large majority of whom are not engaged in the mental health system and who saw their primary...
NIMH Director’s Blog: A New Research Agenda for Suicide Prevention
More than 38,000 Americans died by suicide in 2010, the most recent year for which we have national data. This makes suicide, once again, the tenth leading cause of death for all ages; the second leading cause of death for young adults ages 25 to 34.1 Despite changes in recent decades that might...
Suicide in the Military: Army NIH-Funded Study Points to Risk and Protective Factors
The largest study of mental health risk and resilience ever conducted among U.S. military personnel today released its first findings related to suicide attempts and deaths in a series of three JAMA Psychiatry articles. Findings from The Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers...
Suicide Prevention: Creating an Agency-Wide Response
FEGS Health & Human Services, a large and diverse organization serving 100,000 individuals annually, provides a full array of behavioral services through community-based treatment, rehabilitation, care coordination programs and residential and housing services to over 25,000 people a year. We...
From the Publisher – Surviving Suicide: All Things Must Pass
We all walk a very thin line in our lives—a line of normal feelings and behavior. At any moment we might fall off that line and descend into the darkness of mental illness. For people with mental illness, their families and loved ones, this concept is well known. Brain chemistry, genetics, or...