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Archive for the ‘Social Determinants of Health’ Category

Safe at Last: Safe Options Support (SOS) Offers Options to Support the Homeless

Supporting the homeless population in NYC is a complex issue rooted in factors like the lack of affordable housing, mental illness, substance use, unemployment, and poor health conditions. Following the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill, New York City (NYC) has grappled with a significant...

Expanding Affordable Housing and Jobs Programs as Strategies for Addressing the Mental Health and Overdose Crises

Our society is grappling with mental health and overdose crises. In the United States in 2021, 22.8% of adults experienced mental illness,1 and more than 106,000 Americans died from drug-involved overdose.2 As the leader of a New York City nonprofit provider of shelter, housing, health, and...

Creating a Social Justice Action Framework for a NYC Social Service Provider

As one of the largest providers of community-based human services and housing in the state, the Services for the Underserved (S:US) team of over 1,800 dedicated staff serve over 38,000 New Yorkers each year. For more than four decades, S:US has served individuals and communities who face many...

Breaking Down Barriers to Using Social Determinants of Health Data

This is the time to use technology to overcome the barriers in integrating social determinants of health (SdoH) information into healthcare but ensuring that infrastructure and standardization is in place will be a joint effort. If one were to think about individual health, you might think...

Social Determinants of Rural Zip Codes

Only recently have we come to recognize the social determinants of mental health. Social determinants are those non-medical factors that play a significant role in our health and mental health. They include such things as education, economic stability, social connections, where we live,...

Social Determinants of Health and COVID-19: A Peer Perspective

As a peer professional and advocate who helps people recognize their inherent strengths and works to facilitate recovery, it is so very disappointing to consider that after the huge volume of research that has been conducted, and the enormous number of scholarly articles which have been written,...

The Great Accelerant: COVID-19 and the Social Determinants of Behavioral Health

The effects from the COVID-19 pandemic are intensifying the wave of transition sweeping across health and behavioral health care. In the pandemic’s wake is accentuating our social inequalities and health disparities, from race and social justice, workforce inequality, to the influence of social...

A Network Approach for Social Determinants of Health

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) describes Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) as “conditions in the places where people live, learn, work, and play that affect a wide range of health and quality-of life-risks and outcomes.”1 The impacts of these social determinants of health are well...

The East New York Health Hub: A Model for Addressing Social Determinants of Health

By definition and mission, non-profit human services organizations have been addressing the social determinants of health for over a century1 and have long understood the impact these factors have on health (mental and physical). Until about a decade ago, however, these same providers were not a...

Beyond Data: Strategies to Reduce Racial Missteps for Behavioral Healthcare Providers

Discussions of social determinants of behavioral health (SDBH) are often limited to data. While statistics are extremely valuable to understand the impact of institutional and systemic forces across racial and economic lines, SDBH conversations regularly exclude practical means to raise the...