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Archive for the ‘Coronavirus / COVID-19’ Category

A Lesson in Resiliency

The Pandemic has and continues to challenge everyone in many similar and different ways. The profound loss of lives and continuing vigilance and preparation/adjustment on part of everyone has tested the limits of many individuals, families, businesses and organizations. Increased stress and...

Lessons of COVID-19: Staff Dedication and Skill Key to Success

The Institute for Community Living (ICL) compass shines brightly on our North Star: “People get better with us.” This simple yet profound message has given us meaning and purpose during unprecedented social upheaval. We know, empirically, that what matters most and keeps people in their job is...

Telehealth: An Unexpected Silver Lining During a Pandemic

Cozy up in your home’s coveted armchair, paired with a blanket, headphones and your smart phone. Click on your telehealth link. Begin your remote outpatient therapy session from the comfort of your own home. But wait … are we referring to individuals served, therapists, or perhaps...

Lessons Learned from Senior Executives of Human Service Agencies Over the Past 20 Months

* Italicized quotes from members of NYIN are included, with a contributor listing provided at the end of this article. Who is in charge? Over the last 20 months, chief executives of human service agencies were faced with unprecedented crisis. The twin epidemics of the tragic consequences of...

Becoming an Adult During the Pandemic: Trauma and Resilience

Studies tracking psychological distress during the pandemic show that young adults are more likely to be struggling emotionally than are older adults. No wonder. Their lives have been disrupted just at a time in life when they are making the transition from the common turmoil of adolescence to the...

Responding to the COVID Pandemic and Racial Injustice

One of the truths that have been exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic is that while the trauma and grief of COVID-19 and the accumulated racial injustices have been widespread, the impact has been felt more strongly in some communities. COVID-19 has been much more harmful to Black and Brown communities...

10 Tips to Ease COVID “Re-Entry Anxiety”​

As our communities move forward with re-openings and opportunities to return to the workplace, send kids back to school or socialize with friends and family, you may find yourself experiencing fear and anxiety - especially if you’ve been self-isolating or in quarantine for a long period of time....

Learning from Client Surveys About Telehealth and the Impact of COVID-19

In the fall of 2019, as part of our effort to increase client accessibility to treatment, Westchester Jewish Community Services (WJCS) was preparing to launch a telehealth program. The plan had been to start a small pilot in the spring of 2020, with a few staff providing telehealth sessions, as...

Addressing COVID-19 Vaccine Reluctance

The past year has been a time of great concern and anxiety acutely felt by our behavioral health workforce. Recently we have been overwhelmed by an influx of information about COVID-19 from its risks, testing procedures, and prevention and treatment as well. New and sometimes confusing information...

Navigating America’s Unprecedented Mental Health Winter of 2020/2021

As the dust settles on one of the most polarizing and emotionally charged presidential races in the United States’ history, the country finds itself in the midst of a mental health crisis of historic proportions. The mental health aftershocks of the 2020 election will be felt for months...