GoMo Health

Posts Tagged ‘wellness’

How Mental Health Stigma Drives Suicide Risk

The inter-relationship between suicide risk, mental illness, and stigma against mental illness is multi-faceted and strong. Both mental illness and suicide are highly stigmatized. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) identifies mental illness as a significant risk factor for...

As Students Grapple with Leave of Absence Challenges, Manuals Aim to Offer a Better Way Forward

David Mink finished the spring semester of his freshman year at Macalester College in Minnesota with a 0.0 GPA, amid a process in which he would take a semester of classes, withdraw, and try again. “I just kept banging my head into the wall and felt like nothing was working,” Mink says....

Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence – An Interview with Steve Miccio, CEO of People USA

Overview David Minot, Executive Director of Mental Health News Education, the non-profit organization that publishes Behavioral Health News, interviews Steve Miccio, CEO of People USA. Steve speaks about the Crisis Stabilization Center located in Dutchess County, NY and his collaboration with the...

When Staff Burnout Prevents Progress

After nearly two years of facing COVID-19 waves and realities, healthcare workers are facing unprecedented levels of burnout. Providing important support, resources and space for staff can help prevent this and other acute stress responses from turning into longer term behavioral health...

Attracting and Retaining Employees During the Workforce Crisis of 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic is beyond unpredictable. No one can really say with certainty how and/or when this situation will be under control to the point where behavioral health organizations can go back to normal or know what the new normal would look like. With lockdowns, social distancing, and a...

On Becoming Trauma-Informed: It Takes a Village

Healthcare and social service providers who aim to promote optimal health and wellness among the populations they serve cannot achieve their objectives unless they address the impact of traumatic life events (both past and recurring) on vulnerable individuals. The landmark Adverse Childhood...

Working with High Risk, High Need, High Utilizers in a Mixed Use Setting: One Agency’s Experience

In a post DSRIP era, where sources of value based funding are scarce and community based organizations are still struggling to find a foot in the door partnering with the managed care industry and hospital settings, I thought it would be worth highlighting a few successful initiatives Concern for...

Permanent Supportive Housing: A Foundation for Wellness and Recovery from Chronic Mental Health and Substance Use Conditions

Three years ago, Jeannette Lewis and her 16-year-old son spent Christmas in a homeless shelter in the Bronx. With a history of chronic substance use and a disability due to a traumatic brain injury, Ms. Lewis struggled to maintain stable housing and care for her family. Her two older sons no longer...