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Posts Tagged ‘treatment’

Recovery and Inclusion: A Viewpoint in Retrospect

Currently we are faced with a delicate dance, between saving lives and promoting and perpetuating a zombie underclass. Tens of thousands are dying from drug overdose each year. Those who are living in addiction inflict on the society, higher healthcare costs, crime rates and human services costs....

NY State Governor Hochul Appoints Debbie Pantin, MHNE Chair, and Anne Constantino to NYS Opioid Settlement Board

On March 19th, 2022, New York State Governor Kathy Hochul, after signing legislation expanding the Opioid Settlement Board from 19 members to 21 members, announced her two appointments to the Board. "As we make our comeback from the COVID-19 pandemic, we must commit to also mitigating the impact...

The Integration of Treatment and Recovery: Special Considerations for Working with Children

Historically, the term “recovery” was commonly associated with substance use/addiction services and was popularized in the United States through Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) (Witkiewitz, K., et al., 2020). Beginning in 1939, AA published materials highlighting recovery as a personal journey toward...

How Peers Contribute to Treatment and Recovery on CBC’s Pathway Home™ Care Transition Team

Community-based care management services are vital in helping New York City’s most vulnerable members navigate an evolving healthcare landscape. CBC’s Pathway Home™ (PH) program is an evidence based multidisciplinary care transition intervention, tailored to walk side by side members from...

Buprenorphine Misuse Decreased Among U.S. Adults with Opioid Use Disorder From 2015-2019

Data from a nationally representative survey indicate that in 2019, nearly three-fourths of U.S. adults reporting buprenorphine use did not misuse the medication in the past 12 months. In addition, buprenorphine misuse among people with opioid use disorder trended downward between 2015-2019,...

Volunteers of CBC’s Consumer Advisory Board Contribute to Better Health Outcomes

Coordinated Behavioral Care (CBC) values the role of volunteers and cultivates opportunities to support active participation of volunteer members comprising its Consumer Advisory Board (CAB). CBC was launched in 2011 by innovative NYC not-for-profit behavioral health organizations to...

Information and Answers for People Who Use Drugs or Have Substance Use Disorder During COVID-19

Having a substance use disorder can make you more likely to get severely ill from COVID-19. People who use drugs may also have underlying medical conditions that put them at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19, and they may have concerns and questions related to their risk....

Putting Tech to Work: Adapting and Enhancing Our Services

Putting advanced technology to work at Odyssey House was underway before COVID-19 disrupted our work and personal lives forcing us to change how we interact with each other. We have consistently invested in ways to make our administrative and program management tasks more efficient with remote...

The East New York Health Hub: A Model for Addressing Social Determinants of Health

By definition and mission, non-profit human services organizations have been addressing the social determinants of health for over a century1 and have long understood the impact these factors have on health (mental and physical). Until about a decade ago, however, these same providers were not a...

Providing Care Afterhours: The BestSelf Way

Maintaining behavioral health is a key factor in an individual’s well-being. An individual’s social health is molded by conditions like academic and occupational achievement, economic stability, public safety, and social welfare expenditures (M. Alegria, Social Determinants of Mental Health,...