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Posts Tagged ‘support groups’

The Heavy Burden of Suicide Survivor’s Guilt: Understanding, Coping and Moving Forward

Family, friends, and even mere acquaintances are left with a wide range of feelings after someone in their life commits suicide. Feelings of responsibility, regret, and helplessness manifest in a complex experience called Survivor’s Guilt. This painful guilt grows from a sense of intense remorse...

Consumer Perspectives: Substance Use Treatment and Mental Health

This article is part of a quarterly series giving voice to the perspectives of individuals with lived experiences as they share their opinions on a particular topic. The authors are served by Services for the UnderServed (S:US), a New York City-based nonprofit that is committed to giving every New...

Circle of Grief: Inspired Survivor Speaks Openly About Suicide

I walked into the “survivors of suicide” group physically aching and emotionally doubled over in pain. The group – people who’d had a loved one die by suicide – sat in a circle of folding chairs in a pleasant if nondescript meeting room. This was my first visit, a trial effort at relief...

Preventing Suicide Among Suicide Attempt Survivors Using an Innovative Support Group Intervention

Despite ongoing prevention efforts, suicide remains a public health crisis, with reports showing an alarming increase in suicide rates over the past decade in the United States (Hedegaard, Curtin, Warner, 2018). From 1999 to 2017, the age-adjusted suicide rate increased by 33%. In 2018, suicide was...