GoMo Health

Posts Tagged ‘recruitment’

NY State Governor Hochul Launches Health Care Worker Bonus Program

State Budget Allocates $1.3 Billion to Medicaid Program for Retention of Employees in Frontline Health Care and Mental Hygiene Positions Online Portal Launching for Eligible Employers to Disburse Funds to Qualified Employees Bonus Program Among Several FY 2023 Enacted Budget Initiatives...

Weathering the Workforce Storm

Over the past year, the behavioral health and health field has endured a wave of voluntary employee departures and mounting challenges in its ability to recruit highly qualified staff. Turnover brings considerable costs to organizations, time - and resource-wise - in recruiting and training new...

New York State Office of Mental Health Enhances Recruitment Efforts to Address Workforce Shortages

As New York State faces another wave of COVID-19, the need for access to mental health care in our communities has never been more urgent. Unfortunately, healthcare delivery systems across the nation are overwhelmed and understaffed. And while this workforce shortage presents many challenges, it...