GoMo Health

Posts Tagged ‘hope’

Recovery, Hope and Resilience During the Pandemic

As one of the largest providers of outpatient mental health services in New York State, New York Psychotherapy and Counseling (NYPCC) works together with tens of thousands of New Yorkers facing mental health challenges. NYPCC embraces a recovery-oriented, trauma-informed model of community mental...

Serious Mental Illness Recovery: The Basics

When managing serious mental illness (SMI), the recovery journey can be long and challenging. It often requires creative and prolonged efforts to build and maintain a full life, but many people do reach recovery. In fact, up to 65% of people living with SMI experience partial to full recovery...

Suicide Prevention in New York State Schools: Hope and Resilience Among Urban, Suburban, and Rural Districts

New York is a geographically, politically, and culturally diverse state, with nearly 700 school districts serving more than 2.7 million students. Large or small, urban or rural, wealthy or poor, suicide and serious suicidal behavior is a growing concern. Although New York has one of the lowest...

Suicide Prevention in New York State: We Can Make a Difference But We Need All Hands on Deck!

Suicide is a public health crisis that demands our collective attention. Over the past two decades, while we have seen major forms of mortality like heart disease, stroke, and cancer decline, suicide rates have steadily increased both in the United States and New York State (NYS). Since 2000 the...

From the Publisher: A Personal Journey From a Survivor of Suicide: “From the Depths of Despair to a Mission of Advocacy”

I was drifting in and out of consciousness in the emergency room. “You have to drink this,” someone was saying as they held a tall plastic cup to my lips, filled with a tasteless ink-black liquid. I later learned that the charcoal drink was given to me to absorb the toxic soup that was in my...