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Posts Tagged ‘data’

Breaking Down Barriers to Using Social Determinants of Health Data

This is the time to use technology to overcome the barriers in integrating social determinants of health (SdoH) information into healthcare but ensuring that infrastructure and standardization is in place will be a joint effort. If one were to think about individual health, you might think...

Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence – An Interview with Carol Cassell and Nadeem Ramjan from Advanced Health Network & Recovery Health Solutions

Overview David Minot, Executive Director of Mental Health News Education, the non-profit organization that publishes Behavioral Health News, interviews Carol Cassell, Executive Director, and Nadeem Ramjan, Director of Data Strategy & Analytics at Advanced Health Network & Recovery Health...

Webinar: This Will Only Hurt a Little – Stoicism in the Face of EHR Implementations

 Overview If you've outgrown your current EHR vendor but the thought of migrating to a new platform sends shivers down your spine and your pupils dilate with flashbacks of your last "painless" implementation, you're exactly who we want to help. Jawad Sartaj and Terence Russo detail...

AsOne LEADS: Lessons Learned in Building a Behavioral Health and Family-Centered Healthcare IT and Data Solution

AsOne Healthcare IPA launched the LEADS platform in February of this year, a first-of-its-kind IT and data solution to facilitate population health management and improve patient outcomes. LEADS was a collaborative effort: conceived by AsOne, developed by Netsmart Technologies, Inc. (Netsmart), and...

Workforce Training in the Age of COVID-19 and Zoom

Since its launch in 2018, Coordinated Behavioral Care’s (CBC) Training Institute (TI) has embodied a versatility befitting the evolving behavioral health landscape in which it operates. This ability to reflect both the training content and format necessary to resonate with its broad audience of...

Using Local Data to Reduce Suicide Death

Suicide is often considered to be the most preventable cause of death. Yet, recent years have seen steadily rising numbers of loss to suicide in the United States. This rise has occurred despite the cultural shift that has allowed the fact of suicide to come “out of the closet;” despite the...

Helping Vulnerable Populations During COVID-19: Challenges of Mitigation in Congregate Residential Settings

In New York City, tens of thousands of people with serious mental illness or developmental disabilities live in congregate housing or homeless shelters. For behavioral health agencies like the Institute for Community Living (ICL), the COVID-19 pandemic has presented an urgent challenge: With over...

Using Data Geomapping for COVID-19 Hotspotting

Coordinated Behavioral Care (CBC) Independent Practice Association (IPA) has been developing over the last year a real-time interactive Geomap of all the network agencies, programs and services across the 5 boroughs using data from NYS OMH, OASAS, DOH as well as internal data sources. When...