Commentary: Break Down Walls Between Services for Mental Health, Addiction
One in four. That’s how many adults in the U.S. living with severe mental illness are also living with substance use disorders. In New York, 1.4 million people are living with both mental health and substance use challenges. Yet these issues are too often addressed as distinct and separate,...
Digital Transformation, Virtual Learning, and the Resilient Organization
With onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, human services organizations across the United States had their worlds turned upside down. For many, the effects of the pandemic only exacerbated the community issues their organizations were founded to fight. The increased risk of infection, the effects...
Attracting and Retaining Employees During the Workforce Crisis of 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic is beyond unpredictable. No one can really say with certainty how and/or when this situation will be under control to the point where behavioral health organizations can go back to normal or know what the new normal would look like. With lockdowns, social distancing, and a...
Training the Workforce in Non-Traditional Modalities of Self-Care: A COVID-19 Silver-Lining
Over the past 18 months, the pandemic and the many associated societal stressors, have caused great suffering, and the behavioral health (BH) workforce has been no exception. The novel coronavirus and ongoing pandemic have wrought tremendous personal loss, job and/or income insecurity, and forced...
Workforce Training in the Age of COVID-19 and Zoom
Since its launch in 2018, Coordinated Behavioral Care’s (CBC) Training Institute (TI) has embodied a versatility befitting the evolving behavioral health landscape in which it operates. This ability to reflect both the training content and format necessary to resonate with its broad audience of...
The Center for Practice Innovations: A Resource for the Behavioral Healthcare Workforce
The New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) and the Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University, established the Center for Practice Innovations at Columbia Psychiatry and New York State Psychiatric Institute (CPI) in 2007 to promote the widespread use of evidence-based practices developed...
Addressing the Human Services Workforce Crisis Through Training and Professional Development
In 2017, the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities provided a report (retrieved from https://www.nadsp.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/PCPID-2017_-Americas-Direct-Support-Workforce-Crisis-low-res.pdf) to the President of the United States regarding the workforce crisis...
Enhanced CRPA and CHW Training and Workforce Transformation
The Certified Recovery Peer Advocate (CRPA) and Community Health Worker (CHW) are two emerging workforce roles in health care. A CRPA is a person who uses lived experience with substance use disorder (SUD) and who have been certified to provide peer support services including non-clinical coaching,...
Staff Development at the Mental Health Association of Westchester
In recent editions of Behavioral Health News, we have written of sweeping transformations in services offered at The Mental Health Association of Westchester (MHA). These transformations require critical staff development - learning new skills and new processes of working. To manage these changes,...
Millennials in the Workplace: Investing in a Generation
Millennials are now the largest age demographic in the country and the fastest growing cohort in the workforce. Based on U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics, it is projected that by the end of next year millennials will make up 47 percent of the employees in the workplace, and five years later they...