Archive for the ‘Suicide’ Category

The Lens of Loss: Perspectives of Family Members Following Suicide Loss

When we think about the suicide of a loved one, we think of profound loss, of grief, of finding a way to endure amid unyielding pain. But we gain something in the aftermath, one nearly as burdensome. It is a new perspective: Loss becomes a lens through which life is lived. And it can be difficult...

Families and Suicide: How to Engage Your Child in Conversation

As parents, we must balance our feelings of anxiety and uncertainty, on top of our own emotions with those of our children. There are many aspects to the relationship between suicide and families, especially having conversations to find out if children are thinking about suicide. Many parents are...

You Don’t Have to Do this Alone: 988 Lifeline Offers Support for Loved Ones Concerned About Suicide

At a recent fund-raising event I attended for St. Vincent’s, CNN correspondent Randi Kaye was honored for her efforts to promote suicide prevention. In her acceptance remarks, she spoke about her family’s shock, disbelief and unanswered questions when her father died by suicide. She...

The Silent Battlefront of Veteran Suicide and the Measures Being Taken to Help Them

On Friday, May 30th, 2014, I woke up to one of the most devastating phone calls I’ve ever received. My best friend for almost a decade, Joshua Drury, who was in his mid-thirties at the time, had taken his life. Joshua had served many years in the U.S. Army prior to our meeting. While he told us...

The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: Playing a Vital Role in Building a Crisis Care Continuum

Ease of access to crisis care and a lack of funds to sustain operations of local, backup, and specialized crisis centers have long posed tremendous challenges to our behavioral health system. But on July 16, 2022, the nation went some way towards addressing that with the transition to the new, easy...

How Mental Health Stigma Drives Suicide Risk

The inter-relationship between suicide risk, mental illness, and stigma against mental illness is multi-faceted and strong. Both mental illness and suicide are highly stigmatized. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) identifies mental illness as a significant risk factor for...

NYS Office of Mental Health Announces Funding to Strengthen Suicide Prevention Efforts for Veterans and Uniformed Personnel

The New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) recently announced funding for a new initiative to strengthen resiliency and suicide prevention efforts among military Veterans and uniformed personnel, including law enforcement officers, firefighters, emergency medical service members, and...

Suicide Prevention is Everyone’s Business

September 10th of each year is World Suicide Prevention Day and that concurrent week is Suicide Prevention Week in the US. WellLife Network (WLN) routinely provides and offers community awareness and trainings for NYC and Long Island Communities. We would like to ask all agencies in NYC to...

988 Suicide Lifeline Expected in July 2022 Thanks to SAMHSA Grant

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) today announced Vibrant Emotional Health (Vibrant) will be the administrators of the new 988 dialing code for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Lifeline). A pair of the agency’s grants, totaling $48 million and...

A Safe Space: Digital Tools Supporting Mental Health

As the COVID-19 pandemic swept the globe last year, collectively, mental health challenges were intensified. With the pandemic, a series of lockdowns, restrictions, and preventative measures were put in place, forcing many of us into isolation, primarily interacting in digital spaces. We’ve also...