GoMo Health

Posts Tagged ‘Winter 2025 Issue’

Leveraging Digital Tools: Innovative Technology for Suicide Prevention and Support in Healthcare

Suicide remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide, with over 700,000 people taking their own lives each year (World Health Organization, 2021). Beyond the immense emotional toll it inflicts on families and friends, suicide places a heavy burden on healthcare systems. Over recent years,...

A Unique and Insidious Grief: Losing a Loved One to Suicide

Deaths by suicide are unquestionably tragic by any measure, but considerably more so when considered in the context of their impact on surviving family members. Most public health initiatives have logically targeted individuals at risk of suicide and promoted prevention efforts accordingly; fewer...

Commentary: Break Down Walls Between Services for Mental Health, Addiction

One in four. That’s how many adults in the U.S. living with severe mental illness are also living with substance use disorders. In New York, 1.4 million people are living with both mental health and substance use challenges. Yet these issues are too often addressed as distinct and separate,...

Black Women and Suicide: The Silent Crisis and Its Aftermath on Families

Suicide among Black women is a heartbreaking and complex issue that has often been overlooked in public health discussions. Despite the cultural narratives of strength and resilience surrounding Black women, they face mental health challenges that are deeply rooted in historical and social...

The Heavy Burden of Suicide Survivor’s Guilt: Understanding, Coping and Moving Forward

Family, friends, and even mere acquaintances are left with a wide range of feelings after someone in their life commits suicide. Feelings of responsibility, regret, and helplessness manifest in a complex experience called Survivor’s Guilt. This painful guilt grows from a sense of intense remorse...