GoMo Health

Posts Tagged ‘volunteers’

Elevate Your Agency’s Work with an Associate Board

When you work in the nonprofit sector, there is always more work to be accomplished. Volunteers can play a major part in a nonprofit’s success, but the process for building out a volunteer program is not always easy and often fraught with challenges. One way to improve your ability to maximize...

Adapting the Compeer Volunteer Program During COVID-19

It was mid-March 2020, and I, like so many others, will never forget how concerned I felt as I prepared to leave my office indefinitely to work from home due to the threat of COVID-19-19. It was a time when all of us were worried about our health and our futures, regardless of our circumstances....

Let’s Celebrate Our Workforce

Every day when he left home to serve as the attending psychiatrist at an inpatient unit at a general hospital, he wondered whether he would contract COVID at work that day and bring it home to his wife and two small children. Maybe he had already brought it home. Had stripping in the garage and...