GoMo Health

Posts Tagged ‘stress’

Secondary Traumatic Stress: A Key Piece of the Conversation

The personal impact of being in the helping profession never crossed my mind when I was in graduate school on my way to becoming a social worker. My focus was on gleaning what I could from my professors and building what I hoped would be the most complete set of clinical skills. I was unaware at...

10 Tips to Ease COVID “Re-Entry Anxiety”​

As our communities move forward with re-openings and opportunities to return to the workplace, send kids back to school or socialize with friends and family, you may find yourself experiencing fear and anxiety - especially if you’ve been self-isolating or in quarantine for a long period of time....

Navigating America’s Unprecedented Mental Health Winter of 2020/2021

As the dust settles on one of the most polarizing and emotionally charged presidential races in the United States’ history, the country finds itself in the midst of a mental health crisis of historic proportions. The mental health aftershocks of the 2020 election will be felt for months...

Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention in the Time of COVID-19

Socioemotional challenges and crises are felt across the full spectrum of the population, not sparing any ethnic, racial, nationality, or age group. The personal and interpersonal consequences have been far-reaching in this current environment for both those with prior vulnerabilities and emotional...

A South Asian Perspective on COVID-19 Trauma: A Short Overview

On May 4th, 2020, The Washington Post published an article titled as follows, “The coronavirus pandemic is pushing America into a mental-health crisis.” It talks about the rise in the mental health needs of communities and the increased call for tele-mental health services while mental health...

Maintaining Clinician Wellness During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has almost instantly raised the stakes on our perception of stress in our lives. Think about the things that until very recently kept you up at night- the prosaic stressors of “normal life” in the professional, financial, community and familial realms- and you will likely...

Healthcare Workers: Remember to Care for Yourself Too

The anxiety and fear resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic can be profound, and nowhere is that more evident than with front line healthcare workers. Working long hours in substandard conditions with patients who are often very ill and highly contagious, they fear for their personal health and that...

Managing Burnout and Compassion Fatigue Through Self-Care Strategies

We care about our family members, close friends, our clients, our students, and many others in our lives. We experience their accomplishments and excitement as well as their struggles and despair. Because we care about others and want to do all that we can in their best interests, this relationship...