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Posts Tagged ‘Spring 2023 Issue’

Disasters: The Importance of Fighting Mental Health Stigma

The last few decades have seen a steady increase in disasters around the world. Whether caused by humans or nature, for many communities disasters occur with such frequency that they overlap each other. The traditional Phases of Disaster model–anticipation, impact, adaptation, and recovery...

Shame and Hunger: Breaking the Stigma Through Lived Experiences

In the United States, the U.S. Department of Agriculture reports that 33.8 million Americans are food insecure. These individuals do not have access to enough food to meet the needs of their household; thus, they must employ various coping strategies to stretch the food they can acquire. Yet,...

Overcoming Self-Stigma in Bipolar Disorder: A Targeted Intervention for an Urgent Problem

For many with bipolar disorder, as well as other mental health conditions, stigma remains a real and regular burden in everyday life. In addition to the stressors and difficulties of the condition, the experience of stigma can lead to a host of deleterious outcomes including lower self-esteem,...

Countering Stigma – Speaking as if Our Words Matter

There are now several identified strategies that can help address stigma toward populations with behavioral health challenges. Some involve providing public education. Some involve the addition of addiction and mental health‑related curricula to educational institutions and training programs for...

The Ways That Stigma Hurts People Who Use Substances and How to Help

Stigma hurts, when stigmatizing language is used against those with substance use disorders. In a study by the Recovery Research Institute,1 314 survey respondents were asked to answer questions about two individuals who were using substances. The only difference in the way that the individuals...

Working with Newly Arrived Asylum Seekers: A Firsthand Look

New York Psychotherapy and Counseling Center (NYPCC) has been working with newly arrived immigrants since inception in 1974. With the majority of our clinicians bi-lingual, we pride ourselves in meeting the mental health needs of our Latinx population through a culture lens. It’s one thing to...

Developing a Culture of Accountability and Belonging

Creating a psychologically safe and inclusive work culture of Accountability and Belonging is central to the role of a developing anti-racist leader. The culture of any organization is shaped by the worst behavior that leaders are willing to tolerate. An effective culture shift requires the...

Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Illness: Changing Minds and Creating Opportunities

What can be done to overcome the stigma of mental illness? Because stigma is generally understood as a concatenation of negative attitudes and beliefs, community mental health education designed to change people’s minds seems to be what is needed. But there is another way to think about stigma -...

Overcoming Stigma Through Education and Capacity Building in Communities

Social Stigma, according to Wikipedia, is the disapproval of, or is discrimination against, an individual or identifiable group of people based on perceived characteristics that serve to distinguish them from other members of a society. Stigma can negatively affect the emotional, mental, and...

Art: A Tool for Breaking Stigma

While the reasons for stigma around mental illness are complex and vary by community – we know its prevalence prevents many from seeking treatment – from finding help and building a better life. At the Institute for Community Living (ICL), we offer an array of support services for people...