Posts Tagged ‘mental health’

The Silent Battlefront of Veteran Suicide and the Measures Being Taken to Help Them

On Friday, May 30th, 2014, I woke up to one of the most devastating phone calls I’ve ever received. My best friend for almost a decade, Joshua Drury, who was in his mid-thirties at the time, had taken his life. Joshua had served many years in the U.S. Army prior to our meeting. While he told us...

Family Mental Health: How Your Organization Programs and Services Are Helping

For over 50 years, Vibrant Emotional Health (formerly known as The Mental Health Association of NYC) has been fulfilling its mission to help people achieve mental and emotional well-being with dignity and respect. The work of the organization has branched into comprehensive direct service programs...

Consumer Perspectives: Regaining Hope in Our Future

This article is part of a quarterly series giving voice to the perspectives of individuals with lived experiences as they share their opinions on a particular topic. The authors are served by Services for the UnderServed (S:US), a New York City-based nonprofit that is committed to giving every New...

Innovative Programs are Transforming New York State’s Behavioral Healthcare System

As we recover from the COVID Pandemic, we must look forward to the future and the critical issues our behavioral health care system will need to address. We know that over 40% of New Yorkers will have a mental health impact from this pandemic and we are seeing over twice the number of our youth...

Employee Mental Health Benefits in the Private Sector: Workplace Programs and Hiring Policies

According to a recent study by Mental Health America, about fifty million Americans are experiencing some kind of mental illness. Each year, major depression affects more than 8% of about twenty-one million American adults. No matter a person's origin, age, status, line of work, or other personal...

Consumer Perspectives: Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Health, Chronic Illness, and Homelessness

This article is part of a quarterly series giving voice to the perspectives of individuals with lived experiences as they share their opinions on a particular topic. The authors are served by Services for the UnderServed (S:US), a New York City-based nonprofit that is committed to giving every New...

How Mental Health Stigma Drives Suicide Risk

The inter-relationship between suicide risk, mental illness, and stigma against mental illness is multi-faceted and strong. Both mental illness and suicide are highly stigmatized. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) identifies mental illness as a significant risk factor for...

Depression Detection Has Never Been More Important: PHQ-9 Enables Clinicians and Patients to Track and Address Depression With Combined Physical and Emotion Symptoms Score

The COVID-19 pandemic, armed conflicts, economic dislocations, and other concerns have affected mental health around the globe. Clinical depression, which affects 300 million individuals worldwide, is projected to increase. With findings that are significant for both clinicians and patients,...

Personalized Recovery Oriented Services (PROS) Clients Share Their Lived Experiences of Stigma

During the month of May, we at the St. Vincent’s Personalized Recovery Oriented Services (PROS) program participated in the observance of Mental Health Month. The topic “Mental Health Stigma” was so timely in the face of current events taking place in our society. This particular...

A Cruel Irony: Less Mental Health Stigma but Fewer Behavioral Health Clinicians

Mental health outreach is more prevalent than it has ever been before. Efforts to encourage people to ask for help are seen online, on television, on college campuses, and in corporate headquarters. Many are sponsored by governments, but businesses, educational institutions, and foundations have...