GoMo Health

Posts Tagged ‘compassion’

Stigma: How Vocabulary and Language Can Make a Difference

Compassionate language can improve care and change the stigma associated with substance use disorder. The terms or phrases healthcare providers use to discuss substance use are often imbued with negative connotations that create bias. Research shows harm reduction-based vocabulary and education can...

Modeling Compassion to Reduce Mental Health Stigma

I grew up believing that I lived in a perfect family, including my grandparents’ generation. In a way, this provided a sense of safety and positivity in my world. As I grew older, I came to know about relatives who struggled with depression and anxiety. I also learned of individual and family...

How Modeling Compassion Can Help Reduce Stigma in Mental Health

In recent years, as our understanding of mental illness has continued to develop, we have seen many positive changes that have impacted behavioral health care and the lives of consumers. Nevertheless, public and personal misconceptions about mental illness continue to be of concern as it creates...

They Are Us

If the last two years have shown us anything it has shown us how resilient we are. It has also reminded us all just how vulnerable we can be. These are two important truths that are too often overlooked, forgotten, or denied. As we strive to build mental health awareness in our communities, it is...

Internalized Stigma

Stigma around mental health is not an unfamiliar conversation in professional circles and, thanks to the hard work of countless teams and individuals, stigma is becoming a more common conversation in our communities, albeit a recent conversation. Prior to this work, stigma didn’t have a context...