GoMo Health

Posts Tagged ‘cognitive behavioral therapy’

Enhancing Therapeutic Conversations with Sentiment Analysis in Natural Language Processing

Therapy can greatly enhance an individual’s ability to communicate effectively during challenging times. Therapeutic discussions are essential in mental health care. They play a crucial role in mental health treatment by enabling patients to delve into their emotions, past traumas, and life...

Anxiety and Psychosomatic Symptoms in Schools

Psychosomatic symptoms are the physical and physiological experiences caused by mental or emotional conflict or distress, such as anxiety. Often, they are dismissed as being imagined or exaggerated, likely because they are part of someone’s internal experience. It is important to note...

What is Imposter Phenomenon and How Can it Result in Anxiety and Depression?

Have you ever felt like an imposter in your own life? People who experience this phenomenon express the feeling that they might not be as talented or intelligent as others might believe them to be. They hesitate to credit their experience or problem-solving skills when responding to compliments or...

Applied Behavior Analysis as a Treatment for Survivors of Trauma

Understanding trauma has become a major focus for many different fields of mental health, with each proposing a different strategy for addressing traumatic symptoms and core issues. This has not been an easy feat for several reasons. First, the current reports of trauma are only as accurate as the...