BHN Winter 2024 Issue

“The Role of Housing and Employment in the Recovery Process”

BHN Winter 2024 Issue: The Role of Housing and Employment in the Recovery Process

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Articles in This Issue

A State Agency’s Role in Supporting Housing and Employment within Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery

Addressing Social Determinants of Health Among Individuals Experiencing Homelessness

Assisting Individuals with Employment at WJCS Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics

Consumer Perspectives: The Synergy of Housing and Employment Services in Mental Healthcare

Critical Questions for the Development of Housing that Supports Recovery

Expanding Affordable Housing and Jobs Programs as Strategies for Addressing the Mental Health and Overdose Crises

Expanding Permanent Supportive Housing is Essential to Robust Social Safety Net

Finding the Perfect Fit with Peer Support: Navigating Employment with Mental Illness

Lived Experience as a Professional Pathway

Peer Support Workforce Shortages Anticipated: What You Can Do

Preparing Youth with Behavioral Health Needs to Enter the Workforce: A Pathway to Housing

Recovery Reimagined: Integrating Housing and Employment Support

Redefining Supported and Transitional Employment as Key Tools for Recovery

Safe at Last: SOS Offers Options to Support the Homeless

Safe, Stable Housing and Employment Are Key Social Determinants of Health, and Critical for Recovery!

Spotlight on Janian Medical Care

Stand Up for Mental Health: Comedy that Gets Respect!

Supporting Recovery Together: The Impact of Family Involvement on Housing and Employment Outcome

Supportive Housing Workers are Burnt-Out, Overworked, and in Dire Need of Support

The Impact of Housing on Mental Health Issues and Substance Misuse

The Integrated Role of Housing and Employment in Recovery

The Road to Recovery Through Housing and Employment

What is Imposter Phenomenon and How Can it Result in Anxiety and Depression?

What is Old is New Again: Recognizing the Value of Housing and Employment in Recovery

What OCD is and What it Isn’t: Demystifying Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Working Toward Employment: A Journey of Growth and Support

Working Works: Considerations and Resources for Navigating Employment in the Recovery Journey

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