GoMo Health

Posts Tagged ‘pain management’

Disparities in Pain Management: Examining Cultural Inequities and the Critical Role of Behavioral Health Providers

For decades, pain management and the treatment of chronic pain (CP) have proven to be a complex, costly, and challenging area within the healthcare industry. While advancements in best practices for treating CP have evolved to include multimethod and multidisciplinary team approaches that...

Chronic Pain and Its Impacts: An Overview & Possible Management Options

When a person goes through depression, the impact of that weight can manifest in the form of physical pain and other bodily discomfort. On the other hand, chronic pain has a significant effect on behavioral health. Recurring physical pain can lead to mood swings, lack of appetite, lack of...

Coping With Chronic Pain: Good Advice Is Easy to Give but Hard to Take

Like many people, I live with pain every day. I’m lucky that, for the most part, my pain is tolerable and doesn’t interfere too much with my life. I walk slowly—but I walk. I sleep badly, but I sleep. It’s tough to sit in a car going long distances. Fortunately, my wife now does the...

NYSPA Report – Chronic Pain and Behavioral Health: Underlying Data and Regulatory Responses

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines chronic pain as pain lasting more than three months that can result from an underlying medical disease or condition, injury, medical treatment, inflammation, or unknown cause.1 Studies find a strong correlation between pain and mental...