Posts Tagged ‘mental health’

The Integration of Treatment and Recovery: Special Considerations for Working with Children

Historically, the term “recovery” was commonly associated with substance use/addiction services and was popularized in the United States through Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) (Witkiewitz, K., et al., 2020). Beginning in 1939, AA published materials highlighting recovery as a personal journey toward...

How Peers Contribute to Treatment and Recovery on CBC’s Pathway Home™ Care Transition Team

Community-based care management services are vital in helping New York City’s most vulnerable members navigate an evolving healthcare landscape. CBC’s Pathway Home™ (PH) program is an evidence based multidisciplinary care transition intervention, tailored to walk side by side members from...

OnTrackNY: An Early Intervention Program to Interrupt Psychosis

A year ago, 21-year-old Christine* started hearing voices saying terrible things about her. She wondered “why doesn’t anyone around me admit to hearing them?” And now people have started to spy on her, through her phone. Her parents were upset that she wasn’t able to contribute to the...

The Many Benefits of Volunteer Programming

Like many nonprofit organizations, The Bridge welcomes volunteers who are willing to donate their time and expertise to further our mission and enrich the lives of our clients. Founded in 1954 as a self-help organization for adults diagnosed with a serious mental illness, The Bridge has since...

How Volunteering Benefits the Mental Health of 124 “Foster Grandparents”

Florence, a senior citizen who volunteers in the Federation of Organizations’ Foster Grandparent Program (FGP), donned a wide-brimmed hat to teach a second-grade class about the history of the Kentucky Derby. Florence read “Seabiscuit, The Wonder Horse,” which discusses the history of the...

Office of Mental Health Receives Grant to Expand Access to Fresh Healthy Produce to People with Mental Illness

The NYS Office of Mental Health (OMH) has received a $200,000 award to help people with mental illness gain access to healthy, fresh produce. The grant, from the NYS Health Foundation, will be used to expand the FreshConnect Checks Program and bring mobile farmers’ markets to congregate housing...

Resources to Address Mental Health and Resiliency in School Settings

Going to school during a pandemic can be challenging for families and schools. The following resources are designed to address mental health and resiliency in school settings. Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Resources SAMHSA funds the MHTTC Network, which is a collaborative...

The Important Role Volunteers Play in OMH’s Mission to Help Vulnerable New Yorkers

Volunteers are extraordinary people who play a critical role in behavioral healthcare. This was never more evident than during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic when the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) reached out to mental health care professionals and asked that they...

As Students Grapple with Leave of Absence Challenges, Manuals Aim to Offer a Better Way Forward

David Mink finished the spring semester of his freshman year at Macalester College in Minnesota with a 0.0 GPA, amid a process in which he would take a semester of classes, withdraw, and try again. “I just kept banging my head into the wall and felt like nothing was working,” Mink says....

Behavioral Health News Spotlight on Excellence – An Interview with Steve Miccio, CEO of People USA

Overview David Minot, Executive Director of Mental Health News Education, the non-profit organization that publishes Behavioral Health News, interviews Steve Miccio, CEO of People USA. Steve speaks about the Crisis Stabilization Center located in Dutchess County, NY and his collaboration with the...