GoMo Health

Posts Tagged ‘language’

Countering Stigma – Speaking as if Our Words Matter

There are now several identified strategies that can help address stigma toward populations with behavioral health challenges. Some involve providing public education. Some involve the addition of addiction and mental health‑related curricula to educational institutions and training programs for...

Countering Stigma Through Education and Outreach

Stigma around mental illness remains an all-too-common occurrence, despite the increased availability of information about mental illnesses and the national discourse on prioritizing mental well-being. While we have made great strides in understanding mental illness, false perceptions of weakness,...

Updating Mental or Behavioral Health Language and Design to a Modern Healthcare Approach

More and more today, mental health care is accepted as an optimal course of action for millions of people. Those seeking care anticipate restorative outcomes. As recently as thirty years ago, mental health institutions were referred to in derogatory terms. Many of these secure institutional...

Recovery and Inclusion: A Viewpoint in Retrospect

Currently we are faced with a delicate dance, between saving lives and promoting and perpetuating a zombie underclass. Tens of thousands are dying from drug overdose each year. Those who are living in addiction inflict on the society, higher healthcare costs, crime rates and human services costs....