GoMo Health

Posts Tagged ‘healthcare disparities’

Time to Confront the Challenges of an Aging America

America is aging rapidly.1 Over the next few decades, the proportion of adults 65 and older will come to exceed the proportion of children under 18 – an historic first.2 And as the number of older adults grows from approximately 56 million at the beginning of this decade to 85 million in 2050,3...

Disparities in Pain Management: Examining Cultural Inequities and the Critical Role of Behavioral Health Providers

For decades, pain management and the treatment of chronic pain (CP) have proven to be a complex, costly, and challenging area within the healthcare industry. While advancements in best practices for treating CP have evolved to include multimethod and multidisciplinary team approaches that...

Innovative Programs are Transforming New York State’s Behavioral Healthcare System

As we recover from the COVID Pandemic, we must look forward to the future and the critical issues our behavioral health care system will need to address. We know that over 40% of New Yorkers will have a mental health impact from this pandemic and we are seeing over twice the number of our youth...