GoMo Health

Posts Tagged ‘assessment’

Using the Partnership to End Addiction’s Online Risk Assessment Tool to Assess and Combat Children’s Risk of Developing Addiction

As a society, we’re well versed in the factors that can increase our risk for diseases like cancer and diabetes. But what about risk factors for addiction? Addiction, like diabetes and cancer, is a disease. And as a disease, it is caused by a combination of many different factors:...

Depression Detection Has Never Been More Important: PHQ-9 Enables Clinicians and Patients to Track and Address Depression With Combined Physical and Emotion Symptoms Score

The COVID-19 pandemic, armed conflicts, economic dislocations, and other concerns have affected mental health around the globe. Clinical depression, which affects 300 million individuals worldwide, is projected to increase. With findings that are significant for both clinicians and patients,...

Is Technology a Social Determinant of Health?

In late March of 2020, Alicia R. called the intake line at Service Program for Older People (SPOP), a New York City-based behavioral health care provider for older adults. This was during the peak of the initial COVID-19 outbreak in New York City and all residents were advised to remain in their...

Kids Do Get Better: Values Driven Inpatient Care

In New York State, and across the country, the story of how mental health care began begins with inpatient care provided in large institutions located in a bucolic rural environment. This “humane treatment,” in its day, was considered a progressive avant-garde form of care. For decades this...