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Posts Tagged ‘artificial intelligence’

Digital Technologies Hold Promise for Behavioral Health Service Providers and Recipients

Our healthcare and social welfare systems face grave challenges amid an unprecedented demand for services. The acute economic instability of recent years, environmental degradation attributable to global climate change, and chronic sociopolitical upheaval have compromised public health and...

Empowering Patients through Accessible Electronic Health Records: Benefits and Challenges

The integration of digital technology in healthcare has ushered in a new era of patient empowerment, providing an unprecedented level of engagement and autonomy in managing one’s health by enabling easier access to electronic health records (EHRs). This transformation has significantly altered...

How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Combat Addiction

Substance use disorder is a worldwide problem. A report by the Addiction Center shows that in the United States, more than 21 million people have a substance use disorder. Another report by the National Drug Control Budget highlights that the government spends more than $44.5 billion dollars...

A Decade of Advancements in Behavioral Health Technology for Pennsylvania Students

The year was 2014, and Drexel University, where I was working at the time, partnered with Pennsylvania’s Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) in submitting and being awarded a 5-year, $736,000 annually Garrett Lee Smith (GLS) grant for youth suicide prevention. Our...

AI and Home Care: Navigating Challenges and Embracing Innovation to Meet Growing Needs

We are on the brink of a significant transformation in healthcare, driven by two converging crises: an aging population and an overburdened workforce. As the number of elderly individuals requiring care continues to grow, the home care sector faces unprecedented challenges due to high staff burnout...