A Trauma-Informed Approach to the 1115 Waiver: A Critical Ingredient for Success

Despite an increasing recognition and surge of evidence that trauma is pervasive and has significant negative health consequences, the traditional healthcare system has not yet been configured in a way that is adequately responsive to this knowledge. Conversely, the system creates barriers to...

Promoting Post-Pandemic Growth

Post-pandemic life is at the forefront of most people’s minds right now. How could it not be when it reaches into every corner of our lives? Post-pandemic socialization, employment, childcare, recreation; the list goes on and on. It is not uncommon to hear people talking about a return to normal,...

Priming for Post-Traumatic Growth

There is no shortage of media attention to the mental health impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic. It is so important to raise awareness of this, in order to diminish the stigma, normalize the experience, and help give people the tools they need to navigate through these challenging and...

Ongoing Transformations at The MHA of Westchester

The Mental Health Association of Westchester (MHA) continues to actively transform the delivery of our expansive array of services, increasingly moving from a conceptual commitment to provide holistic services to operationalizing a unified fabric of existing and newly created services....