GoMo Health

You Don’t Have to Do this Alone: 988 Lifeline Offers Support for Loved Ones Concerned About Suicide

At a recent fund-raising event I attended for St. Vincent’s, CNN correspondent Randi Kaye was honored for her efforts to promote suicide prevention. In her acceptance remarks, she spoke about her family’s shock, disbelief and unanswered questions when her father died by suicide. She...

Personalized Recovery Oriented Services (PROS) Clients Share Their Lived Experiences of Stigma

During the month of May, we at the St. Vincent’s Personalized Recovery Oriented Services (PROS) program participated in the observance of Mental Health Month. The topic “Mental Health Stigma” was so timely in the face of current events taking place in our society. This particular...

Schizophrenia: Current Research and Treatment

Ways of Looking at Schizophrenia “I was of three minds, like a tree in which there are three blackbirds.” Wallace Stevens, Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird It’s an interesting time, to look back and look forward, at the state of psychiatric practice in the treatment of...

After the Hospital the Real Treatment Begins

It is often in the period following an inpatient psychiatric hospitalization that the “real treatment” begins. After stabilizing the most severe symptoms that compromise a patient’s functioning, the patient and his or her therapist must then collaborate on the next steps that will help to...