GoMo Health

Zero Suicide in the United States

We have started to finally recognize and respond to the serious public health concerns about suicide in the United States. The “Zero Suicide” (ZS) initiative was developed to provide a systemic approach to the prevention of suicide (Laboullere, et al., 2018). In 2010 the National Action...

Veterans Heroic Battle with the Opioid Epidemic

How can we ever fully thank our veterans for their service? As a group of health care professionals, we have an obligation to provide outstanding clinical care to this heroic population. Every Veterans Day we celebrate the service of all U.S. Military Veterans. We know that this courageous group...

Rural Workforce Development: Critical Challenges

The critical challenges that are associated with rural workforce development remain a significant issue in America. We have an obligation to explore the best ways of caring for the underserved rural population. Currently we have a health professions crisis unfolding. The federal government projects...

Understanding Eating Disorders in Gay Males

The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders estimate that men account for 1 million of the roughly 8 million Americans that suffer from eating disorders (McMurray, 2013). Within the gay community there is a hidden epidemic of eating disorders. Gay men are up to three times...

Innovative Treatment Choices for the Military Family

The military family system deserves to be given easy access to the most outstanding clinical treatments that we now have to offer. We are in the process of developing novel psychotherapeutic interventions for the heroes that have taken on the duty of defending our country with honor, commitment and...

Eating Disorders: Early Warning Signs and Assessment

For over two decades, people have been coming to my office to change. My job is to ask important and meaningful questions and to try and understand the answers that I receive. I have needed to know how to closely look for unknown truths never confessed that lead to growth and hope. Livingston...