Archive for the ‘Trauma-Informed Care’ Category

Five Lessons Learned in National Trauma-Informed Care Training

Over decades of practice-informed research, clinical support, and advocacy, a gradual embrace of trauma-informed care as a fundamental component to quality health service delivery has emerged. Every patient has a story - a context, and a set of experiences- that impact their health and wellbeing,...

Housing and Mental Health Services Are Key to Recovering from Trauma

This article is part of a quarterly series giving voice to the perspectives of individuals with lived experiences as they share their opinions on a particular topic. The authors are served by Services for the UnderServed (S:US), a New York City-based nonprofit that is committed to giving every New...

Secondary Traumatic Stress: A Key Piece of the Conversation

The personal impact of being in the helping profession never crossed my mind when I was in graduate school on my way to becoming a social worker. My focus was on gleaning what I could from my professors and building what I hoped would be the most complete set of clinical skills. I was unaware at...

Trauma-Informed Care in Community Mental Health Settings

Utilizing a trauma-informed approach in behavioral healthcare can potentially improve patients’ mental health and protect the well-being of providers. Integrating a trauma-informed approach, however, can seem overwhelming, as it requires resources, time, patience, and insight. Fortunately, the...

Championing a Hidden Health Crisis: Childhood Sexual Trauma

The contemporary English writer, Julian Barnes once wrote “Memories of childhood were the dreams that stayed with you after you woke.” Sadly so, for many children those memories of childhood are not laced with adjectives such as happy, trusting, innocent, precocious, fresh, sensitive, fanciful,...

ACES Are High: Transforming Systems of Care from Within

The concept of system transformation in behavioral health is one that has garnered much attention in recent years. In New York State, this often refers to the evolving iterations of Medicaid managed care and value-based payment. This transformation is focused on the “triple aim” of better care,...

Trauma and “Whole Person” Healthcare

Any effort to understand and treat co-occurring disorders cannot ignore the prevalence of trauma in the lives of those who are struggling with recovery from mental illness and addiction. A look at the trauma prevalence data in both general and behavioral health populations clearly makes the case....

Promoting Recovery for Individuals with Unidentified Trauma and Co-Occurring Disorders

Advancement of recovery for individuals with Co-Occurring Disorders has been recognized as a significant principle for the transformation of behavioral health services. Co-Occurring Disorders is defined as a mental health disorder being experienced along with the presence of a substance use...

Why Trauma Informed Care with Vulnerable Populations?

A vulnerable population can be described as a group of persons whose range of options is severely limited, who are frequently subjected to coercion in decision making, or who may be compromised in their ability to give informed consent (U.S. National Library of Medicine). There are many populations...

The System-of-Care Movement Through a Trauma-Informed Lens: Implications for Systems Transformation

Trying to change systems is never an easy task. Efforts to encourage, argue, incentivize, and mandate change, are often met with piecemeal results, only to revert back to business as usual. On rare occasions however, profound change can happen quickly and even effortlessly. These changes often...