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Archive for the ‘Race and Racism’ Category

Tips on Becoming an Antiracist Leader

White institutional culture is most often invisible. It determines the norms and standards in your organization and is damaging to the antiracist journey. It requires training your eyes to see, your ears to hear, and your voice to become racially fluent. The first step for an antiracist leader is...

Using the Seven Principles of Afrocentricity to Frame a Community-Based Organization’s Programs and Services for Individuals, Families, and Communities

Services for the UnderServed (S:US) is one the largest community-based, health and human services organizations in New York State and intentionally works daily to "right" societal imbalances by providing comprehensive and culturally responsive programming. The need to fulfill its mission of driving...

Critical Themes in Mental Health Treatment of African Americans: Past, Present, and Recommendations for the Future

Part One: The Past Must our mental health community, both locally, nationally, and internationally, surrender to the many mistakes that occurred in the past regarding the care and treatment of African Americans? Or is it possible that we can critically examine the historical antecedents, thinking...

Responding to the COVID Pandemic and Racial Injustice

One of the truths that have been exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic is that while the trauma and grief of COVID-19 and the accumulated racial injustices have been widespread, the impact has been felt more strongly in some communities. COVID-19 has been much more harmful to Black and Brown communities...

Beyond Data: Strategies to Reduce Racial Missteps for Behavioral Healthcare Providers

Discussions of social determinants of behavioral health (SDBH) are often limited to data. While statistics are extremely valuable to understand the impact of institutional and systemic forces across racial and economic lines, SDBH conversations regularly exclude practical means to raise the...

Anti-Racist Organizational Transformation: Questions and Answers with Mary Pender Greene, LCSW- R, CGP and Alan Siskind, PhD

Mary Pender Greene, LCSW-R, CGP, is a psychotherapist, career/executive coach, trainer, and consultant with a private practice in Midtown Manhattan. She has 20+ years of experience helping individuals, couples, companies, and nonprofits. Mary is the President & CEO of MPG Consulting, a...

The Culturally and Racially Safe Practice

Delivering mental health services is first and foremost about people – those of all races, cultures, and socioeconomic statuses. To provide high quality culturally and racially safe, affective services means being attuned to three key areas: 1) being knowledgeable of the clients’ lived...

Vulnerable Populations: People of Color in Leadership Roles

While we all know that much stress comes with leadership, authority and responsibility, People of Color (POC) in leadership roles must also deal with the unique stressor of structural racism. Viewing Barack Obama’s experience as President clearly indicates that even highly educated, successful...

Vulnerable Populations: People of Color in Leadership Roles

While we all know that much stress comes with leadership, authority and responsibility, People of Color (POC) in leadership roles must also deal with the unique stressor of structural racism. Viewing Barack Obama’s experience as President clearly indicates that even highly educated, successful...

Seeking Health Care Services While Undocumented

This article is the fourth in a series giving voice to the perspectives of individuals with lived experiences as they share their opinions on a particular topic. The authors of this column facilitated two focus groups with their peers to inform this writing. The authors are served by Services for...