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Archive for the ‘Addiction and Recovery’ Category

Addiction 2.0

When we think about addiction, we associate the word with an addiction to substances, such alcohol, tobacco, pills or other drugs. But in recent years, researchers have been studying behavioral addiction, an overwhelming desire to engage in a particular behavior or action. Some of the...

Embracing Harm Reduction

Many of the people we serve in supportive housing use drugs and alcohol; some in ways that disrupt their lives. That is a fact. Behavior change is hard. That is a truism, and a fact. It is our job as supportive housing providers to serve people who may have struggled for most of their lives with...

Brief Overview of Treatment and Prevention of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness

Substance abuse and psychiatric conditions frequently co-exist. According to NAMI, most mental health services are not adequately equipped to address both conditions. This makes treatment and prevention of substance abuse in the presence of mental illness a challenging task due to several moving...

Food Addiction: Chemical Dependency’s Twin

Most addicts start on the path to addiction using food as the first drug. The addict “to be” starts life with a genetic predisposition. Whatever was happening in the future addict’s life to set him/her on the addiction journey (with this genetic vulnerability), happened at an early age. The...

A Word or Two on Setting Boundaries

As I have worked my way through my recovery, I have had to learn a few things about setting boundaries. Learning to set boundaries has become a very important part of getting myself a few steps closer to being healthier and happier. I was absolutely clueless when the concept of setting...

Mental Health and Addiction Recovery: A Comparison

Three months ago, I accepted a new position as Director of the Center for Rehabilitation and Recovery at the Coalition of Behavioral Health Agencies. During the interview process, I was asked about my understanding of mental health recovery as it related to addiction recovery (an appropriate...

Building a Recovery Toolbox

Imagine that you are battling a mental health issue (problem, disorder, challenge). You see a therapist, receive medication, and find healthful ways to live your life. Now add in a second disorder. And then, top that off with an addiction! Many people facing these complex mental health challenges...

The Role of Intimacy on the Road to Recovery

The crucial role of romantic relationships is often overlooked or avoided when working with people who are on the road to recovery. Understanding that factors such as hope, connection and social support significantly minimize isolation and prevent relapse, the Institute for Community Living (ICL)...