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WellLife Network – A New Name and Strategy Reflects New Priorities and Directions for Leading Health & Human Services Agency

It’s a time of change, challenge and an opportunity for accomplishment. For individuals and families coping with a wide range of mental health, intellectual disabilities and drug addiction issues, human service agencies continue to seek viable solutions while facing new scrutiny from government and other funding sources on how to measure results, maintain efficiency and improve service delivery. Reflecting these new priorities is WellLife Network.

“The WellLife Network,” formerly known as PSCH/Pederson-Krag, has announced the launch of a rebranding campaign, beginning with the introduction of a new name and logo – the first of a number of exciting new initiatives that are intended to broaden public awareness about the agency’s mission and work, expand its fundraising base of support, and strengthen relationships with existing partners in government, business and the voluntary sector.

“For some 80 years, WellLife Network has been an integral part of the New York and Long Island community, providing vital services to those who are among our most vulnerable citizens,” said Alan M. Weinstock, CEO, WellLife Network. “Our new name and logo more clearly convey the vitality, purpose and essence of the WellLife Network mission – to empower individuals and families to realize their full potential for achieving meaningful goals, guided by principles of independence, health, wellness, safety and recovery.”

Cooking for the House Family Gives Farah Fulfillment

We see the results of our efforts every day, often in small, simple ways: Farah, one of our more than 1,100 residents with an intellectual/developmental disability or mental health challenge, enjoys cooking in her residence kitchen each morning. From scrambling eggs to baking chocolate chip cookies, Farah is the lead cook to four of her “sisters” – the residents in the Queens home they share. “I learned to cook for everyone in the house. I like that people really like my food, it makes me happy.” Each day they gather around the dining room table to exchange stories and prepare to begin a new day of experiences. They are family, five active participants of the more than 1,400 individuals with a developmental disability for whom the WellLife Network provides a warm, nurturing and safe living environment. The home direct service professionals who manage the house are central to the family and bring the caring and loving services that transform a house to a home.

A Network of Programs Serving New York and Long Island

WellLife Network operates its programs in over 300 locations across New York City and Long Island. A dedicated and skilled workforce of over 1,800 staff, volunteers, interns and consultants assists it in delivering high quality and highly-accountable services. “The agency’s multidisciplinary approach and centralized referral process helps to ensure that each person served receives the appropriate range of services and level of care,” said Shavone Hamilton, Chief Operating Officer. “Each person receives a mutually agreed upon individual treatment plan, coordinated by highly competent and supportive case management professionals.”

“The need for WellLife Network services has never been greater,” said Hamilton, “As New York State embraces technology to redesign its vast and costly health care system to integrate and manage care, government at all levels faces reduced revenues and an aging and more chronically disabled population. We are implementing a data warehouse that will deliver information that combines clinical, financial, quality, cost and patient experience data and which highlights our organizational performance relative to peers and national benchmarks.”

The work of WellLife Network is reflected in our vision: To create and provide necessary services that allow and encourage individuals with a mental illness, developmental disability or substance abuse issue live full, active lives within the community.

Triumph from Adversity

Jonathan, 36, was a man who faced many challenges. He fought mental illness almost all of his adult life. He was depressed and had little hope for a better future when he first came to WellLife Network. He still did not have any direction after being released from a state psychiatric hospital. With the assistance of caring case managers and counselors, Jonathan started talking to his doctors and attending his day program. Although he was nervous, he started getting accustomed to attending groups; and he also started expressing himself, and this made him feel better. Jonathan took control of his life, went to community college and trained to become a peer to help others who have been facing mental health issues. Jonathan has more goals to accomplish. He has his driving permit and will soon be taking his road test. He is saving money to buy a car so he can take his roommates shopping, go to his program, and socialize, instead of staying home all day. Jonathan has also been actively looking for employment, which is his present goal.

He is taking control of his life with the help of his clinical team, the supervision of WellLife Network and just the will to do better – and he is living a good life, once again. Jonathan said, “I am so grateful for the opportunity to have a good place to live and the help I get is wonderful. Thank-You WellLife Network.”

Partnerships that Make A Difference

WellLife Network has been inspired by a committed board of directors, dedicated staff, caring volunteers, respected collaborations with partners, the many individuals who support our work, and most importantly by the 5,500 people who each day seek our assistance.

WellLife Network is proud of its services to 25,500 New Yorkers each year and its leadership role in the development of new models of care. Our broad network of high quality, outcome-based health, disabilities, youth, family, housing, addiction recovery and community education services are supported by a robust infrastructure and sophisticated technology platforms. WellLife Network will increase our scale and capabilities to thrive and grow in a changing health care environment and will allow us to compete more effectively and with sustainability in the health and human services arena. WellLife Network’s vision of the future is based on the following tenets:

  • Compassion/Caring – the understanding, support, guidance and dedication of an outstanding staff, whose expertise and experience is augmented by a cadre of generous and devoted volunteers;
  • Partnerships – comprehensive, integrated programs built upon the deep and long-standing partnerships WellLife Network has developed with the public, private and voluntary sectors;
  • Fiscal Responsibility – WellLife Network will have a break-even budget for 2016 and has completed a long-term debt restructure that will provide a strong basis for implementing a five-year strategic reduction of administrative cost.

Sherry Tucker, CFO, WellLife Network, stated, “This is a time of rapid change and transformation in the health and social services sectors, as New York State and other funders, both public and private, transition to new service models. WellLife Network’s realigned service areas – which include Health, Disabilities, Youth & Families, Housing, Addiction Recovery and Care Coordination – position the agency to maintain its leadership role as a dynamic partner and solutions provider to our funders, and to continue to make a difference for all New Yorkers in assisting them to be well for life.”

For more information visit WellLife Network at: www.WellLifeNetwork.org or call 866.727.Well.

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