GoMo Health

Using Data Geomapping for COVID-19 Hotspotting

Coordinated Behavioral Care (CBC) Independent Practice Association (IPA) has been developing over the last year a real-time interactive Geomap of all the network agencies, programs and services across the 5 boroughs using data from NYS OMH, OASAS, DOH as well as internal data sources.

CBC COVID-19 Geomapping

When COVID-19 hit NYC, it became clear to CBC to use its technology and data analytic resources in order to assist behavioral health provider agencies in better understanding the potential impact of the crisis on the communities and populations they served. CBC expanded its Geomapping efforts by launching an enhanced CBC Network Programs & Services Map – powered by Tableau – with added COVID-19 related data at the zip code level in order to make the Geomaps more relevant to the current healthcare crisis.

As it became apparent that individuals 65 years and older are at higher risk for COVID-19 (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extra-precautions/people-at-higher-risk.html), CBC updated the Geomap with the average number of people 65 years old and over in each zip code. When the CDC reported that 33% of people who’d been hospitalized with COVID-19 were African American (https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/04/18/835563340/whos-hit-hardest-by-covid-19-why-obesity-stress-and-race-all-matter) and that race is related to heightened risk for poverty and various environmentally based chronic illnesses amongst other factors (https://labblog.uofmhealth.org/rounds/racial-disparities-time-of-covid-19),  CBC   chose to layer on data showing the percentage of individuals who do not identify racially as white in each zip code.

Utilizing these different data variables, the CBC COVID Geomap enables users to see what programs and services are available within the CBC Network in highly vulnerable and highly affected zip codes. Additionally, as an IPA whose mission is to provide support and advocacy to its network, CBC, in partnership with CBHS IPA and NYS OMH and OASAS, was able to use these Geomaps to successfully receive the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) 2020 Emergency Grants to Address Mental and Substance Use Disorders During COVID-19 (Emergency COVID-19) Award.

CBC COVID-19 Geomapping

“SUS is using the data to monitor trends and establish need. We used the data this week to help with a funding application to demonstrate the need for additional funding in our communities.”   – Services for the Underserved

“Staff appreciate having a tool to understand the impact of COVID-19 on the communities and neighborhoods CCNS serves, and to also support our clients with accessing necessary care and resources close to home.”   – Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services

“This tool has been useful in identifying other outpatient supports beyond ourselves that are accessible and servicing COVID-19 cases in proximity to our membership throughout the five boroughs.”   – Fountain House

“The information provided by the CBC COVID map is critical to agencies like JCCA that are on the front lines of supporting vulnerable children and families during the coronavirus crisis.”   – Jewish Child Care Association

Any requests for help in accessing the map or questions regarding it can be directed to its creator Khushi Shah kshah@imsnhyhealth.org, Data Solutions Manager at IMSNY – www.imsnyhealth.com.

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