GoMo Health

Posts Tagged ‘abstinence’

Critical Questions for the Development of Housing that Supports Recovery

There is no doubt that housing supports recovery – i.e., having a satisfying life as a person with a serious mental illness depends first and foremost on having a decent place to live – but many people need help to have decent housing. Amazingly, that was not recognized in the initial phase...

The Long History and Bright Future of Harm Reduction in New York State

For the past year, the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) has implemented a new division among its pillars of prevention, treatment, and recovery services. The newly formed Division of Harm Reduction seeks to bring both the harm reduction philosophy and its practical...

Caring for Yourself: Learning to Live with a Substance Use Disorder

Substance use and misuse have reached epidemic proportions across the United States. In a 2020  survey, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) estimated that more than 40 million individuals across the country over the age of 12 have a substance use disorder, with...