Acquiring Financial Skills for Career Advancement

As mental health professionals advance in their careers to higher positions, they will be called upon – particularly in the roles of manager, director, and executive director – to provide additional contributions in the area of financial management to ensure the organization’s continued...

How Managed Care Influences Treatment Plans

Until about 20 years ago, mental health professionals set fees based on training and experience and were reimbursed by health insurance companies a fair percentage of the bill. Mental health benefits are now part of managed care networks, meaning that patients are narrowly restricted to...

Addiction 2.0

When we think about addiction, we associate the word with an addiction to substances, such alcohol, tobacco, pills or other drugs. But in recent years, researchers have been studying behavioral addiction, an overwhelming desire to engage in a particular behavior or action. Some of the...

The Importance of Self-Care and Staff Care for Mental Health Professionals

Dr. Francis Peabody one wrote: “The secret of the care of the patient is caring for the patient.” We must practice self-care in order to prevent becoming “Wounded Warriors.” Adversity is one of the primary reasons people seek help, and it is the mission of the mental health professional...

Transforming Service Delivery Systems, Organizational and Administrative Structures

In looking at organizational infrastructures and the challenges involved in bringing about antiracist change, we invited leaders of not-for profit health and human service organizations to describe their experiences, and share what they have learned about what is required for transforming...