GoMo Health

Responding to First Responders: Even Superheroes Need Help Sometimes

As we contemplated writing about the job-related behavioral health needs of first responders, we were reminded of the post 9/11 poster showing two swaggering 6-year-old boys wearing blankets as capes with the tagline “Even Superheroes Need Help Sometime.” This poster was part of an advertising...

iCBT – Easing Integration of Behavioral and Primary Care

Meeting the challenges of integrating behavioral health into primary care settings requires out of the box thinking and clinician openness to working in new ways. While there has been growing recognition of the benefits of the Collaborative Care Model to improve both health and behavioral health...

The Evolution of Recovery-Oriented Services in NYC and at MHA-NYC

New York City has a long and proud history of providing a wide range of recovery-oriented programs for individuals with serious and persistent mental illness. Following in the activist path of Clifford Beers who started the modern mental health movement in 1909, six former psychiatric patients and...

Riding the Wave of Health Care Reform

Addictions and risky use of addictive substances constitute one of the largest and most costly public health issues facing the nation, but addiction care has been vastly under-resourced and remains largely separate from mainstream medical and behavioral health care practice. Unrecognized and...