GoMo Health

From the Publisher: Health Reform Must Not Jeopardize the People We Serve

Budget cutting has become a top priority for virtually all political leaders from the President on down to every Governor, County Executive, and Mayor in the land. As a result, health care reform and the effort to transform America’s behavioral health systems to promote recovery (both of which...

From the Publisher: Reflections on My Father’s Golden Years

In recent years there has been an explosion of interest and research to discover the cause and ways to successfully treat Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. There are new medications to stave off brain decline and if already in decline, to improve the brain’s cognitive ability. There are also...

Residential Treatment Services as a Vital Part of the Continuum of Care for Children, Adolescents and Young Adults – An Interview with Harvey Newman, CEO of Wellspring Residential Treatment Facility

Wellspring is a residential treatment facility located in Bethlehem, Connecticut. Mental Health News recently met with Wellspring CEO Harvey Newman, MSW to discuss residential care and its benefit to the patients that it serves. In the interview that follows, we learn from Mr. Newman how...

Regarding Divorced People with Mental Illness and the Expression “Being on the Dole” – Two Issues that Warrant Our Attention

This issue of Mental Health News examines the topic “Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents.” As children are our future, there can be no more important area of vital concern than providing for their mental health. Our topic could fill volumes, yet in the short span of this issue...

Being Your Own Caregiver When There Is Nobody Else

This issue of Mental Health News examines the topic “Addressing the Needs of Caregivers.” The response to our theme was very enthusiastic with many people indicating how happy they were that we were examining this import and timely subject. Throughout the many wonderful articles in this issue...

An Update on the RAISE Schizophrenia Research Project – An Interview with Jeffrey A. Lieberman, MD

Over the past several issues, Mental Health News has been following the progress of the RAISE project, an NIMH sponsored research study that is examining the role and potential that early and specific interventions can play in the recovery of people that have just been recently diagnosed with...

An Interview with Helen Blair Simpson, MD, PhD, Director of the Anxiety Disorders Clinic at the NYS Psychiatric Institute

Understanding the science and treatment of anxiety disorders can take years of study and the commitment to conduct painstaking scientific research and countless treatment sessions with patients. In a candid interview with Mental Health News, Dr. Helen Blair Simpson gives us a unique look into the...

An Interview with Linda Rosenberg, MSW, President and CEO of The National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare

In our continuing efforts to keep our readers informed of important issues on the advocacy and political scene, Mental Health News spoke with Linda Rosenberg, MSW, President and CEO of The National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare. In the interview that follows, Linda Rosenberg gives us...

An Update on the National RAISE Schizophrenia Project – An Interview with John Kane, MD

The last issue of Mental Health News was devoted to the science, research, treatment and understanding of schizophrenia. As a follow-up to this important area of study and understanding, I had the opportunity to speak with John Kane, MD, one of the principal investigators and leaders of the...

From the Publisher – A Look into the World of Anxiety Disorders

I felt that it would be useful to our readers that we devote this issue of Mental Health News to taking a fresh look into the world of anxiety disorders. We last visited this topic in our Winter 2006 issue. At that time The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) estimated that 19 Million...