GoMo Health

Circle of Security Parenting Program: A Wise Early Intervention Investment to Promote Healthy Futures

As New York State transitions children, youth, and family services into Medicaid managed care, there must be far greater attention, capacity, and investment in tools and strategies that promote early childhood development. According to The Heckman Equation, investment in early development is a...

Symptoms of Depression and the Role of Traumatic Brain Injury

An elementary school student displays uncooperative behavior, emotional outbursts, social difficulties and learning challenges, and is placed in special education. A young veteran, recently home from active duty, attempts to return to pre-deployment functioning, but is hampered by feelings of...

Meeting the Housing Needs of Young Adults with Behavioral Health Challenges

Imagine being 18 years old, or even 25, and having no place to call home. For a young person with few or ruptured ties to family and community, a roof overhead is simply not enough. A growing body of neuroscientific evidence confirms what we have long known intuitively, that brain development and...

Is Mental Health Keeping Pace with Applications of Technology?

Henry Ford was once quoted as saying, “If I had asked them what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” The world has seen advances in communications that few could have imagined only fifty years ago. Since the invention of the worldwide web in 1973, there has been a virtual...

Staying in Balance: Helping Nonprofits Manage Stress in an Uncertain Economy

As the economy began to cool down, business at New York City nonprofit organizations began to heat up. In June of 2009, more than 375,000 New York City residents were unemployed, increasing NYC’s unemployment rate to 9.5% - the highest level in over 10 years (New York State Department of Labor,...

The Aftermath of Trauma: How a Mental Health Community Responds

Traumatic events are naturally stressful on our bodies and on our minds. Feelings of fear, helplessness, anxiety, and emotional distress are generally common in populations exposed to trauma and these symptoms can last for many months and even years. Whether natural disasters, such as Hurricane...