GoMo Health

A Paradigm Shift: Addressing Two Misrecognitions About the Stigma of Mental Illness

The stigma of mental illness has proven to be persistent and stubbornly immune to a wide range of stigma-reducing campaigns, programs, and interventions. The intensity of stigma varies by diagnosis, with depression and anxiety being less stigmatizing than, for example, schizophrenia and bipolar...

A Social Determinants Perspective of the Intersection of Ageism, Racism and Social Isolation During COVID-19

There is now well-established evidence on how long-standing systemic health and social inequities compound one’s risk of acquiring COVID-19. However, further research is needed to explore how disadvantaged social status(es) may interact with mandated or recommended social policies that aim to...

Integrating the Social and Cultural Determinants of Health into Peer Advocates Training

The phrase social and cultural determinants of health has entered the lexicon of medical and social service providers and is often mentioned alongside health disparities. Since the early 90s, public health researchers have been suggesting that a person’s socioeconomic characteristics, including...